Hunting High School

Chapter 297 Between Hope

The yellow raccoon's ears twitched, and his absent-minded eyes suddenly became a little brighter.

Standing under the tree, Vice Principal Ruoyu immediately noticed its movement, tightened his fingers on the wolf-headed cane, raised his jaw slightly, and looked at the cat on the tree.

"Back?" He used interrogative sentences, but his tone was very certain.

A moment ago, the yellow beaver on the tree suddenly lost its mind. Although the cat was still lying on the tree, its consciousness went to other places. The old wizard under the tree easily judged the situation, stopped the wizards under him from 'cleaning' the scene, and waited silently.

Until the yellow raccoon 'returns'.

After hearing the question from the vice-principal under the tree, the yellow beaver snorted.

"Pfft." It raised a paw, rubbed its nose, lowered its head to look at the wizards under the tree, and said in a low voice, "The old man said, you can just clean up the forest, and he will take care of other things." ...Oh, let the school work committee send a letter of inquiry to Nicholas and Satogua. Well, that's it."

"The letter of inquiry has been sent." Ruoyu, the vice principal, raised his head, staring at the yellow raccoon on the tree with his two small black eyes, and slightly emphasized: "That's all?"

"That's all." The yellow raccoon fiddled with the transparent ball in front of him with his paws, watching the sapling in the ball rolling and turning, and said impatiently: "Oh, by the way, I want to take a few little ones away. can take care of the finishing touches."

The vice principal snorted.

"They illegally set up magic circles, illegally summoned outer gods, and destroyed the Minor World. They violated at least thirty prohibitions in the "Wizard Code", not including the school's management regulations!" He paused the crutches in his hand, and the entire forest land They all seemed to tremble twice: "The Wizards Union will come to ask for someone!"

"When did the First University take care of the alliance's wink?" Huanghuali rolled his eyes, threw the ball high in his hand, and then jumped down gracefully from the tree.

After landing, it raised its tail, and the ball fell from mid-air, hitting the tip of its tail, spinning non-stop.

"That's not a reason." The vice-principal rarely reserved his opinion in front of this cat.

The yellow raccoon yawned and snorted, "The reason is that you are not the president of the First that enough?"

The old wizard took a deep look at Huamao.

Finally nodded.


After finishing speaking, leaning on a wolf-headed cane, he turned around and disappeared into the gloomy forest clearing. The golden layer of 'Skynet' in mid-air seemed to have received some message. When the old wizard disappeared, it also shattered into pieces of light spots, and those black robes standing on the nodes of the golden net also collapsed together. Figures of wizards.

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The golden light spots fell like a waterfall.

After the explosion raged, green branches rose from the charred tree stump. The soil was rolling and the ground was moaning. In the forest that had been flattened by the explosion, round lumps of soil bulged up, and new tall trees sprang up, as well as clusters of lush bushes with flower buds.

Squirrels shuttled under the bushes, crickets chirped in their burrows, and bees buzzed among the blooming flowers, bustling about as if they were supposed to be here in the first place.

In the depths of the forest, the roar of wild animals and the commotion of flying birds can be heard faintly.

The chaotic magic power was smoothed away, the air became fresher, the woods became greener, and the silent vitality revived.

Jiang Yu witnessed all this happening, and for some reason, tears that had dried up welled up in her eyes again.

Only between Death and life can such splendor be seen.

The yellow raccoon caught a glimpse of the witch's tears, and the cat's face showed a slight crooked look.

"Hey... why is Hao Duanduan crying again?" It shook its ears and beard, and its voice was a little irritable: "I have already helped you get rid of that little old man will not be punished by the school. Isn't this a worthwhile thing? Are you happy?"

"Tears flow not only when you are sad, but also when you are happy." A slightly hoarse voice answered the confusion of the yellow fox.

Kerma swayed, walked to Jiang Yu's side, and then looked down at the yellow raccoon at his feet:

"It's a joy to watch life bloom after Death."

"God is talking, so I hate talking to wizards." The yellow raccoon rubbed the tip of its nose, flicked its tail, and the ball flew in front of it and landed between its two paws.

Kerma took a serious look at the ball, looking at the dangling little sapling in the ball.

For a long time, she seemed to be talking to herself, and she seemed to be whispering to several other bystanders:

"I was born in the North District, and most of the neighbors and friends around me are magicians. Since I was a child, I am used to seeing the struggle of Life and death, and I have seen many faces of despair."

"My father said a word, 'Only a wizard can understand a wizard'. In the secret realm Minor World, when I was dragged into the void by the contract of Tsatogua, I suddenly remembered this sentence. There is no reason, just because of despair .”

"Only the desperate can understand the desperate."

"Only with a glimmer of hope in your arms can you know how precious that glimmer of hope is in others' arms."

"I have a glimmer of hope, and Irene has a glimmer of hope."

"Now, I'm holding on to this glimmer of hope to return from the abyss. I hope that she also has this opportunity, and I hope that she can also return."

The witch's voice was calm, and so was her expression.

But the yellow fox looked at her uneasily.

It clearly felt the suppressed strong emotion under the calmness of the newly promoted great wizard beside him, as if The next moment would burst out and burn the forest to nothingness again.

"I'll be back," it pressed its paw on the ball, looked up at Korma, and comforted in a low voice, "The little gypsy witch will be back, and that little bastard Zheng Qing will be back...everything will be fine." Get better."

"Do we need to do anything?" Jiang Yu wiped away the tears on his cheeks, and said with a smile, "I can write a 10,000-character examination, or pay a generous compensation to the school."

"Hiss..." the yellow raccoon took a breath, and his flat cat face showed a toothache: "That little girl Shi Hui will like your suggestion. As for me... I suggest you go back to school and get a good sleep. Take some sleeping pills. If there are no accidents, I may take you to see Mr. Zheng Qing at night."

"As for you," the yellow raccoon turned to look at Korma, "I'll keep this little sapling here for now. You're in an unstable state now, and you need to find a retreat for a while...don't worry, the school won't look for you troublesome."

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