Hunting High School

Chapter 24: The Man Who Destroyed The Street

Immediately after the yellow raccoon, Korma, the new great wizard of the North District, appeared.

After all, this is the North District, so it can be regarded as Korma's home field. In fact, the slow appearance of this newly promoted great wizard has exceeded Zheng Qing's expectations. He thought that the senior would come sooner.

"You are like a humanoid self-propelled bomb," was the first sentence that the owner of the Kini hut said to Zheng Qing after meeting the two young wizards: "Wherever you go, you can blow it up."

After she came to the scene, she just looked around and grasped the essence of the matter.

If Kerma's first sentence was a bit of a complaint, then her second sentence made Zheng Qing a little bit didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"I said at the beginning that if you become Lei Zhe, you can pursue me. Now I can relax the conditions a little bit."

As he said that, the new great wizard glanced at the empty and clean street, and added: "After all, Lei Zhe and Augustus only destroyed half of the street."

And Zheng Qing ruined the entire street by herself - this is what she said.

Standing behind Zheng Qing, Jiang Yu rolled her eyes hard.

Kerma winked at her.

"This matter must have nothing to do with me," the young public-funded student insisted on owning his words, and at the same time threw a big pot on the senior sister: "Aren't you a great wizard? And this is not far from your home... call here It's so lively, haven't you heard?"

"Excuse me, I just entered the advanced level yesterday, and I haven't stabilized the Realm yet!" Kerma replied angrily: "Do you think I'm coming very slowly..."

The raccoon interrupted the small talk between the young wizards.

"Now is not the time to chatter!" it roared, its claws poked into the void, and a vague figure appeared: "You have caused such a big disaster, and you still have the mood to joke?!"

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Zheng Qing could easily tell that it was Mr.'s figure, and his back immediately stiffened a little. It's like being called a parent by a teacher after getting into trouble.

"You know you're afraid?" The yellow raccoon glanced at the uneasy public fee student, and snorted coldly: "...I'll settle the score with you later. Now take out your watch and hand it to the old man...he's really not on the island , here is just a projection."

Hearing this, Zheng Qing dared to take a sneak peek at the blurry figure.

Sure enough, the 'Mr.' who was hooked out of the void by the raccoon raccoon had a serious expression, but was a bit dull, and his every move was as stiff as an alchemy puppet--presumably, Mr. is beyond the existence of ancient wizards, how could he be How about this big tabby cat with one paw?

Zheng Qing composed a few words for the raccoon from the bottom of his heart, and at the same time quickly took out the silver pocket watch from the gray cloth bag, held it in both hands, and obediently handed it to Mr.

"Ten minutes," the yellow raccoon scratched the ground with its paws for a moment, raised its head, looked at 'Mr.' seriously, and said tentatively, "No, seven, no, five minutes, five minutes should be enough."

Its tone is also somewhat uncertain.

Mr.'s projection did not answer him. After taking the silver pocket watch, he raised his head and glanced at the dark night sky. The other three people and a cat on the field also followed Mr.'s gaze, raising their heads to look at the sky.

The dark night sky is like a heavy curtain.

There is no moon, no stars, no clouds, no wind, no wandering elves and sky lanterns. There is no trace of reference that can be used for anchoring.

Zheng Qing blinked his eyes, thinking that it's not a problem to look up so stupidly all the time.

He tilted his head quietly and glanced in the direction of 'Sir'. But what surprised him was that the direction was empty, without a trace of people.

"Where is the sir... what the hell!"

The boy withdrew his gaze, and was just about to ask about the whereabouts of his husband, but when he saw the surrounding scene, he couldn't help but swear—the ruins of a small square that used to be empty have now returned to their original appearance.

Narrow and deep alleys, dilapidated gatehouses, low-hanging eaves, small and cute roof beasts squatting on the ridges, strings of rusty wind chimes hanging under the eaves, and street corners, with ferocious faces and vivid images Abominable gargoyle.

Just like five minutes ago.

Of course, the difference from five minutes ago was that the 'big bear' blocking the middle of the road, the wizards of the North District, and the magicians hidden in the shadows on both sides of the street were all gone. Those little mushrooms who spit out sunshine bubbles did not return to this world.

It's just that the appearance of the streets has returned to normal.

This is not the first time Zheng Qing has seen the ability of Mister to reverse time and space, and he was taken aback, but the two witches standing next to him were completely speechless.

Especially Colmar.

A few minutes ago, there was still a hint of reserve and pride in her expression that a "great wizard" should have, but after the scene beyond magic happened, she completely restrained that trace of pride, and recovered the look she had a day ago. The caution and uneasiness that a big sister of a kini hut should have.

"Sir... have you gone back?" In the end, Zheng Qing was the first to break the silence in the room.

The yellow raccoon glanced at him.

"You can ask him when we meet next time." It stretched out its paws, rubbed its own eyes - the eyeball that it dug out and threw into the air as the 'moon' had returned to its eye sockets - and then Squatting on the ground, supporting his upper body, he asked in a rough voice:

"The trouble has been solved... Now, who can tell me what happened just now?!"

Is all the trouble solved?

Zheng Qing glanced at Huamao suspiciously, and then glanced in the direction of the school. He didn't remember the school or the three-pronged sword being so easy to dismiss.

Zheng Qing can be casual, but Jiang Yu can't be as silent as him.

In a few words, she briefly described what happened—from the two leaving the Sakura Tavern, to being blocked on the road, being touched, conflicts, and so on. The cause, process, and result of the whole thing are not complicated. In order to ensure the accuracy of the information, she also carefully described the images of the magician with a figure like a 'big bear' and the thin North District wizard.

Kerma originally listened with relish.

Until the "Wizard of the North District" appeared in this accident and summoned a phantom of the Outer God, the face of this new great wizard slowly turned pale.

"This is impossible!"

After listening to Jiang Yu's story, Korma gritted her teeth, her voice trembling: "...that's just a curse seal, absolutely not capable of provoking 'outer gods'...even if Alban sucks up a whole Tanggula white Chi, can’t be recruited! And Alban is absolutely incapable of sucking up a whole Tanggula White Chi!”

After listening to the descriptions of Zheng Qing and others, she already knew the identity of the North District wizard present.

Jiang Yu glanced at her carefully.

"That's what we saw," she considered, trying to excuse Colmar, "Maybe something else happened that we didn't see."

"Perhaps...but that kid named Alban sacrificed a wizard, that's a fact." The yellow raccoon lowered its head, its fluffy tail was swaying back and forth, looking at Zheng Qing I just want to step on it.

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