Hunting High School

Chapter 25: The Land Of Extraterrestrialization

"In short, no matter what, you should strengthen the quality education of wizards in the North District."

"In the past, they were all magicians. They were beggars, thieves, or human traffickers. They didn't fit in with the other districts in the town. These were not problems... They were all asking for Life. People in the alliance would turn a blind eye."

"But now they're Northside mages."

"This means that they should know a little more about the Wizarding Code, and have a little more sense of participation in the 'real' wizarding world...It also means that people in the North District can't just die casually."

The yellow raccoon's statement was very relaxed. It didn't seem to care that the wizard of the North District sacrificed a magician, nor did he care about Korma's responsibility in this matter-this surprised all the young wizards present .

Huamao looked up and noticed the surprised expressions of several young people, rolled his eyes slightly, and realized what they were thinking.

"You are already a great wizard." It shook its beard, looked at Korma with a mocking look, and its tone was full of lessons: "Don't take such small things so seriously... Could anyone Will you go to trouble with Master Severus for using 'Shenfeng Wuying' in a duel?"

Severus is a pharmacy master in Europa, but he is more criticized by the world for his radical "Black Devil method". "Shenfeng Wuying" is a very dangerous spell between the Black Devil method and white magic, and its inventor is Master Severus. Even so, there was still a chair for him at the Grand Council of Wizards of the Wizarding League, and his voting rights were never revoked.

And no one in the wizarding world is suing Master Severus in Dan Hag for hurting someone with this dangerous spell.

This example gave Colmar a sigh of relief.

"I will strengthen the management of wizards in the North District," she replied with a serious expression: "Start teaching the most basic contents such as the rules for using magic and the management of spell books. It will start tonight."

"First University has a lot of non-profit associations, and they will like this task." Jiang Yu immediately came up with a few ideas: "And I can also say hello to my family... I should be able to get help from Nina Company, Martin Torre Enterprises such as Er'er Alchemy Company can get some training sponsorship."

Kerma glanced at her gratefully—it would be a relatively large expense just to provide the wizards in the North District with spell books, not to mention that spell books, magic ink and other materials are all consumables. And the jugglers are a bunch of poor ghosts. It would be nice to be able to get sponsorship from other wizarding groups.

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

"This incident happened in a timely manner, and there is still room for remediation." Zheng Qing also smoothed the field beside him: "If we only discovered this problem after a period of time, after a large number of wizards from the North District appeared, it would be a very big problem. big trouble..."

"This is a small trouble!" The yellow raccoon raised his voice, repeating his point of view: "Compared to the real trouble now, even if a thousand wizards in the North District make trouble, it is just a small trouble!"

Saying that, it also raised two paws, comparing one cat's paw with the tip of the other to describe the gap between the two troubles.


"The real trouble right now?" Zheng Qing chewed on this sentence and raised his eyebrows.

Turning to look at the two witches, they also looked confused.

The boy had to take the initiative to ask tentatively: "...The 'real trouble now' you mentioned is the Trident Sword or the school's follow-up investigation? The responsibility for this matter is not on us..."

"But you are still on 'detention in school'." Jiang Yu reminded in a low voice.

Zheng Qing was stunned for a second - some time ago, he severely injured Soprano during a night patrol, which had a very bad influence. At that time, the school punished him with a three-month probation, and now even one month has not passed.

"!" The boy covered his face and wailed.

"Don't make noises in my ears about big things!" The yellow raccoon finally couldn't help it, interrupted the boy's self-pity, licked his tail on his calf, and staggered him: "I didn't mean that thing!"

Zheng Qing stood up straight in embarrassment, and carefully glanced at the two witches. Fortunately, the attention of the witches was attracted by Huamao's words, and they didn't care that the boy made a fool of himself. He let out a breath, and secretly rubbed his pumped calf.

The yellow raccoon furrowed the cat's face, and the yellow eyeballs looked a little creepy in the night.

But what is even scarier is what it said next:

"...The origin of the 'outer god' you described is very suspicious. Just like what Korma said just now, if the outer god is in the depths of the starry sky, then only with a curse seal and one or two scenes It is impossible to summon a mage. The projection cannot be summoned either. This has something to do with the rules of magic."

"But think about it another way... If the summoned person is in Phuket Island, or somewhere closer, such as an alley in the North District, then everything makes sense."

This speculation made the eyes of the wizards present shine.

But it also terrified everyone.

And that's not all, the yellow raccoon seems to be planning to completely scare a few young people, so he directly uttered his own guess:

"What's more interesting is that the curse seal of this little girl, Kerma, was designed based on Satogua's gift, and according to your description, the 'Outer God' that descended far surpassed Satogua's If there is no accident, it should be His Highness known as the 'Mother of the Black Goat of the Forest', Gauze Nicholas."

"Nicholas is the most powerful of all the Outer Gods. It is said that he has reached the peak level of the ancient wizards. Even the headmaster back then dare not say that he can completely suppress him."

Zheng Qing easily caught the key words of 'the original principal', and then noticed the faint warning eyes of the yellow raccoon. This made him shut up obediently.

The master said that he has already surpassed the ancient wizards, and he must be able to suppress the outer god named Nicholas...Nicholas, Nicholas, the two names are so similar, it would be great if they were related, at least we could have a word, let He stays away from Phuket.

The boy was still thinking wildly in this room, and the raccoon raccoon had already finished his guesses and suggestions, flicked his tail, and disappeared in place. The three young wizards were left trembling in the night wind.

It did not explain to Zheng Qing and others how an Outer God hid in the alley of the North District, nor did it give them any safety reminders. It simply stated that "the current security situation is acceptable", and suggested that they stay in the school honestly recently and do not come out for a stroll casually.

"Let's... go back to the Sakura Tavern first." Kerma looked around nervously and suggested.

"No," Jiang Yu shook her head, feeling a little embarrassed: "Tomorrow Monday, there will be Professor Yao's spell class in the morning, and I have to preview my homework... and I haven't checked Li Meng's homework, I don't know if she will be lazy... "

This answer was so strange that the dull atmosphere in the room was dispelled a lot.

The sky is big and the earth is big, and learning is the biggest.

The corner of Zheng Qing's mouth twitched, and he couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"As expected of a student of Jiuyou College, I still remember to do my homework at this time." Kerma was stunned for a second, and finally shook his head: "Then I will send you back to doesn't matter, I am also a great wizard gone."

Before leaving, Zheng Qing took one last look at the empty street, and finally realized what one thing he had been neglecting all along.

"What about the school? Why isn't there any response!"

Zheng Qing came back to his senses, looked at the empty street, and couldn't help asking the two witches: "They are not so slow!"

Every time he got into trouble, the school assistant team, the school work committee or the Trident Sword outside the school would always send people to investigate on the spot. They may be late, but they will never be absent.

Zheng Qing is ready to be ridiculed by Thomas, Hilda or Andrew.

He also thought about how to answer the other party's cross-examination, how to clear up his own responsibility in this matter, and even began to prepare the manuscript for the follow-up inspection.

But the manuscript was half-typed, and the black robes hadn't arrived yet.

This made the boy's pace of leaving a little heavy.

"Is there no one in the school now?" He tiptoed, trying to look in the direction of the school across the dark street. However, as far as the eye could see, it was pitch black. There are not even a few lights, let alone shadows.

After hearing the boy's question, Korma smiled—she finally regained some energy.

"This is the North District, and it's also a land of alienation." She laughed at herself, and replied: "In name, it belongs to the world of wizards, but in fact this place is not as good as the protected area of ​​the murloc tribe in Linzhong Lake... what happens every day There are too many dark stories in this neighborhood. Murder, robbery, fraud, crying..."

"If the school set the guardian circle to be more sensitive, it would probably exhaust the school work committee or the law enforcement team. So they set the threshold very high. As long as there is no accident that spreads outside the North District, The school won't pay attention to the small movements here."

"Small movement." Zheng Qing chewed the word with a bit of bitterness in his mouth.

Once again, he had a deep understanding of the plight of the jugglers in the North District. He even had some understanding of the radical and biased approach of the North District wizard not long ago.

It is desolate and prosperous here.

Civilized but barbaric.

This is the nominal North, the actual Westworld.

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