Hunting High School

Chapter 72: Soprano And Zhang Shuzhi

When Zheng Qing saw Zhang Jixin, he was forming a small circle with three other wizards, as if admiring some artwork. On his left is Zhang Shuzhi, who is also red-faced but lean; on the right is the stout and strong Soprano; the wizard Zheng Qing standing opposite him is also very familiar, and he is Andrew, the captain of the Ouroboros Hunting Team.

Zhang Shuzhi and other wizards under Soprano gathered not far from that small circle, forming two distinct groups.

Two red robes, two white robes, put together, it is hard not to wonder what they are doing.

Senior Kerma stopped at a place far away from the four wizards.

"We're going to buy some girls' supplies, do you want to go with me?" She looked at the wizard with a smile.

Zheng Qing felt that she did it on purpose.

It's just that the current wizard has been able to cope with such a scene very well. He calmly pulled Own's hand out of her arm, and replied with a smile, "It just so happens that I'm going to buy some boys' supplies too..."

"Excellent." The senior sister raised her eyebrows, reached out and hugged Poseidon from the wizard's hand, then tilted her head, and said to Jiang Yu, "Let's go... see you later."

The last two words were addressed to Zheng Qing.

Zheng Qing hesitated for a few seconds, and finally felt that it might be safer for the little fox to follow a great wizard. And it also seems to prefer to stay in the arms of girls.

The wizard sighed, then turned to look at Xiao Xiao: "The Elder is over there, let's go say hello."

"Okay, my lord." The doctor drew his voice and replied in an extremely unqualified servant's tone.

Seeing Zheng Qing walking towards him, Zhang Jixin raised his arms, as if he wanted to say hello, but also seemed to prevent him from approaching. But before Zheng Qing could figure out what his gesture meant, another wizard among the onlookers had already waved at him.

It's Soprano.

Zhang Shuzhi also looked up at Zheng Qing and didn't stop him.

Zheng Qing paused for a second, and finally chose to step forward - he just wanted to say hello to Zhang Jixin and ask him why he came to Quanke. Whether it was Soprano or Zhang Shuzhi, although he saw it, he didn't feel the need to avoid them.

"Elder, what are you doing here?" The young public finance student asked a few steps away.

Before Zhang Jixin could open his mouth, Soprano raised a stubby index finger to his lips, and then pointed to a flower pot among them, signaling to be quiet.

A morning glory in the flower pot has just squeezed out its flower buds and is opening its tender petals.

Not long after, accompanied by a hissing noise, a harsh murloc language flowed from the trumpet flower and passed into the ears of several young wizards.

"...Salmons and Oncokens came back from Dan Hag last week. They were released early for good behaviour. Before returning they were drinking in a pub on Dan Hag Shire Road and saw some hunters. "

"I have the symbols of the Iron Cross, Tulip, Panlong, and Black Tortoise on my body."


There was a gasping sound from among the flowers.

"The school is calling hunters from the new world back to school!" The voice became excited: "Look at these hunters, they are all the most famous hunting groups!"

"What did you call them back for?"

"Help defend the black prison, Preller." Another somewhat old voice comforted: "Those hunting groups came back to help defend the black prison. In the past few years, the Krakens have been testing the bottom line of First University , I heard that they will not be able to bear it this year."

[The book chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who has known me for ten years, Yeguo Reading! It’s really easy to use. I rely on reading and listening to books to pass the time while driving and before going to bed. You can download yeguoyuedu here]

There was silence on the opposite side, and the morning glory finally found a chance to stretch its taut petals and curled leaves.

"How do you know so much?" the excited voice questioned.

"I chatted with Professor Garcia."

"Why didn't you tell us?!"

"...Because you haven't asked us." The old voice was very calm: "If you are willing to chat with the elders in the clan, you will know a lot of things that you don't know."

"So, what do the Krakens want to do?" A hoarse voice hissed, changing the topic.

"It is said that many big figures of sea monsters are imprisoned in the black prison, and there are treasures of monsters." The old voice is not sure about the specific reason, but he has a few guesses: "Rumors are flying around in the wandering bar now... ...It is said that the Dark Council is very interested in the plans of the Krakens. I guess there will be a big battle in the school soon."

"...So, those hunters won't come to harass us, right." The hoarse voice confirmed.

"If you are willing to settle down a bit recently, yes, I believe they won't do anything to a small Linzhong Lake murloc tribe." The old voice looked very tired: "But if you continue to make trouble, trust me , They will cuddle grass and beat rabbits—after this great war, there will definitely be a lot of empty places in the black prison."

"We are not afraid of those wizards! If they dare to provoke us, I will tear them to pieces!"

"Yes, yes, no one is afraid of those wizards. But we don't have to haggle over them."


The chat ended here, and the following conversation became noisier and more vulgar. Soon, the morning glory was completely quiet, and after a while, it curled up into a ball again, and huddled into a ball again.

Soprano put away the flowerpot and looked at Zhang Shuzhi.

"As you heard," he squinted his eyes, his voice was as low as ever: "The murlocs in Linzhong Lake will calm down a little recently. The premise is that you don't stimulate them too much."

"What does this matter have to do with Alpha?" Zhang Shuzhi stared at the fat wizard and asked softly.

Soprano chuckled.

"I know, you understand." He said inexplicably, glanced at Zheng Qing, and finally added: "At this critical time, everyone hopes that the school can be quieter."

Zheng Qing did not confirm that Soprano's so-called "critical moment" refers to the critical moment of the association election, or the critical moment of the school's handling of black prisons.

But this did not affect his understanding of what he had just heard.

The murloc tribe of Linzhong Lake planned to back down, and the Alpha Academy didn't want to make trouble either. The premise is that Jiuyou Academy will not hold on to murlocs smearing manure on the library walls, attacking patrols, etc.

It's hard to say which side really benefits.

Each side has losses, but also gains.

Zhang Shuzhi did not answer Soprano's request immediately.

He moved his gaze away from the air—that is, where the flowerpot was just now—and first moved to Soprano, pulled the brim of his hat at him, then turned around on Zheng Qing, and finally landed in the distance On the group of white robes:

"The difference between murlocs and us is that sometimes wizards use more brutal methods."

"It's just that murlocs don't hide things."

"Just like those guys in Atlas preach, God will punish the wicked when the Last Judgment Day comes. We are not far from the Judgment Day. All evil will be reduced to ashes in the Judgment."

Zheng Qing secretly clucked his tongue.

He never knew that Zhang Jixin's big brother was more radical than him.

Soprano was obviously used to Zhang Shuzhi's words, so he just smiled: "Then I'll take it as if you agreed for the time being... By the way, I really think you are more suitable for Atlas Academy. The school's current sorting system is a joke. "

This time, Zhang Shuzhi ignored him, but turned to look at Zheng Qing:

"Nice to meet you, the 'world' of the Greater Arcana...I'm sorry, I need to borrow your hunter for a while. If you have time, you can come to Tianyi mansion for tea."

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