Hunting High School

Chapter 49: Twelfth Weekend

403 dormitory.

in the dark.

Zheng Qing opened his eyes, staring blankly at the folds of the curtain above his head, his eyes were dull, and his sight seemed to fall on an extremely distant place. After a while, the focus slowly came into focus.

This time when he woke up from the dream, he had an extra box in his mind.

It is similar in appearance to the boxes in the gray cloth bag, but the color is blue-gray, which looks a bit simple and heavy.

There are two rune guns in the box.

Zheng Qing knows that these two rune guns may not allow him to release the real forbidden spell, but they can allow him to use a little "power of the forbidden spell" in advance - provided that he can manifest those two guns from his mind come out.

In Mr.'s words, it means that the imagination is strong enough to outline the smallest details of the two rune guns in nothingness.

Zheng Qing reckons that the difficulty of fully manifesting the talisman gun is not much easier than passing the examination of a registered wizard.

Perhaps, this is also a kind of balance and order.

Thinking to himself, he raised his hand and held it in front of him.

The blue-gray box in his mind quietly opened a gap, the magic power surged in the palm of his hand, and the thin silver thread shuttled through the darkness, out of thin air outlined the phantom of the Colt python.

It's just that this phantom seemed a little fragile, trembling in Zheng Qing's hands, as if it would shatter when pinched. And there is no trigger on this rune gun.

Mr. said that he already had the trigger.

Zheng Qing just thought about it for a while, and then thought of the law book stuffed in the deepest part of the gray cloth bag - Mr. once said that the spell copied in that book is not a forbidden spell, but a guiding spell, which induces the forbidden spell trigger'.

"Do you want me to stuff that book into the body of the gun? How can it be stuffed in..."

The boy muttered, and with a little force in his hand, the phantom of the Colt python shattered into dots of silver light.

As expected.

The young wizard sighed deeply, turned over, put all the boxes in his mind and the books in the gray cloth bag behind him, and fell back into a deep sleep in the blink of an eye.

The sky is big and the earth is big, sleep is the biggest.



The next day is the weekend of the twelfth week.

Wake up in the morning, another day full of energy!

When doing morning class in Feiyuan, Zheng Qing closed his eyes and pondered about today's schedule while saying 'no fist'. The little fox was lying on the big bluestone under the tree, playing with its tail boredly.

The good news is that after last night's impromptu class, Mr. Zheng Qing didn't leave homework for Zheng Qing - for a young wizard who is approaching the end of the semester with a heavy workload, there is no more considerate arrangement than this.

The bad news is that he is still very busy today and has no time to play with the little fox.

In addition to writing homework for other subjects, Zheng Qing will go to work in Professor Montelia's laboratory this afternoon and participate in the night patrol of the school working committee in the evening.

After three weeks of absenteeism, Zheng Qing returned to Professor Montelia's laboratory with a rather bleak feeling, as if every face that greeted him was full of ridicule and smirk.

But it turns out that that is just an illusion of young public finance students.

Professor Montelia felt nothing about the absence of a temporary assistant for three weeks, assigning work and directing experiments, as always. Zheng Qing trembled all afternoon, and finally found that own's restlessness was just self-promotion.

Perhaps in Mr.'s eyes, he is a seed of 'order', with infinite possibilities in the future. But in the eyes of most of the professors in the school—or to be precise, the professor of Monteria—Zheng Qing is just a young man who came to his laboratory to gain experience and have a physical examination with a letter of introduction issued by another great wizard. Just a wizard.

At best, the young wizard has the title of Grant Student, a Brass Order of Merlin, and a place in the Greater Arcana in The Wand's annual rankings.

But for a professor at First University, these false names are just a burden.

There is no more elaborate magical experiment to attract their attention.

After realizing this, Zheng Qing felt much calmer when he participated in the night patrol of Linzhong Lake at night—as expected, the old school worker who assigned the task didn't care about a certain young wizard's three or three days off.

These two encounters made Zheng Qing feel a little bit of a gap.

The night before, he had accompanied his husband across the boundary between the old and the new world, feeling the power of the great wizard. The next night, he accompanied a group of young wizards who were not registered in the wizarding Realm, listening to them chatter about the 'big things' that happened in the school. I can't tell my own big secret to my friends yet.

Jinyi Night Walk is nothing more than that.

Because of this unexplainable boredom, Zheng Qing acted more as a listener when the roommates were discussing, and put most of his attention on the work of changing the cool and refreshing charms for the elves.

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It was the beginning of summer, and the elf's paper house was much hotter than in winter. The warm charms that were originally hung on the walls of the paper house also needed to be removed one by one and replaced with cooling charms for ventilation.

This is a job that tests patience.

While the young public finance student was busy with the work at hand, he listened with pricked ears to Xin Fatty's talk about the importance of 'renewal'. During this process, Fat Cat Tuantuan kept his tail upright, walking around beside the public fee student, and if he rubbed the tip of his tail against the Cooling Talisman in Zheng Qing's hand, he almost had the three big characters "I want it too" on his face up.

Out of a certain sense of 'friendship', Zheng Qing dug out two low-quality cool and refreshing talismans, folded them into paper stars, threaded them with red strings and hung them around the fat cat's neck, and finally sent them away.

As for the other Fatty in the dormitory, Xin Fatty is talking about the 'change of term', which is the change of the person in charge of the Student Union and Association. To be precise, the current Lei Zhe and Augustus will step down, and the new Lei Zhe and Augustus will take office.

Throughout the weekend, the biggest news of First University was the school's solution to the destruction of half of the street by Lei Zhe and Augustus last weekend.

As for the final solution to Lei Zhe and Augustus destroying half of the street, Xiao Xiao almost guessed everything——Sacred Will and the Blood Friends will share the reconstruction cost of the destroyed block equally, including Lei Zhe and Augustus About 30 students in the school were warned and punished by the school, but the most serious student was only detained for probation. This was because that student used an 'illegal spell' that was outside the scope of the Wizarding Union's permission.

In addition, Lei Zhe and Augustus also announced their resignation on the first weekend of early May.

Even with anticipation, the incident still shook the entire university.

Everyone's attention is drawn to the person who is about to take over the two titles. In the corridors and on the campus, almost everyone is discussing this matter. For the possible candidates, the gaming agency offers very generous odds , attracted a lot of topics.

From a certain point of view, the school's handling is not unwise.

At the very least, previous hot events, including the murloc riots, Zheng Qing's attack on Soprano, and Nicholas's bleeding, were all overshadowed by the current event.

Love the new and dislike the old is the eternal choice of the public opinion world.

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