Hunting High School

Chapter 48 Lost And Found

"Sir, Professor Yao is also a great wizard, why can't I feel that kind of 'big' in him?"

"If the deans of the school dragged their real bodies and walked on the campus, I am afraid that the whole Phuket Island will be crushed by them... You can't feel their 'big', a real top wizard can perfect Control your own real body and dao rhyme so that it does not affect others, and what is exposed to the outside is naturally unpretentious; secondly, if someone whose Realm is unstable and can't control his own dao rhyme for a little bit, he will choose to let his real body enter the secret realm."

"Secret realm?"

"It's a hidden Minor World. Under normal circumstances, after the great wizards advance, the alliance will assign them a Minor World with hidden coordinates, as an Immortal Cave, to carry their real bodies. Some stable wizards like Hide your real body in the secret realm, and refine a few incarnations to deal with people outside... Dark wizards like to refine a kind of 'prosthetic body', which is born out of an incarnation."

Zheng Qing has an impression of the 'virtuous body'.

During the winter hunting last semester, four wizards from the Dark Council sent prostitutes to break into the hunting area of ​​the Exoneration Hunting Team and opened up a sandbox, Minor World. At that time, Thomas mentioned that the prosthetic body is just a fake body made by magic, which is essentially a pile of alchemy materials and magic circuits.

Thinking of Dongshou, Zheng Qing naturally also recalled the huge palm with six fingers at that time, and thinking of the huge cat claws of the yellow raccoon, many doubts that had been hovering in his heart were also answered.

"The world is too dangerous, it's really good to be cautious." The young public finance student nodded in admiration.

He also wants to reach that kind of Realm as soon as possible, hiding his real body in the secret realm, lying on the sofa drinking ice cream, eating fried chicken, playing games, and running around with a few trumpets by remote control to help him with his homework.

This kind of thing, just thinking about it makes me feel happy.

And after becoming a great wizard, the alliance even allocated Immortal Cave.

It's really exciting! !

However, my husband mentioned that "under normal circumstances" the alliance will allocate Minor Worlds. If the situation is not normal, what about Senior Sister Kerma who finds another way to advance to the Great Wizard?

"Sir, doesn't senior Korma have her own secret realm?" the wizard asked hastily.

"Korma's situation is rather delicate. On the one hand, she didn't break through the Grand Wizard Realm through the normal path, so the foundation is inevitably not stable enough. Moreover, it is difficult to estimate the influence of Satogua on her... The Alliance will not conduct security assessments. Before the end, I gave her the precious cultivation resources. On the other hand, Korma has just advanced, and has not really set foot in the world of 'enlargement'. She still has enough time to accumulate..."

"Sir, how did the wizard become big?" Zheng Qing asked persistently. These issues involve the future path, although they are not needed right now, but it does not affect the boys to build a strategic plan, plan in advance, and have a bottom in mind.

The husband also doesn't mind that young public finance students have a better understanding of the own road. After all, there is a forbidden spell hanging on him, and no one is sure how strong the existing rules are on him:

"The growth of a great wizard is a hard work... The great wizard who just broke through Realm has only a trace of the concept of 'big'. Then the wizard can use this concept to continuously improve the road of owning and deepen the accumulation of owning. The true value of many great wizards The body starts from the heart, condenses little by little, and grows slowly. But there are also some great wizards who do not take the usual path, and will choose eyes, brains, or even a hand or a bone to start condensing the real body."

"Where are the ancient wizards? Sir." Thinking that Mr. Zheng Qing had briefly introduced the "Great Wizard" and "Legendary Wizard", he simply asked the curiosity in his heart: "Is it true that only very old wizards can become ancient wizards?" ?”

"As the name suggests, it's the easiest way to go astray in the world." The gentleman shook his head, and said earnestly: "At any time, regardless of your Realm's level, when you see unfamiliar concepts in a strange Realm, you must be cautious... You must never 'brain' Complement 'self-consistent' and 'reasonable' explanations. That will lead you further down the wrong path."

Zheng Qing bowed down to be taught.

Only then did the gentleman answer his previous question: "It is true that wizards are very old and can be called 'ancient wizards', but it is not only the very old wizards who can become 'ancient wizards'."

"'Teacher's way, I don't know how many years it was born in me? That's why there is no nobility, no lowliness, no long and no little, the existence of the Tao, the existence of the teacher.'"

"As long as you can visit the deep ancient times, transcend the shackles of dimensions, and extract the long river of own time, you can be called a qualified 'ancient wizard'... These concepts are still very far away from you, and you don't need to know more gone."

Hearing the last sentence, Zheng Qing's mouth that had just opened was quietly closed back.

He originally wanted to ask Mr. what are the characteristics of the Realm that surpassed the 'ancient wizard'—but since Mr. didn't want to say more, he naturally wouldn't insist on asking.

"That's the end of the extracurricular learning." The husband put one hand on the boy's shoulder: "You should pay more attention to the previous class... rather than these scraps."

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

Zheng Qing pouted quietly.

Perhaps for the husband, certain basic concepts and understandings are more important.

But for Zheng Qing, this little casual knowledge given by Mr. Zhang is more attractive than his regular class. With the story, the number of responses far exceeds the same as when teaching mathematical concepts.

While these thoughts were running through my mind, my husband had once again led the boy through the constraints of time and space.

Another feeling of dizziness.

When Zheng Qing regained consciousness, she had already sat back on the original red bench.

The two of them seemed to have never left the bench.

The red mosaic floor tiles were still under the feet, and the undulating white mist was still lingering around. Mr. is still by his side.

Zheng Qing still holds in his arms the wooden box that his husband gave him when he just arrived.

"Open the box." The gentleman ordered.

The young wizard obediently opened the box, and there were two rune guns lying quietly inside - a silver-white Colt python, and a matte Remington pump-action shotgun.

The boy raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"How do they..." He wanted to ask why the two guns were in Mr.'s hands.

"I fixed it for you." The gentleman explained casually: "...the school's technology is limited, so I simply brought it all and helped you deal with it."

"Can I use them casually?" Zheng Qing immediately realized the biggest question: "Is it okay to use blood rune bullets?"

A queer smile appeared on the gentleman's face.

"As long as you have the ability." He replied softly.

Zheng Qing sighed in disappointment.

Although I don't know what Mr. has done with the own rune gun, it is obvious that the scene he imagined wielding the rune gun and blood rune bullets to kill all directions does not exist.

"I'll give you a suggestion..." The gentleman lowered his head and looked at the boy seriously: "Touch them carefully, get familiar with every bit of their structure, their breath, their taste...Magic is the most test of one's imagination .As long as your imagination is strong enough, it is not difficult to create a world out of nothingness."

"...You already have the trigger, and I will hand over the gun to you. Next time, when you are ready, you will be able to pull the trigger and unleash your power."

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