Hunting High School

Chapter Eighty-One

Hunting team training sounds like a very exciting word, but in fact the process is quite boring.

Hunters need to chant the spells that have been repeated countless times in fixed situations and occasions at the fastest speed, and at the same time cheer up and muster "complete courage" to face the non-existent monsters.

In addition, there are cumbersome hunting formations, lengthy pre-hunting tactics derivation, and lack of innovative distress modes-such as talismans being accidentally stained and unable to activate, blood attracting another group of monsters who are eyeing, spells accidentally injuring companions, getting lost, and spraining feet , falling off a cliff, unexpected allergies to animals and plants, etc. - relatively speaking, if the chief director of training arranges some unorganized and logical links, it will make the hunters feel a little bit interesting.

But these situations will never appear in the director of Dr. Xiao Da.

He is more rigid than the most rigid old master in the school, and he always limits the training plan of forgiveness to a very narrow range, which makes people feel restrained.

"Only by dancing in shackles can you have the greatest freedom in the hunting ground!"

This is a sentence he often hangs on his lips.

On weekdays, as the captain of the Forgiveness Hunting Team, even if Zheng Qing felt bored in his heart, he would agree on the surface and forcibly pull himself together to participate in the training.

But today, something happened a little bit.

Because yesterday Saturday, the whole day, in addition to doing homework in the library in the morning, I will go to work in Professor Montelia's laboratory in the afternoon, and there will be a night patrol mission in Linzhong Lake in the evening.

Up to now, Zheng Qing has only slept less than four hours.

So in today's training, the wizard made frequent mistakes and lost his mind at every turn.


After Zheng Qing missed the opportunity to use the healing talisman again, Xiao Xiao frowned and reprimanded: "...Just now, after Fatty accidentally rolled down the hill, it was his left leg that broke, not his right leg! If you used the talisman on the hunting ground The waste of paper on his right leg will not only deplete our already tight supplies, but also cause unnecessary negative impact on the entire hunting team... Remember, you are the captain of the hunting team, and low-level mistakes will make The hunters thought you were panicking!"

"I can tell him which leg is broken," Sim Fatty said, sitting on a rock—his right leg was heavily bandaged, forcing him to stretch it straight like a stick— —Muttered: "...if I know it hurts."

The implication is that the doctor does not need to haggle over details like 'left leg' or 'right leg'.

"You fell and passed out!" Xiao Xiao gave him a stern look, and added the own setting.

Fatty immediately lay heavily on his back on the grass, moaning comfortably: "Oh... ok, ok. I passed out."

Zheng Qing sighed heavily.

"I need a break."

He said weakly, rubbing his cheeks vigorously and shaking his head at the same time: "I didn't sleep too much yesterday, and I haven't been able to concentrate today..."

The companions all knew about Zheng Qing working as an assistant in the laboratory and patrolling at night.

The doctor only hesitated for a few seconds, then nodded, and said in a blunt tone: "Next time, in the next hunting team training, such a situation must not happen."

"Okay, okay."

The young public finance student raised his hand and walked away, muttering at the same time: "I just need to take a break..."

As he said that, he had already found a spacious and clean chair in the gazebo on the promenade around the lake, leaning against the thick pillars, and within a moment, he began to snore loudly.

"It seems that he is really tired." Xin Fatty listened to the sound of Zheng Qing's snoring, and shook his head: "It is rare to hear him snoring while sleeping."

"The subsequent training..."

"Don't we still have a captain?" Dr. Xiao Da adjusted his glasses, pointed to Zhang Jixin: "Hey, I will leave the leadership of the search and anti-demon training to problem."

"Sure." Zhang Jixin patted his thick chest and assured him.



Sleeping in the gazebo, although the venue was a bit rough, Zheng Qing slept very comfortably.

He felt as if he was lying on twenty layers of velvet mattresses, listening to the white noise of the rain falling and the breeze, falling into the deepest sleep—no, there were no dreams, only sleep.

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From falling asleep to opening his eyes at the end, none of those annoying dreams in normal times appeared.

This makes the boy feel very happy after opening his eyes.

Stretched and stood up.

The moon is big and bright tonight.

But the thick fog made this brightness a lot paler, and ten meters away, it was a blur. Zheng Qing took out the Dharma book, cleared his throat, and read a mantra stored in the book:

"Birds chirping, begging for their friends."

A crisp bird song seemed to come from an extremely distant place, and immediately, a yellow light flashed in the distance. It seems to be on the other side of Linzhong Lake. Zheng Qing raised his eyebrows in surprise. He didn't remember that when the hunting team drew up the training plan, there was an arrangement to change the venue.

But it doesn't matter, you will know why after you find everyone.

The wizard jumped up and down twice, moved his body, and then walked along the foggy lakeside promenade in the direction where the yellow light flashed. From time to time, one or two crisp birdsong can be heard in the dense fog, guiding him in the direction.

It's just that the farther you go, the distance between the birdsong and Zheng Qing seems to be getting farther, and the surrounding fog is getting thicker and thicker.

Until the end, the fog was so heavy that it was impossible to see the road one meter away, and the birdsong seemed to be hiding in the thick quilt, changing from crisp to hoarse and weak.

Zheng Qing stopped cautiously, holding the book in his hand, and at the same time began to visualize the own Talisman Gun in his mind.

"Although it is a bit slow, the reaction is still correct."

A familiar voice rang in his ears, as if standing beside him: "...a wizard needs to be aware of the surrounding environment at all times. You need to be vigilant for any slight anomalies. This is your magic The guarantee of going further on the road."

Zheng Qing's finger when he opened the book was stiff for a few seconds, and the talisman gun that he had visualized in his mind was also shattered under the violent mood fluctuation, turning into a green-gold light spot.

"Sir?" He called out in surprise.

"It's time for class." Mr. Wu suddenly appeared next to the wizard, put his hand on his shoulder, and led him into the depths of the fog: "...As we originally planned, Sunday I will give you extra lessons in the afternoon."

Only then did Zheng Qing realize that the time was not quite right.

The forgiveness hunting team's training was scheduled on Sunday during the daytime, and the sun was still high when Zheng Qing fell asleep. He had no reason to sleep until the moon was in the sky, but the companions around him didn't remind him at all.


The boy followed in the footsteps of his husband, looked around at the same time, and muttered: "I'm still in a dream, right..."

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