Hunting High School

Chapter 272 The Ever-Approaching Distance

When Xin Fatty saw Zheng Qing, Zheng Qing also saw the eye-catching blue titan in the depths of the Enchanted Forest.

At that time, he was sitting on the back of the purple spider, walking on the way back. There are three figures on the spider's back, Nikita and Zhu Zhu are in front of him, being pointed at the gun; Zhu Si sits beside him, and greets the charming mice that are scurrying around under the spider's feet in a friendly manner .

Guge titans and ghouls hovered around the team, and Shantak birds hovered silently over the team, casting thick shadows.

"Go that way!" The wizard raised the muzzle of his gun slightly and motioned.

Nikita responded obediently, and directed the team to go in the direction of the blue titan.

Rescuing Zhu Si from the ghosts is not a particularly difficult task, especially when Zheng Qing has Nikita's help. The Banshee has the stalking Zug, the mighty Gug titan, and the fierce and agile ghoul, all contributing their strengths to the rescue.

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This made Zheng Qing quite complacent.

He can't wait to meet his own mates and brag about what he's seen and heard all day. Especially since he found Zhu Si and captured the Faceless Demon, it can be said that all the goals of entering the dreamland this time have been completed.



"Zheng... your captain?! Are you sure?"

After hearing Lan titan's words, Jiang Yu raised her head in surprise and almost said Zheng Qing's real name. After biting her tongue, she couldn't wait to continue asking: "Where is he? Is he safe now?"

"It's hard to say." Lan titan looked into the distance with his right hand on the awning, and at the same time muttered: "It should be me, he was waving at me... It seems quite safe... But why did he mix with those demons and ghosts?" together?"

"Demons and ghosts?" Xiao Xiao raised his eyebrows.

"It's the ghosts in the dreamland, those Gug titans, Shantak flocks, ghouls, and two, not three monsters." Blue titan replied while pointing his fingers on his left hand.

"Three monsters? Where did they come from?" Zhang Jixin tugged at the gloves on his hand a little uneasy: "Aren't there only two in that tavern before?"

"Nikita, Zhuju, and another little girl." Blue titan continued to act as a watchtower, but as the distant team approached, he became more and more confused: "Wait, Zhuju... ...Why are there two Zhu Zhus? Besides, why did the captain's eyes turn red?!"

Zhang Jixin breathed a sigh of relief: "No matter what, it is certain that Nikita and those Guge titans are approaching us... In short, don't let your guard down. This is a dreamland, and any kind of illusion is possible occur."

The hunters, who were only four left, agreed in a low voice, gripping the spellbooks, amulets, and potions in their hands.

Maodou raised his head, followed everyone's gaze, and looked into the distance, his face full of confusion.



"You will be able to meet a group of new good friends later," Zheng Qing stroked Zhu Si's hair and smiled. His body was still a little weak and his voice was not high, but his consciousness remained clear: "... …then we will take you home. There are beautiful nymphs, cute cats, and delicious and fun sugar figures.”

Zhu Si swallowed quietly.

She still doesn't know or remember who Zheng Qing is. But she was so convinced of the wizard who rescued her from the goblins that she didn't doubt what he said at all.

"Cat!" She sighed in a nostalgic but regretful tone: "I also like that kind of furry little thing...but Dad doesn't like it. He doesn't let me keep cats at home."

Zheng Qing looked at the little witch worriedly.

Nikita was right. Jusi's current situation is very bad. She can barely "exist" in the dreamland only by relying on an obsession. It is a very dangerous way to take her out now.

But not taking her out might not be a good choice.

For she grew weaker every day.

Even if she stays in the Dreamland, she can't last much longer. Whether to turn into bubbles and disappear into the deepest part of the dreamland in a daze, or fight for a little possibility to take her back to school and let the school's great wizard save her.

Zheng Qing chose the latter.

"I like cats too!" Zhu Zhu, who was sitting next to Nikita, turned her head, held up the makeup box in her hand, and was adding color to the makeup on her face: "At that time, you can give me your cat, and I will help you Look after!"

Compared with Zhu Si, Faceless's spirit is more abundant, her makeup is more refined, and she looks more authentic.

"Cats are not allowed in the black prison," the warlock twitched his lips, completely ignorant of the little banshee's brain circuit, did she think it was just a play: "...Also, if you like cats, Why did you kill that little white cat by the Linzhong Lake? The owner of that little white cat is right in front, and she wants to tell you what she has saved for a year."

"I don't want to do that either." Faceless sighed heavily, holding the eyebrow pencil on his lap, his face full of sadness: "But this is all for living... The captain said, seeing my face Everyone is going to die... That little guy saw my appearance... Afterwards, I was also sad for a long time... Although it is not a human being."

Zheng Qing rolled his eyes, and didn't intend to continue discussing with this kind of guy with strange views.

But Nikita spoke again.

Maybe she felt that the atmosphere on the spider's back was good now, and it was a good opportunity to intervene.

"Who are you going to hand us over to?" She didn't turn her head, turned her back to Zheng Qing, and asked in a soft voice: "School? Three-pronged sword? Danhag?... Or someone else?"

"I really want to stuff you into the laboratory," Zheng Qing muttered, pointing the muzzle of the gun firmly at the banshee: "Let you be sliced ​​every day, and feel that you can't live or die... But I don't have any experiments." room. So, let’s leave it to the school.”

The banshee seemed to breathe a sigh of relief.

Zheng Qing raised her eyebrows behind her: "You like my choice very much?"

Nikita turned around with a smile on her face: "No, not at all. But this is the best result of all bad choices. Because the school will not cut off our limbs like the wizard with the three-pronged sword, Put it in a pitch-black jar and seal it with magic... It won't be like Dan Hag's wizard, let us carry heavy shackles, and kneel in front of those alliance figures who are serious on the surface and dirty in heart... In this respect, the school has always been very humane .Even if it is the death penalty, it will give us a good time."

"Of course, I don't like the death penalty. Given the choice, I prefer freedom."

Zheng Qing opened his mouth, not knowing how to face the banshee's calmness.

After a long while, he sighed slightly: "Sure enough, he is a pure Alpha... Even if he becomes a Lich, he still yearns for freedom."

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