Hunting High School

Chapter 296 Ancient Magic

"Is this a threat?"

"No," the boy immediately denied, "This is a sincere request... It is a student's prayer and plea to Mr.... I know you must have a solution."

The husband was silent for a moment: "Actually, I think your choice after becoming a cat is more sensible... That little white cat is very suitable for you."

The young wizard blushed.

"Sir, these are two different things!" His voice was a little out of control, and the waves of his soul blew the books on the bookshelf, rolled up a few pages, and there was a cloud of dust: "I am a wizard!"

"Perhaps." The old man chuckled lightly, as if he was laughing at the quantifier that the young man had chosen in a panic, and also as if remembering the fresh and strong desire of the young man.

After a pause, the gentleman asked softly, "Did you know that she turned into a tree?"

He was talking about Elena.

Zheng Qing thought of the last scene he saw before losing control, and his heart sank. The turbulent soul fluctuations a few seconds ago suddenly froze in the air, and the entire bookstore seemed to be trapped in jelly.

"You must have a way." The boy's voice was a little dry, and he replied stubbornly.

"For example?" The gentleman sat on the high-backed chair behind the desk, propped his elbows on the table, crossed his fingers, and propped his chin. He looked at the young wizard leisurely, with a trace of curiosity in his eyes—it seemed that he didn't understand the young wizard's heart. Where does the inexplicable confidence come from.

"You have surpassed the level of ancient wizards!" Zheng Qing said with the greatest confidence in his heart.

"The world also needs to operate according to certain rules." The gentleman was noncommittal, looking past the student's translucent spirit body and looking at the red clay teapot still steaming on the iron stove.

"You must know a lot of powerful magic!" The boy seemed to sense the silent urgency in the air, and he sped up his speech in a panic: "For example, you can drive away the god of death, reverse can also refine a new pair of magic spells for her." body of!"

"Death is really not that terrible," Mr. rarely agreed with the students' point of view, but he corrected one of the errors: "The only problem is that Ms. Jones does not have Death. She is now between Life and death. Than yours The state of existence is much more subtle. It’s not like giving her a new body will make her safe.”

"You can turn back time!" The young wizard finally couldn't help it, and shouted: "Just like the last time you helped Councilor Su, you can turn back the hands of the pocket watch a few times!"

Mr. raised his eyebrows.

"It sounds like you still don't fully understand what I said in the blank space." The gentleman sighed slightly: "I know that the pressure on the soul has always made you weaker, but you should learn to be stronger …Forbidden spells are the power to break the rules, although you didn't really guide the forbidden spells to descend today, the explosion in that secret realm is also a powerful magic that infinitely approached the forbidden spells."

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

"This means that the rules in the secret realm world have been challenged."

"The bad thing is that the Minor World was originally born because I turned back time last time and caused space folds. The rules of the Minor World, especially the rules of time, were originally very fragile."

"They can't stand the challenge of going back in time again. It's like a piece of thin white paper that has been crumpled and unfolded. The fibers in the white paper have been broken. If you rub it again, you don't need to If you unfold it, the white paper will be torn apart.""

"The chaotic underlying rules and fragile space structure can no longer withstand the power of going back in time."

"A reckless end may cause that area to be completely erased... Only a long time can repair this kind of damage. This is why the Wizards Union has so many restrictions on the use of high rank spells in this world."

Zheng Qing was floating in midair without a thought, his thinking was a little messy.

He felt a strong sense of powerlessness.

A few wisps of pearl-colored mist emerged from the red clay teapot, wrapping around the ankles of the young wizard's spirit body, dragging him slowly into the pot.

Boys let them do what they want.

Mr. frowned slightly.

Refinement of life is a very delicate magic. The wizard who casts magic needs to have a superb Cultivation Base, and the life that accepts magic also needs to have a strong will. If the boy was allowed to enter the teapot in such a dazed manner, maybe what would really come out would be a cup of tea with a strong flavor.

"You want to save her?" Mr. finally spoke when the young wizard was about to be dragged into the teapot, and pressed the pause button.

The boy's eyes suddenly lit up.

He nodded vigorously.

"It will be very hard in the future."

"I can try."

"Do you know what Ms. Jones did?" The gentleman did not continue to test the determination of the young wizard, and explained directly: "She made a deal."

"She made a deal with an ancient moon god in another world. At the cost of serving as a container for the moon god's return, she invited that moon god to come down and expel Satogua in the secret realm at that time."

"It's a very risky, very risky plan."

"But it was the only thing she could do at the time."

"I admire Ms. Jones for her determination and bravery. These are precious qualities that young wizards possess."

"Originally, her soul would be completely devoured by the descending moon god, but fortunately, when the moon god descended, Satogua happened to spit out a large group of clean spirits—comparable to the weak soul that had signed the contract. Bi, the clean spirit body is really a surprise. It's like a landlord dropping a bag of gold coins from the sky on the way to collect rent."

"Of course it's impossible not to pick it up. But after picking it up, the bag of gold coins will become a burden on the 'landlord', and he has to waste more time digesting the unexpected gains... This gives classmate Yi Lianna a little time."

"Fortunately, in that short time difference, you exploded... Of course, this is not a good thing for you. But for Elena, this is very important. Because it means that the moon God cannot fulfill his covenant."

"So..." A hint of excitement appeared on the face of the young wizard.

"No, she didn't get rid of the fate of being descended." The husband shook his head regretfully: "It's just that she is in a slightly better state now than she is completely dead. Do you know 'Shao Ran'? It is a special product of Changshan Two-headed snake, one body and two souls, I am in you, and you are in me..."

At this point, the sir's voice stopped abruptly.

He looked at the young wizard, his eyes became serious:

"If you want to save her, you need to save yourself first. As far as I know, there may be an ancient magic that can help Ms. Jones get out of trouble, but this requires signing a contract. Ms. Jones' current state does not allow her to sign the contract, if You can't sign the contract, so I can't do anything either..."

Before the words fell, the young public fee student turned around without saying a word, and threw himself directly into the hot teapot.

The milky white fire jumped violently twice, steaming a pearl-colored mist.

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