Hunting High School

Chapter 267: The Main Battlefield Of The Wizards Of The North District


Nicholas repeated the word with a hoarse voice, a trace of anxiety flashed in his eyes. He remembered very clearly that a little earlier, in Liu Feifei's study room, when several hunters from the Forgiveness Hunting Team were discussing how to enter the mirror world, they proposed to sneak into the First University Museum of Magic History and enter through a magic mirror. .

At that time, Nicholas also analyzed to everyone that it was very unusual that the magic mirror was moved into the museum. Right now, when the great sage of Korma said that something happened in the school museum, his first reaction was that the forgiveness hunting team would be in trouble.

Maybe because what happened in the school museum is a little bit far from the wizards of the North End.

Kerma quickly looked away.

"Maybe a student sneaked into the museum at night and accidentally triggered some of the school's magical defense measures." She knew very well that under the pressure of the final exam, those young wizards in the school would do anything to relax Come out: "The school work committee and teaching assistant team have sent people to shouldn't matter."

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"These are not the focus of our attention!"

She changed the subject and turned the attention of the wizards in the North District back to the black tide that was about to erupt: "But this is also the focus of our discussion today... The North District is the North District for the people of the North District, not the first university." North District. When the Kuroshio surges, the only thing we can rely on is ourselves."

"There is no wizard from a university behind us to dispatch. When an accident appears at the gate of the school, just like today's museum, the school can mobilize teaching assistants, recall retired old school workers, and invite alumni who have already graduated... And We can't, we have only ourselves."

"Our ancestors are buried in the silent forest and the silent river, our friend Life is in the narrow North District, we are too poor to hire a powerful hunting team...we only have ourselves."

"Where the Kuroshio will come from, we don't know."

"We don't know how big the Kuroshio will be."

"The school has already started operations in the black prison, and the hunting teams in the new world have called back one after another a year ago. Now, the entire university is in full swing, but we know almost nothing about it... we don't know what's in the black tide, In addition to those magical creatures, how many dark wizards are there; I don't know how many wizards are standing with us in the small wizarding town of Beta Town."

"Today, I stand here to tell everyone."

"When the Kuroshio surged out of the Silent Forest, for the school, this was just a dispensable support battlefield, but for us, this is the frontal main battlefield!"



Sakura Tavern is two blocks away.

Beta Town, Pedestrian Street, No. 99 Store, inside Sanyou Bookstore.

The shop was quiet.

No guests and no mice. In addition to a napping tabby cat, another venting existence is the steaming red clay teapot on the small stove.

Unlike the quiet store, there is a lot of noise outside the store.

The cries of the wizards in the North District could not be heard on this quiet street. But diagonally opposite the bookstore, the rolling sound from the vagabond bar, accompanied by the rising and falling of the door curtain, could be heard from time to time.

The yellow raccoon was curled up on a desk by the window in the bookstore, leaning on a thick "Encyclopedia of the Wizarding World", snoring contentedly.

Its ears drooped down softly, tightly against the scalp, blocking the intrusion of noise.

The two wizards passing by noticed the orange figure behind the window, and moved over excitedly, twitching their fingers, tapping on the glass, making a 'mimi' sound, trying to attract the cat's attention.

It's just that the yellow raccoon is not willing to talk to them.

He refused to even take out a small dried fish. It squinted and snored. This slightly frustrating thought floated in its mind. If there were two witches outside... two beautiful little witches, maybe it would Reluctantly showing mercy, stretched at them. But now, two skinboys? To hell with their tits.

The attention of young wizards always shifted quickly.

The cats behind the window refused to pay attention to them, but in the small shop next door called 'd&k', there were two cats standing at the door to attract customers. Their tails were raised high, hooking up with every wizard passing by ankle.

The boys went into the little shop next door.

The yellow raccoon seems to be able to snore quietly again.

At this moment, behind the door of Sanyou Bookstore, the small brass bell hanging under the door rang 'jingling bell', as if someone was ringing the doorbell. But there was no one outside the door.

The raccoon's purring stopped, and it raised one eyelid and glanced at the shop door.

An illusory yellow light door appeared on the shop door and coincided with it. With the shaking of the bell, the light door began to vibrate slowly. After a while, the light door was pushed open.

Behind the door is a pitch-black world, and a few bright stars can be vaguely seen.

Mr. Wu came in from outside the light gate, brushed the dust off his robe, walked behind the desk, and lay comfortably on the rattan chair that still had a little warmth, and picked up the small red clay teapot on the small stove.

The temperature of the tea in the pot is just right, and the tea leaves are brewed without burning your mouth.

The gentleman took a sip of tea and sighed contentedly.

"Are there any guests?" The gentleman asked casually.

The yellow raccoon raised its eyelids again, and snorted angrily: "You've only been gone for a few minutes, don't you know if there are any guests?"

"You always have to ask to look alive."


"This is called the ritual sense of Life."

The yellow raccoon raised its paws, wiped its beard, raised its head angrily, and glanced at the owner, but finally couldn't resist the curiosity in his heart, and asked, "Then you ran so far, did you see anything?"

"There is nothing new in the starry sky, but Yogurt's grasp of time and space Realm has improved a lot." The gentleman shook his head, took a sip of tea, paused, and then added: "My breakthrough has given me a lot. The old guy pointed out the direction, and it also gave a lot of inspiration to many guys with little background... Maybe they think that I have been focusing on forbidden spells for a special reason, so they turned their attention to that kid."

"Zheng Qing?" The yellow raccoon shook his beard.

"Who else is the child related to the forbidden curse?" The gentleman replied calmly.

The yellow raccoon was about to ridicule the overreaching of those outsiders, when he suddenly turned his head to look out the window—its ears turned earlier than its head.

At the same time, Mr. Wu also raised his head and glanced in the direction of the school.

"It's a museum." The yellow raccoon nodded affirmatively, then kicked over the heavy reference book next to him, and cursed: "Damn it! I knew it! I knew it!! I knew it!!!"

It cursed three times, but in the end it didn't say what it knew.

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