Hunting High School

Chapter 82: Mr. Second Class

"Sir, how is Elena doing? When can I visit her?"

"When she's ready."

"get ready?"

"I can say responsibly that there are some more important elements besides oxygen, love and hope that make us willing to live in this world. Such as waiting."

"Waiting is a virtue, and it is also a way to make love and hope more mellow under the brewing of time. You are only eighteen years old..."

"Nineteen, sir." The young public finance student had to interrupt in a low voice: "I'm already nineteen years old."

"Almost," the gentleman waved his hand, not paying attention to this detail: "For me, eighteen or eighty is still a child. There is no difference."

The husband can always say something that Zheng Qing cannot refute.

" are still young, and the days ahead are still long. There is still a colorful world waiting for you to visit. You can become great wizards, and date at the end of time... just a little bit, patience and waiting."

These are two points, Zheng Qing murmured in his heart, and at the same time thought somewhat melancholy—well, dating at the end of time sounds difficult. Is that another way to describe Love To Die?

While talking, the two kept walking in the thick fog.

Zheng Qing didn't know where his husband was taking him, and he didn't object to walking around with him for a while. But he doesn't like to be too quiet when walking. That would make him feel awkward in the air.

Because when we met last week, the young wizard had already reported the recent events in the school to Mr. So this meeting, it was difficult for him to talk as much as last time.

After racking his brains for a long time, Zheng Qing finally thought of an interesting topic.

"Sir," the boy licked his lips and asked in a low voice: "In this week's spell class, Professor Yao told us some concepts about Yuan Chen's guardian spell... The professor said that the function of that spell is to create a 'Beacon'?"

"That's right," replied Mr. briefly.

But this is not the answer Zheng Qing wanted.

"In other words, that spell has no effect on me, right?" The young public fee student analyzed: "You said before, because of the forbidden spell, my magical path already has a very clear foundation. If you walk along the planned 'road', you can go far, far away..."

The gentleman turned his head and glanced at him.

"Learning magic is a gradual process." He replied: "The accumulation of any knowledge is very important. It's like a poor man suddenly inheriting a large amount of gold. If he doesn't learn how to preserve and increase the value of the gold, If he doesn't learn how to use it sparingly, the gold will eventually disappear from his side like running water."

"You don't want to explode every time you use the forbidden spell in the future, right?"

Zheng Qing shook his head vigorously: "I don't want to."

"So," the gentleman nodded: "The role of the Yuanchen Guardian Charm is to allow you to build your own magic methodology and perfect your magic worldview. You must master it proficiently."

"Will my real body be two villains?" Zheng Qing finally couldn't help asking a question that had troubled him for a long time.

He clearly remembered that after he released the Yuanchen Guardian Curse, two villains were revealed: one was wearing a long white coat, wearing a high crown of horns, with his hands folded in his sleeves, and a book and a pen appeared in front of him; The other was wearing a black jacket, a horse face mask, a black iron chain around his neck, and a small knife in his hand.

The master's hand on the boy's shoulder exerted a little force, and he almost fell to the ground.

"The biggest problem for many people is that they think too much and do too little." The gentleman sighed slightly: "What is the real body like? What is the essence of the real body? How to condense the real body? Wait... these questions, It's not something you can focus on right now. It's farther away from you than from the earth to the stars."

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"The road is under your feet. You can occasionally look up at the sky, but more attention should be placed on the road under your feet. Don't fall into the pit like Thales in Ionia, just looking at the stars while walking inside."

"But don't be disturbed either. I like the way you ask questions."

"It fits very well with what we have in class today."

Zheng Qing didn't speak, but continued to listen quietly, but couldn't help but recall the content of the last class in his mind. In the last class, the teacher took him to observe two cases and destroyed two small hopes, and then told him that there is no need to worry about the destruction of those two small hopes.

Because the benevolent don't worry.

As long as you are doing the right thing, there is no need to worry about being insecure.

The thick fog dissipated suddenly, interrupting the boy's memories. An exquisite octagonal pavilion appeared before Zheng Qing's eyes, with carved beams and painted buildings, bucket arches and flying eaves. There was no one in the pavilion, but a huge floor-to-ceiling mirror was placed, which looked really strange.

The husband took Zheng Qing and waited for a few seconds under the steps in front of the pavilion before climbing up the steps.

"What time is it?" Standing in front of the mirror, Mr. asked suddenly.

Zheng Qing froze for a moment, and hurriedly took out his own silver case pocket watch from the gray cloth bag. Open the watch cover, the pointer is pointing to one forty-six in the afternoon.

When the boy was about to answer, the pocket watch in his hand suddenly burst into light, and the hour hand in the case spun wildly. Irregularly, it turned forward more than ten times, and then turned seven or eight times backward. The minute hand seemed to be suffering from epilepsy, and it just kept shaking in place.

Zheng Qing has every reason to believe that without the restraint of the quartz case, the minute hand would definitely jump out of the pocket watch and jump to the ground.

The young wizard was tongue-tied and stared at the crazy pocket watch for a few seconds before he thought of raising his head to ask Mr. But when he raised his head, he found that his husband was looking out of the pavilion with great interest.

Zheng Qing followed his husband's gaze and looked out, and found that when the pocket watch went crazy, outside the pavilion, the dense fog that was isolated from it also rolled violently. It seems that there are more than a dozen giant dragons fighting hand-to-hand in the fog, and it is like the roaring sea under the storm.

The turbulent mist hit the gazebo under their feet one wave after another, but not a single bit of mist could get in.

"What time is it?" The gentleman asked again.

Zheng Qing subconsciously glanced down at the pocket watch in his hand, the crazy force of the hour hand seemed to have passed, and the rotation speed was getting slower and slower. He waited for a few more seconds, and the hour hand finally stopped spinning and stopped at eleven o'clock.

And the minute hand did not stand alone. At the moment when the hour hand stopped rotating, it finally jumped a bit, jumping from forty-six minutes to forty-seven minutes.

"Eleven forty-seven, at night." The boy licked his lips and replied in a hoarse voice.

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