Hunting High School

Chapter 270 The Invalid Contract

The empty and lush Enchanted Forest is unusually quiet.

A small wind fell from the blue-gray mountain range at the end of the forest, crossed the charred black plain, and carried a few strands of ash into the dense and extremely unnatural fungal community in the forest. Gai, greedily accepting these nutrients that fell from the sky.

The dead and dying trees fell on the fertile land, slowly rotting, and the trunks were covered with blue-white moss, like scars.

A Mischievous Mouse poked its head out from the mushroom bushes and looked around. After not noticing any movement, it jumped onto the big tree lying on the ground and was close to Death, and quickly moved forward with its limbs. A fine paw print on the moss.

Then it saw those striking figures on the edge of the scorched black plain.

Mimishu immediately rolled down from the tree trunk and disappeared into the mushroom bushes again.

Its movements are light and fast, but as long as you pay a little attention, it is not difficult to find its fur that is very different from the color of the forest. It's just that the young wizards in the Land of Ashes were immersed in the great shock and endless confusion brought about by Jiang Yu's little story, and no one noticed the tiny brown figure in the forest.

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"If my understanding is correct,"

Xiao Xiao rubbed the crystal ball in his hand, and said slowly: "Ms. Jones was also in that big explosion, right? She didn't have a husband to save her... She hasn't come to class for a long time."

The reason given by the school was that Irina was busy with the affairs of the Gypsy Witches, so she was temporarily out of class.

But now, as everyone knows, that's not true.

"Elena is not dead." Jiang Jade Slip explained: "She just fell into some kind of deep sleep. My husband said that she can definitely wake up."

"Great wizard, great wizard, great wizard!"

In the whole story, what Zhang Jixin yearns for the most is the situation of Senior Sister Korma: "It turns out that Senior Senior was promoted through this method... No wonder the family and the Alliance are so vague about such a celebration worthy of... ...a great wizard who is less than twenty-five years old...only such a risky approach can succeed!"

"That is a very dangerous, very dangerous, very dangerous illegal magic experiment." Jiang Yu reminded with some anxiety, and in order to emphasize the meaning of own, she deliberately used three 'very dangerous': "That is not something to celebrate Kerma-senpai thinks so too."

She thought of Irina who had become one with a certain small tree, and her expression dimmed again.

"But isn't the result good?" The red-faced wizard spread his hands, seeming to notice the regretful expression on the witch's face, and immediately corrected his own words: "Of course, I didn't mean to do what you have done... I just suddenly Understand, if you want to become a great wizard, you can't follow the rules blindly... Sometimes you have to learn to break through the shackles of conventions and traditions."

"This is not the reason why you intend to violate the laws of the alliance," Xin Fatty glanced at the red-faced wizard who was about to move, and raised his hand again, like a reporter attending a press conference:

"You conducted an illegal magic experiment, Dan Hag...or the Alliance, didn't you trouble yourself? Didn't the school deal with it further?"

"The school just asked us to sign a silent contract, asking us to keep silent about what happened in the forest. The investigations of the alliance are all handled by the school..." Jiang Yu's voice stopped abruptly here.

There was a look of surprise and uncertainty on her face.

This surprise appeared on the faces of Xiao Xiao and Xin Fatty at the same time, only Zhang Jixin hadn't realized what happened yet.

"Why didn't you speak suddenly?" The red-faced wizard listened for a long time, and finally shouted: "Could it be that you, Zhong Shan, gave Dan Hager money again?"

This is the most common method used by aristocratic families to deal with legal issues.

Jiang Yu didn't answer his teasing, but frowned, lowered his head, and carefully looked at Own's hands. Through her translucent skin, she could vaguely see the charred ashes beneath her feet, casting a shadow over the entire background.

"The contract has expired?" Xin Fatty forced a smile, and said an answer that even he himself did not believe. I have never heard of a silent contract that is valid for one or two months.

Jiang Yu shook his head.

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"The validity period of the contract is permanent." She also just realized that she had revealed so many secret information unknowingly, and she didn't receive the reminder of the contract—theoretically, she should not be able to remember this matter, or, Even if she deliberately remembered it and wanted to tell others, the contract would first remind her not to violate that magical agreement through some small punishments.

For example, a small lightning falling from the sky, or a patch of hives growing on the back of the hand, or temporary loss of voice, blindness, and unspeakable short-term stinging pain, etc.

The punishment for truly violating the contract is very serious.

But after seeing the scorched black plain just now, her mind went blank, she was only thinking about how to find Zheng Qing, and she forgot the existence of the silent contract for a while.

Then there is a de facto default.

"Is it because we are now in the dreamland, so the effect of the contract has been affected?" Zhang Jixin also realized what happened at this time, and looked around anxiously, as if he was worried that a man in a black robe would pop out of the void. The guy with the giant scythe.

Xiao Xiao denied this guess.

"The effectiveness of the silent contract is blessed by the alliance." He adjusted his glasses and explained: "Every wizard in the alliance is contributing his own power to the law of the contract. That is to say, if you have surpassed the entire wizard The magic power of the alliance can break through the shackles of the silent contract..."

Jiang Yu definitely doesn't have that powerful Magic power.

Not even the entire Zhongshan Jiang family has it.

"Perhaps, it has something to do with that gentleman?" Xin Fatty guessed in a low voice.

The witch pursed her lips, but said nothing. After realizing that the silent contract had expired, the first image that came to her mind was that night, in that small bookstore, Mr. Wu stood in front of her and Zheng Qing to witness another contract.

Intuition told her that the invalidation of the silent contract was related to that contract.

"The topic is getting far away. If you are curious, we can ask the captain for more details after we go out. Focus now," Xiao Xiao stopped the topic from going any further, and turned to look at Jiang Yu: "...Do you think this scorched blackness is caused by the aftermath of the explosion? "

The witch nodded silently.

"This scene is almost exactly the same as the scene after the explosion in the Silent Forest." She replied in a low voice.

"If that's the case, the captain may have..." Xin Fatty didn't finish the rest of the sentence, but everyone knew what he wanted to express.

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