Hunting High School

Chapter 70: Learning And Learning From Time To Time

Not every store can meet that strange customer who looks like a shriveled old wizard.

Most of the time, transactions in the fair are conducted in a quiet and silent atmosphere. But contrary to this atmosphere, there are all kinds of goods in the market, and the young wizards who are looking directly are dazzled and dizzy.

Of course, as outstanding students of Jiuyou College, they will not come to the market with only eyes. While visiting, the three asked and answered each other's questions and reviewed their homework:

"Grinding requirements for pearl powder?"

"Everything that is used, new and undrilled, can only be taken if it is ground like powder. If it is not fine, it will hurt people's internal organs." Zheng Qing memorized the text first, and then explained: "It means that pearl powder It must be ground very finely before it can be used as medicine."

"Efficacy of pearl powder?"

This time it was Jiang Yu who answered: "The main medicine can calm the soul when taken internally, and beautify the skin when used externally. As an auxiliary medicine, it can nourish the liver and improve eyesight, detoxify and grow muscles, strengthen bones, and lower blood pressure. Related prescriptions include Zhenzhu Wan, which is mainly used for convulsions. God; Zhuhuang San, mainly dispelling fire poison and convulsions; oil wax ointment, curing all kinds of malignant sores."

"There's also Pearl Jade White Jade Soup." Zheng Qing added solemnly.

"Pearl, Jade and White Jade Soup?" Jiang Yu clearly showed a hint of confusion on his face: "The three properties are similar, and they are all stone medicines. Can they be used together to make soup?"

The wizard held back the conflict of laughter and pointed in another direction:

"Is that the snake man?"

Sure enough, the witch's attention was diverted: "Wow... Really, this is the first time I've seen it."

"Me too!" It's rare that Xiao Xiao has never seen it.

"What a big coral tree... taller than the one in Professor Li's office!"

The young wizards sighed, dazzled and dazzled.

In addition to ordinary tortoise shells, pearls, coral, and seaweed, they also saw many rare magical creatures and magic materials.

For example, the six-legged Ranyi fish with a fish head and a snake body. It is said that its eyeballs can be Bixie, and eating the meat can resist the invasion of nightmares. Zheng Qing wanted to buy some, but seeing the staggering price, he finally resented. give up.

Another example is the red chinchilla with a human face, which sounds like a baby. If it only shows its head outside the water tank, no one will think it is a fish.

There is also the sale of baby magical creatures.

Among them, the most expensive one is a cub of a tiger dragon, with a bird's head and a fish's body and a snake's tail, the price is twenty jade coins, no counter-offer is accepted. The wizards onlookers all said that this is a noble species with the blood of the Jiao clan, and they have never heard of it being sold in other places except Quanke Laiwei Market.

In addition, Zheng Qing finally saw the so-called 'live maggot cheese' mentioned by Su Shijun.

It is a sheep's milk cheese popular in Sardinia, where it is called 'casumasu'. The white cheese is covered with a layer of light yellow fermented product like cream, in which there are countless small white maggots. An old wizard with a walnut-like face cut off a small piece of cheese with worms with a silver knife, then stuffed it into his mouth, chewing with an intoxicated expression.

Dots of sticky white paste splashed on the corner of his mouth, and a wriggling and thin tail could be vaguely seen.

Zheng Qing felt the food in his stomach tumbling violently.

He quickly looked away, making up his mind never to look in that direction again. At the same time, he tried his best to twist the little fox's head. It kept staring at the piece of cheese, the saliva from the corner of its mouth wet the sleeve of the wizard's robe.

"I think the goat milk ban should include all goat milk products, as well as all creatures in the school, including Poseidon." Zheng Qing muttered, took out a handkerchief to wipe the little fox's saliva, and at the same time stuffed it with a piece of spicy beef jerky.

The little fox's attention was immediately removed from the stinky Kasumasu, and he began to nibble on the delicious food around his mouth with relish.

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"Maybe." Xiao Xiao replied absent-mindedly.

He was listening to the conversation among the murlocs next to him.

They discuss First University's recent curfew with a siren. The siren is a beautiful banshee, and the murlocs are all male, with all kinds of shiny ornaments hanging on their fins and scary fangs in their mouths.

"Absolutely overstepping the authority... Hiss! The First University has no right to limit the freedom of the Linzhong Lake murloc tribe!" a male murloc hissed while showing his strong biceps to the siren.

"You also said that it is the murloc of Linzhong Lake... Linzhong Lake is the lake of the First University." The siren seemed to enjoy the feeling of being surrounded by stars, and didn't mind the murlocs in front of him discussing certain pasts. thread topic.

The more sensible murloc at the other end sighed heavily:

"Hiss... People are knives, I are fish, there is no way..."

Hearing this answer, Zheng Qing secretly laughed.

There couldn't be a more fitting answer—they're fish. As for whether the wizards of the First University are interested in being chopping boards and meat chopping knives, that is a more complicated topic.

"Do you think that everyone likes to drink goat's milk, and it has something to do with that thing that night?" Jiang Yu became a little uneasy after seeing Poseidon's interest in Kasumasu, she quietly teased Zheng Qing robe, whispered in his ear.

Zheng Qing shook his head slightly.

"Just leave this matter to the school, it has nothing to do with us." He said softly. The "that thing" that Jiang Yu mentioned was the phantom of the outer god that Zheng Qing encountered when he destroyed an entire street last week.

That matter has always been like a rock in the hearts of the two young wizards.

On the other side, Xiao Xiao looked at the male and female wizards who were whispering with scrutiny. His eyes were full of banter, which made Zheng Qing flustered.

In desperation, I happened to see a new stall a few steps away, and I was overjoyed. I pulled Jiang Yu and asked, "That's dragon blood ink, right? It's something you wanted to buy before."

His voice was loud, as if he wanted to tell Xiao Xiao that he and Jiang Yu were very pure friends.

Xiao Xiao was obviously stunned for a second, then twitched the corners of his mouth, revealing a hint of ridicule.

Jiang Yu didn't expect Zheng Qing's topic to jump up so quickly, so he looked in the direction of his finger and nodded happily: "Yes, Xiaomeng said that using loose ink for symbols is boring, and I want to use more powerful ink .”

Zheng Qing has been drawing talismans for more than ten years, and he has never known that ink has different strengths, but he will not be stupid enough to distinguish from the witch in this matter. Maybe it's because the spirit witch has a sensitive mind and can better distinguish the subtle differences between different inks, he comforted himself in this way in his heart.

"Yo? Xiao Qingqing? Are you here too?"

A somewhat carefree familiar voice sounded behind several young wizards, and Zheng Qing felt stiff all over.

Few people call him that.

It gave him a creepy feeling.

Turning around, Senior Sister Kerma was leading two North District wizards, greeting him with a smile on her face. The two wizards of the North District watched all this silently, as if the words just now were not spoken by their own great sages.

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