Hunting High School

Chapter 71 Acquaintances

Colmar came to Quanke today to negotiate a big deal.

Big business for tens of thousands of frogs.

In the entire Phuket Island, or in other words, the entire wizarding world, there are not many merchants who can provide tens of thousands of alive and kicking frogs to the wizards of the North District at one time, let alone provide them for a long time.

Among them, most of the qualified ones are merchants from the Aquarium.

After all, in the past, the largest demand for live frogs in the wizarding world was the murloc tribes scattered in various regions of the world. They have the habit of eating salted frogs, and many small fish people also treat frogs as snacks or pets.

The young murloc Iseni of the Ouroboros hunting team kept a small flying frog as a pet. Zheng Qing saw it during the hunting competition last year.

I don't know if he is dead now.

There is such a bad thing when pets and delicious food coincide. Cute when alive, delicious after death. Koko.

"I just want some ordinary green-skinned frogs...Of course, yellow-skinned frogs are also fine." Kerma complained to several young wizards, pointing to an old murloc beside him: "But it takes snow clams Come trick me!"

Snow clam is toad, which is mainly produced in Changbai Mountain and Xing'an Mountains. Its meat is delicious, and the whole frog can also be used as medicine. Toad oil is also a good product for treating deficiency syndrome. Zheng Qing had eaten this kind of thing when he was a child.

"Aren't snow toads a more precious species than frogs? How can they be considered cheating?" Zheng Qing asked casually, his mind was in a mess.

"This little Young Master is a clear lesson!" The old murloc was overjoyed when he got support unexpectedly, and immediately called out to Zhuang Tianqu: "The unit price of those snow clams was three silver horns and five copper cents each when they were purchased, and I sold them to you." You only charge three silver horns and six copper coins... There is no more honest asking price in the entire wizarding world than me!"

Kerma rolled her eyes wide.

"I can obviously buy a frog with three copper coins, why should I buy three snow clams with one silver horn?" She flicked her snow-white ponytail at the back of her head, curled her lips: "Don't put me on top of those who hide all day long." Comparable to the great wizard who conducted experiments in the wizard tower... I was a northerner who broke through the Black Forest and caught corpse beetles when I was young!"

The two wizards of the North District who followed behind her immediately puffed up their chests, with proud expressions on their faces. Zheng Qing felt that at that moment, their faces almost glowed.

"Can you think about it again?" The old murloc persisted: "I can lower the price by half a copper... This is really not a business. If the beautiful girl uses magic, she will hold a An ugly green-skinned frog, how ugly that would be. Snow toads are the frogs they should carry."

"If it's not for business, you can give me this batch of snow clams."

"Although it's not a business, it doesn't make sense for me to lose money!"

"It's still not enough sincerity!" The witch finally came to such a conclusion, refusing to give in at all.

The old murloc sighed, shook his head and walked away.

"I don't quite understand...what is it trying to do?" Zheng Qing asked as he stared at the old murloc's back.

Colmar didn't answer.

It was Dr. Xiao Da, the think tank of the Forgiveness Hunting Team, who answered him: "The murlocs want to make friends with the new great wizard and find allies for the tribe, but they are afraid to do it. They are too big, and I am worried that the Wizards Union will not be happy... A group of banned magical creatures, wanton association with the great wizard of the alliance, do you have any ideas?"

"But the handwriting is small, and it seems to be calculating, too petty." Zheng Qing also recalled, nodded: "Just like the old fishman just now."

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Having said that, he shook his head.

"It's really too difficult for a murloc to grasp the subtle difference between a philistine and a shrewd." The wizard sighed as he thought of the cerebellum of the fish, "They can obviously live a little easier."

"No one wants to be kept in captivity like a pig... An overly relaxed Life is not a good thing for murlocs. In this kind of thing, you don't need to worry about them at all." Kerma sent two of her followers to find new ones. After hearing the conversation of the wizards, he interjected and added: "The fragility and strength of a race are beyond imagination. Sometimes, a single sentence can cause a race to collapse. But sometimes, a race can Persist for long years in darkness and despair."

Zheng Qing heard the last sentence familiar, and he remembered that Maupassant seemed to have said something similar.

But right now, he doesn't have any more thoughts on recalling the books he read when he was a child.

Because Senior Sister Kerma walked carelessly between him and Jiang Yu, putting one hand on his shoulder and the other on Jiang Yu's shoulder, holding him tightly.

The summer robes are very thin, and Zheng Qing can clearly feel the coolness and abundance under the two layers of fabric.

His whole body became a little stiff.

Jiang Yu also seemed a little surprised, her walking steps became clumsy.

Xiao Xiao was a little speechless, holding his head in his hands, looking up at the sky, kicking, kicking, and following behind the three of them boredly.

Colmar-senpai seemed completely unaware of the unease between the male and female wizards.

She seemed extremely relaxed, because she didn't have a follower, so she spoke with less scruples:

"Actually, if you want me to say, using toads as sacrifices is not bad, and the price is cheaper. But everyone said that it lacks a sense of mystery and makes the wizards of the North District look ugly."

"...A lot of times, you have to learn to compromise. Make a choice between being useless and not that useful. I already regret why I didn't use rabbits as sacrifices."

"Because rabbits are one of the protected categories stipulated in the Wizarding Code," the wizard replied weakly: "It is a crime to kill rabbits at will."

Kerma laughed and patted the wizard on the shoulder hard.

"You're much more honest than you look!" she remarked.

The wizard disagrees with this assessment.

So he changed the subject:

"I've heard people say that the great wizard who has just been promoted needs to be careful to stabilize the Realm and condense the real body. Is it really okay for you to stroll outside so casually now?"

What if it was attacked by a dark wizard? He added something from the bottom of his heart.

"This is a prosthetic body." Kerma said, strangling Zheng Qing's head hard towards herself, and joked, "Can't you tell the difference between real and fake?"

Although the feeling of fullness was stronger, for some reason, Zheng Qing breathed a sigh of relief from the bottom of his heart. The originally stiff body also relieved a lot.

Only then did he realize that he didn't feel the 'grand wizard aura' that he had seen that night from Senior Sister Kerma today.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but he keenly felt that Jiang Yu from the 'next door' also breathed a sigh of relief.

Without this pressure, the subsequent visits will become very enjoyable.

Compared with Sijifang, Quankelai's market is much smaller—even smaller than Huiziji.

The three of them walked around the entire market, but they met many acquaintances.

For example, Professor Li from the Potions class, Uncle Stendhal from the school work committee, Mrs. Bella from the school hospital, and the neighbor across from d&k, the owner of the homeless bar.

Besides that, there are other students.

Like Soprano.

Zheng Qing would bet that Soprano must have come to talk to the murlocs about smuggling and illegal transactions.

Because this is one of the few opportunities to chat with the murloc tribe in an open and honest manner—Seprano has almost been confirmed as the next Augustus of the Blood Brotherhood, and there are obviously many more wizards around him.

What surprised Zheng Qing more was Zhang Jixin, who appeared with his big brother.

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