Hunting High School

Chapter 271: The Dog Takes The Mouse

No one can survive such an explosion.

The Grand Wizard might.

"He must have brought those monsters along with him to destroy." Zhang Jixin's red face was a little more purple, and there was an emotion called 'charming' faintly beating: "A real warrior, with a fighting spirit that would rather die than surrender, fight against evil The irreconcilable determination... Great and glorious! If he were in my family, he would be able to enter the ancestral hall and enjoy the incense if he behaved like this."

Probably he felt that the greatest glory in this world was to enjoy the incense provided by the descendants in the Zhang Family Ancestral Hall.

Jiang Yu bit her lip anxiously.

Although she has a good relationship with Zheng Qing, she still feels that Zhang Jixin's "feeling" is a little bit off.

"The captain is very powerful, but he is not the kind of person you said." Compared with her, Xin Fatty was more casual, and immediately complained: "I suspect that he knew that he could be resurrected, so he died so decisively... "

"It's not necessarily a resurrection." Xiao Xiao adjusted his glasses, slowly spun the crystal ball in his hand, and said thoughtfully, "The space barriers in the fantasy world are notoriously weak. Such a large-scale explosion, say It’s not allowed to blow up a few space vortices on the spot... Maybe the captain didn’t die, but was just sucked away by the space vortex and drifted to Otherworld.”

This is the favorite reading story of young people in the wizarding world - a wizard living in another world uses magic to overwhelm the world, discovers the legacy of an unknown old wizard, and then rises to the third-level achievement Legendary wizard violently attacks the world, and so on.

Xiao Xiao just slightly connected the fantasies of the young wizards with reality. Besides, this is a dreamland, and the distance between fantasy and reality is originally very small.

Seeing that the topic turned to the unknown again, Jiang Yu finally couldn't bear it and interrupted the nonsense of the wizards.

"Now we need to be sure," she looked at Xiao Xiao, and said with a little emphasis: "Is he still alive? Among us, your divination skills are the best. Have you seen anything?"

The fortune teller of the hunting team has been staring at the crystal ball in his hand for a long time.

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"Not sure." Xiao Xiao didn't comfort her with false hopes, and replied honestly: "The powerful magic effect interferes with the divination conclusion, and it is difficult to confirm how many of those distorted pictures belong to the real world and how much belong to this world. specialty."

This world is a dreamland.

The specialty of the Dreamlands is fantasy and falsehood.

The witch sighed slightly, and looked around: "Where is Maodou? Where is it?"

She wanted to find Zheng Qing through Maodou. Just like in the desert, a "fixed square" is not necessarily more reliable than an old horse who knows the way. Compared with those exquisite magic techniques, sometimes the most traditional and primitive magic methods are more reliable.

Xin Fatty came back to his senses, and also looked around.

"It was still here just now," he blinked, and suddenly there was a hint of excitement in his voice: "Could it have found the captain's trace? Maodou? Maodou!!"

A dusty figure jumped out of the void suddenly, and staggered when it jumped out—as if it was tripped by the threshold when crossing the threshold—head down, plunged into the scorched black in the ashes.

But in an instant, it pulled its head out of the ashes, and with its dirty head on its head, it happily wagged its tail at several young wizards.

"Meow!" it yelled angrily.

Jiang Yu squatted down, took out a handkerchief, and wiped the embers on the dog's head.

"Did you find him?" she asked softly.

The dog's cheerful tail drooped down, and the voice also became smaller: "Meow."

The witch scratched its ear comfortingly, and asked, "Then what did you do just now?"

"Meow!" Maodou's tail pointed straight at an area at the junction of the Scorched Black Plain and the Enchanted Forest, and kept yelling, but limited by the poor vocabulary, several young wizards listened blankly, and did not understand what it wanted. say what.

"Don't we know if we go and have a look?" Zhang Jixin, the main hunter of the hunting team, showed enough courage and determination at this moment.

A group of people formed a small quadruple formation, followed Gouzi, and slowly approached the area.

There, the young wizards saw dense, slender fungi, and many large dying trees dumped on the ground, with bluish-white moss on the trunk, and a string of tiny footprints on the moss.

"This is the trace of Zu Ge." Xiao Xiao squatted in front of the series of tiny footprints, carefully distinguishing for a moment, and made a judgment.

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"Meow meow!"

Maodou squatted in front of a gap where a branch intersected with the ground, turned his head, and yelled at several young wizards. At the same time, he lowered his body, stretched his claws in, and tried to pull.

The humus layer on the ground has been dug out into a shallow pit, which looks a bit messy.

Jiang Yu opened the Dharma book and said in a low voice: "Ge Zhu is tired!"

A few vines protruded from the void, hanging down, trying to bind the fallen tree. But the gap between the big tree and the ground is too narrow, the thick vines cannot pass through, and the thin vines cannot hang up.

"Is there something in it?" Fatty took out the book with some hesitation, then looked at the big tree, scratched his head, put the book back into the watch, and rubbed his hands.

"Let me come!" He yelled, moving his muscles and bones, Lan Yingying's body suddenly swelled up like an inflated balloon, and in just a moment, Zhang Jixin's head could only reach Fatty's kneecap.

Huge palms descended from the sky, as if grabbing a few sticks of firewood, uprooted the thick, overturned tree, and picked up several other dead trees connected to it.

Peeling moss and fine sawdust rose in the air, captivating the young wizards' eyes.

The brown figure hiding at the bottom of the tree took this opportunity to "swish" and sprinted out.

But it only paid attention to avoiding a few young wizards, and ignored the gray dog—of course, even if it noticed and tried its best to guard against it, it couldn't escape Maodou's dog's paw in an open area.

After a while.

When the raised dust fell, the sight became clear again.

Jiang Yu saw the gray dog ​​squatting at his feet, and a long, brown tail under the dog's paws. That tail belonged to a depressed Mime Mouse.

"Papa papa." Mimishu waved its small paws and slapped its chest, conveying its own anger.

"What is it talking about?" Zhang Jixin squeezed his chin, looking at Zug's performance art in confusion: "I remember they communicate in this way, right?"

"I don't understand." Seeing Jiang Yu's inquiring gaze, Xiao Xiao shook his head resolutely: "Some of the foreign languages ​​I know are limited to the real world... I don't understand Zu Geyu better than you."

"Speaking of which, you may not believe it," said the blue titan's rumbling voice above his head: "I think it may be saying that it is with the captain... because I saw the captain, and there are a bunch of monsters beside him. This little brown guy."

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