Hunting High School

Chapter 266: After The Broken Mirror


The sound of hurried footsteps came from the corridor, and a moment later, the door opened, and the unique cold atmosphere of the black prison and the howling of the giant dragon came in. A wizard in a black robe hurriedly crossed the tables on both sides of the room and walked quickly. Go down the steps at the end of the office.


He took off his hood, revealing his slightly gray hair and smooth forehead, and bowed slightly to the skinny old wizard behind the side table on the left side of the steps: "The acting head of the teaching assistant group of the First University, Zhang Yu, has seen Ruo Fool."

"What's the matter?" The skinny old wizard stroked the wolf-headed cane in his hand, and stared at the young assistant with his dark eyes.

Zhang Yu lowered his head, and reported respectfully: "The First University's guardian magic circle activated abnormally, and the school working committee requested assistance in defense."

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"Is it the black tide?" Ruoyu frowned slightly, and looked at a table hidden in the darkness obliquely: "Old Yao, didn't you say that the black tide would appear later? "

Professor Yao's shiny hair poked out from the darkness.

With his arms resting on a table, half of his body leaned forward slightly, and he replied with a smile: "The news that came back is that the mist will choose to attack the black prison and launch a black tide at the same time... But many times, the demons act It’s not going to go according to plan.”

"That little girl was not a safe child when she was in school." An old wizard in a white robe expressed his opinion behind another table.

"It's not a little girl...or a child anymore." Beside the old wizard, another wizard in a yellow robe corrected him in a low voice: "Monsters, they are all demons."

Zhang Yu had to wait for the big figures in the school to finish their discussions before speaking again.

"It's not the Kuroshio." This time, he gained experience, and without giving the great wizards behind the table a chance to speak, he added quickly: "It's not the Dark Council, and it's also related to the people who may be hiding in the northern part of Beta Town." The divine projection has nothing to do... the First University Museum of the History of Magic was the one that sounded the alarm."

"What can happen to the museum?" Vice President Ruoyu frowned.

"The guardian magic circle has detected an abnormal surge of magic power, and the Geiger value has crossed the critical point. It is confirmed that it is another world's aura leak." Originating from the Dreamlands. It is likely that there will be areas where the Dreams interfere with reality."

"Conjecture, maybe...bad wording." Vice-principal Ruoyu paused the crutch in his hand in dissatisfaction: "Can they give a more accurate report?"

"The time is too short, and the investigation is still in progress." At this point, Zhang Yu paused, and then referred to the request of the school working committee at the time of the initial report: "Because the investigation is short of manpower, the school working committee hopes that the school can mobilize some Go back to school."

On the steps, the figure behind the side table on the left was silent for a moment.

"Let them do their work." The old man touched the wolf head statue on the crutch, and rejected the request of the school working committee: "Now, don't bother me except for matters related to Xuanhuangmu."

Zhang Yu bowed slightly, and when he was about to step back, Professor Yao suddenly spoke again.

"The school work committee can apply for assistance from the wizards of the North District." He smiled and offered his own suggestion: "Return the patrol team in the Silent Forest and the patrol team in Beta Town to the school... let the wizards of the North District be in charge of these two place."

"Northern District... wizards?" Zhang Yu was stunned for a moment before realizing which group Professor Yao referred to as the "Northern District Wizards": "This is against the rules..."

This rhetoric is actually very euphemistic.

He has reason to doubt whether those crappy wizards who use frogs to cast magic in the North District have the ability to inspect the Silent Forest or Beta Town.

But such words are not suitable for such occasions.

"Rules are dead, people are alive." Lao Yao said, glanced at the figure on the steps, the vice principal Ruoyu sitting behind the deputy desk did not object, and then looked at the acting head of the teaching assistants again: "Northern people are very familiar with Silent Forest. You also know Korma, and you know that she is a warm-hearted child... Temporary secondment, no problem."



When Zhang Yu was reporting to the great wizards in the black prison.

The "warm-hearted good boy" that Professor Yao said, the newly promoted great sage of the North District, the great wizard of Korma, is standing in the hall on the second floor of the Sakura Tavern, having a meeting with her subordinates.

This hall was the gathering place of the Kini Cabin, and since Korma became a great wizard and invented the seal, it has become the Sacred Land of the North District magicians.

At this moment, the hundreds of wizards gathered in this hall are the most elite part of the wizards in the North District. Among them was Nicholas, who stood at the front of the team, one of the positions closest to the great sage of Korma.

He had a serious face and a serious expression, as if he was listening to the great sage's speech carefully.

But at the bottom of his heart, he was secretly pondering the news he had received earlier in the study room——Zheng Qing once speculated that the monster wanted to harm the school, and planned to summon some magical creatures in the Silent Forest to attack the First University.

Originally, Nicholas felt that this conclusion was a bit absurd.

But right now, the sage of Kerma, who is a great wizard, has also made a similar inference, and summoned the best members of the wizards in the North District to prepare for a possible new round of black tide.

Nicholas had to admit that Zheng Qing's speculation was reliable.

Thinking of Zheng Qing, he subconsciously thought of the action of the Forgiveness Hunting Team tonight, they were going to enter the mirror world through a magic mirror, and capture the faceless demon that once appeared as Feifei's pet.

I don't know how everyone is doing now, whether it's safe or not, and whether they have caught that big snake... Maybe it's not a big snake now, maybe it's a bedbug.

Nicholas was full of wild thoughts, but his face remained serious.

This is his most commonly used listening technique in the three years of college.

The great sage of Kerma on the stage suddenly stopped talking.

Nicholas thought as if his finger had been stung by a bee, and quickly retracted, focusing on the podium again. Then he saw the great sage of Kerma frowning, looking in the direction of the academy.

"What's the matter?" the wizard asked subconsciously, and then realized that he was being rude, and quickly made up for it: "Great Sage."

The wizards of the North District nearby withdrew their vicious gazes.

Nicholas gave them a sorry look.

"There was an accident at the school." Kerma's eyes seemed to pass through countless formations and walls, across a long distance, and landed on Jiuyou Academy.

"Great Sage, has the Kuroshio erupted?" A witch from the North District asked nervously.

This is the theme of today's meeting, so when Korma said that something happened in the school, everyone's first reaction was that the Kuroshio broke out. Nicholas is no exception.

But Kerma's next words made his already raised heart a little higher.

"No, it's not the Kuroshio." The great sage frowned slightly, his expression seemed a little confused: "It's a museum. An accident happened in a museum in the school...the guardian circle was activated."

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