Hunting High School

Chapter 265 Beyond The Dreamland


The violent and fiery breath swept past, the tall oak forest rattled in the wind, and the slender mushrooms under the trees were uprooted, like upgraded dandelions, bumping around in the forest.

Starting from the location of Zheng Qing and the two banshees, a cone-shaped empty land suddenly appeared in the Enchanted Forest. This open space is so large that it almost divides the huge Enchanted Forest into two. Standing in the middle of the forest, one can almost see the light blue mountain range outside the forest.

Finely shattered ashes slowly fell from midair, and the sunlight seemed a little distorted amidst the swirling ashes. The empty land was scorched black, and there was not a single grass, mushroom, or insect left on the surface, and all life disappeared in the violent breath.

Zhu Zhu's small mouth was slightly opened, her eyes were wide open, and she was completely frightened by this terrifying scene.

Nikita's face was pale, and the feeling of fear was like a raging tide, one after another, it kept coming to her heart. Just a little bit, just a little bit less, and I will become a part of those ashes.

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Zheng Qing shot past her ear, and for a moment, the banshee felt that she was dead. But fortunately, she is still alive, still alive, only a few strands of hair have become burnt and smelly in this crisis.

Zheng Qing was holding the Remington shotgun. He was not surprised by the power of the shot, but there was still a hint of surprise in his eyes.

The surprise was that after the shot, he did not collapse on the ground as expected.

He can see clearly.

This time, when shooting, many small golden runes appeared on the light blue gun body, and those runes were embellished with the windmill-shaped logo of the King in Yellow, like a large net, and the runes disappeared when the bullets were shot. The scattered power is firmly bound to the gun.

Not only was he fine, but the rune gun didn't crash during this shot.

Zheng Qing felt that he could fire a few more shots.

Overseas consciousness, the light blue tube made of runes became more and more clear. It plunged heavily into the light blue cyclone, continuously extracting the energy in the cyclone, and inputting the new blood talisman in the rune gun magazine. Hit.

There was a glimmer of understanding in the wizard's heart.

As long as I still have new blood rune bullets, as long as I maintain the light blue tube, the cyclone in the sea of ​​consciousness will not continue to grow in a short time.

This means that he has escaped from the explosion crisis and has a little more room for maneuver.

For this result, Zheng Qing is still very satisfied. Although he didn't mind dying with Nikita, it would be better for Mr. Trouble to go back to the Blank Land to return to First University alive.

"Lead the way."

The wizard put away the rune gun in his hand, his voice was a little weak. Although this shot didn't seriously hurt his vitality, the continuous consumption of mana still put a heavy burden on him.

He feels like a patient who has not recovered from a long-term illness. He has long-term lack of exercise and has heart disease, and he is unable to withstand any kind of slightly strenuous exercise.

Fortunately, he doesn't need to be as strong as Zhang Jixin.

He only needs to hold the gun, and the guide magic from the muzzle locks on the two banshees for a moment from time to time, so that they can obediently obey their own orders.

Hear Zheng Qing's order.

Feel the looming threat of the muzzle.

Without saying a word, Nikita stood up and began to gather his own servants. Zheng Qing's shot just now not only scared the two of them terribly, but also scared the natives of the dreamland.

The Shantak flock fell to the ground like dumplings, their wings so weak that they almost forgot the ability to fly. Guge titans and ghouls are slightly stronger, but their strength is limited, and they can only find their courage through fierce growls and random slaps around.

Unfortunately, Mimei Shuzu and others became the most miserable existence.

Many brown little guys were affected by the 'movements' of the ghouls and Gug titans. Instead of being turned into ashes under Zheng Qing's rune gun, they were turned into a pulp under the fists and feet of their allies.

"Do you still remember the area where the little girl disappeared last?" Nikita led his huge purple spider, walked up to Zheng Qing, turned to look at the little banshee, and asked with a pleasant face.

Zhu Zhu was still staring at the scorched earth in a daze.

It wasn't until Nikita's eyes became a little cold that she recovered from the fright.

"Remember, remember." The little banshee pointed, pointing in the opposite direction to Zheng Qing's shooting, which was the way she came from when she first appeared: "Just less than five kilometers away from here, at the edge of the forest, there is a pile of rocks There are many caves on the rocky beach... those ghosts came out of the caves."

Nikita looked at Zheng Qing, and said respectfully: "Please take a seat...we will definitely bring her back."

Zheng Qing stepped on the purple spider's two slanted, slender forelimbs, walked up to the spider's back, and chose a flat and soft place to sit down.

Very soft, like a fluffy woolen blanket.

Nikita obediently led the spider, commanded the recovering servants, and set off in the direction pointed by the little banshee.

Zheng Qing was preoccupied with how to find Zhu Si, but he didn't notice that behind the team, at the edge of the empty land shrouded in scorched black and ashes, an old oak tree that had already withered, experienced the "blazing heat" After the baptism of the wind', it finally could no longer support its existence, and there was a slight clicking sound from the tree.

The thick trunk of the old oak was split down the middle to reveal a dark, hollow heart.

The clicking sound was intermittent at first, but gradually became denser and louder. The moment Guge titan's heavy footsteps disappeared at the end of the forest, the dead and scorched old tree finally shattered in a crisp and continuous crackling sound, and turned into powder in an instant .

The breeze swept by, and the powder merged with the ashes on the open ground, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

A slender black gap appeared out of thin air at the original crack of the trunk, twisted a few times, like a drop of ink falling into the water, and soon disappeared.



Zheng Qing didn't know that behind him, a certain old oak tree closely related to him suffered an indiscriminate disaster.

As if he didn't know that when his talisman bomb destroyed the Enchanted Forest, the magic mirror hidden in the temporary exhibition hall in the depths of the Museum of Magic History of the Only First University made an ominous clicking sound.

When the old oak tree was completely reduced to powder.

The mirror surface of the magic mirror was also completely shattered.

The crystal shards of glass, like pure fine salt, spilled all over the ground. The turbulent magic power, mixed with the breath of the dreamland, surged out of the mirror and impacted the guardian circle of the entire museum.

The exhibits, which had gradually fallen silent, became agitated again under this breath.

In the bell tower of the museum, the big bronze bell covered with rust, automatic without wind, issued a heavy warning sound, clang clang clang, the bell was deafening, resounding through the entire school.

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