Hunting High School

Chapter 273 Discreet Meeting

Maodou stood in front of the wizard in confusion and vigilance.

It twitched the tip of its pink nose, and made a purring sound in its throat, like a cat coquettishly, or like a dog threatening. It is difficult for Zheng Qing to judge Gouzi's current state of mind.

The only thing he can be sure of is that Maodou is not sure of his identity now.

This drove him a little crazy.

"Have you caught a cold? Something wrong with your nose? You don't know me anymore?" He opened his eyes wide, looked at the hesitant dog, and began to think about whether he should mix a potion for rhinitis on the spot, or simply feed Maodou Buffy's Brain Refreshing Potion - He had just drank that potion not long ago, and was impressed by its refreshing effect.

Maodou nodded obediently, wagged his tail cheerfully, then meowed, and ran back.

While running, screaming, as if there was a fire-breathing wild dragon chasing it.

Zheng Qing looked at Gouzi's back in the distance, dumbfounded.

"What are you running?! You're fired!" he yelled, the rune gun in his hand creaking uncomfortably.

Nikita shrunk her body a bit smaller, trying her best to reduce the sense of own presence. The Faceless Demon followed her, curling up into a ball. Only Zhu Si, who seemed to realize that Zheng Qing was in trouble, patted his arm comfortingly.

This move made Zheng Qing even more frustrated.

"It's really me! Why don't you believe it?"

Zheng Qing stood up with difficulty and shouted into the distance, but Nikita's figure was always covered by the muzzle of the gun: "They are captives, my captives! This is Zhu Si... Don't you know Zhu Si? I put She brought it back! And the Faceless Demon, the Faceless Demon disguised as Liu Feifei's pet snake, I brought it back too!"

"It's not a disguise." Zhu Zhu tucked her head into her robe, muttering in a low voice: "I was a snake at that time, there is no doubt about it. Just like now, I am a little witch."

Zheng Qing's muzzle swayed towards it threateningly.

The muttering disappeared immediately on the spider's back.


Compared with Zheng Qing's initial optimism, the young hunters of the Forgiveness Hunting Team were much more cautious—when the huge ghost army was hundreds of meters away from the hunting team's battle formation, Zhang Jixin stopped the opponent from approaching , and at the same time sent an apology envoy, Mr. Maodou, to conduct preliminary negotiations with the other party.

So far, the results of the negotiations are not satisfactory.

After Maodou ran back to the battle formation of the Forgiveness Hunting Team, he finally seemed to have a little more confidence, whining, turned around, and continued to wag his tail at Zheng Qing.

"It must have recognized me!" Zheng Qing pointed at the cheerful dog's tail and raised his voice: "Otherwise he wouldn't wag his tail at me!"

"It wags its tail at everyone." Xiao Xiao adjusted his glasses and denied, "If it recognized you, why did it run back in fright?"

Zheng Qing was at a loss for words.

He had a lot of guesses, for example, the dog smelled the breath of the forbidden spell, the king in yellow, or the breath from the sea monster on Nikita and Zhu Zhu, all of which would make it terrified.

But guesses are guesses because they are not convincingly acceptable.

"So, we have reason to be suspicious of your identity."

Blue titan sat at the end of the Forgiveness Hunting Team battle formation, and replied in a booming voice: "Even your own dog doesn't know do you prove that you are you?"

Of course it's the looks!

Just as Zheng Qing was about to speak, the answer got stuck in his throat. For wizards, appearances, voices, and even valid legal documents can all be forged magically.

There are two 'Zhu Si' sitting next to him, which is very illustrative.

As for the breath - Zheng Qing took another look at Maodou who was wagging his tail at him in the distance, and sighed heavily from the bottom of his heart. It may be because of accepting the gift from the king in yellow, or it may be because the forbidden curse tree in the depths of the soul has sprouted and grown a lot, resulting in a certain change in Zheng Qing's breath or soul.

Just like Lan titan said, even the own dog doesn't know himself, so how can he expect the other party to let go of his guard? After all, this is not a school, but a dreamland, a world full of illusions and falsehoods, with foreign gods whispering in their ears.

The restlessness in his heart and the constant surge in the depths of his soul penetrated each other, and Zheng Qing felt that he was about to lose control of that 'big bomb' again.

He immediately raised the rune gun in his hand, and fired a shot in the head.


The cyan bullets carried a clear trajectory, poured out from the muzzle of the gun, and disappeared into the empty sky in the blink of an eye. After a while, there was rumbling thunder in the distance, and the space cracks that were torn apart by the ballistic trajectory could be vaguely seen.

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Everyone, including the monster, was attracted by the power of that shot.

This is the most convincing and least convincing evidence.

With this shot.

The wizard's aura weakened a bit, but his eyes became brighter, and the red in his eyes even had a hint of purple. As the eyes flowed, they became more and more oppressive.

"I have no way to prove it to you." After one shot, Zheng Qing felt that the weight of the soul's "carrying" was much lighter, and his consciousness became clearer. He did have many things that he could not express to his companions, so he turned his attention to Jiang Yu :

"But you should be able to confirm my identity...Cross the abyss and declare war on eternity. You are my battle flag."

This was the last sentence in the contract he and Jiang Yu signed under the witness of Mr. The bondage derived from the magic contract struck the heartstrings of the two young wizards at the same time as the spell sounded.

The witch breathed a sigh of relief, nodded heavily, and showed a smile on her face: "It's him."

"That doesn't sound right." Zhang Jixin and Xiao Xiao began to bite their ears quietly.

The short wizard nodded solemnly.

Jiang Yu turned her head sensitively and glanced at the two of them: "What are you discussing? I can confirm that the person on the other side is indeed your captain."

The two wizards sat up straight at the same time.

"We think the color of his eyes is a bit strange." Xiao Xiao always reacted quickly at such critical moments. He turned his head to look at Zheng Qing, and shouted: "Why are your eyes red?"

"Rejuvenated." Zheng Qing replied weakly - it was true. The leakage of the forbidden spell keeps his mind active all the time, which is one of the reasons for the 'pink eye disease'.

"Why is it dark again?" Zhang Jixin asked.

"That's purple, thank you!" The young public finance student yelled at Zhang Jixin a little irritablely: "When you blush, isn't it purple?!"

The red-faced wizard's face immediately turned a little purple. From a distance, it seemed that his face had turned black.

Jiang Yu didn't get involved in the slightly weird dialogue between the wizards.

She took out a jade talisman and hung it on Maodou's back, then scratched its ears, and whispered a few words. Gouzi ran towards Zheng Qing in a flash.

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