Hunting High School

Chapter 331 Zhang Boren’S Mission


There were hurried footsteps outside the door, and immediately, a spiky white-haired wizard rushed into the second floor of Sakura Tavern, the conference hall of the Kini Wizards.


The sage's valet was furious, he opened the book in his hand, and put his other hand on the frog in his waist pocket, intending to teach this reckless guy a lesson.

After all, the wizards of the North District are just a new group. As their predecessors, the jugglers have always been used to freedom, and their understanding of rules is no different from that of the old-school gypsy wizards. It takes a long time for the wizards to master a series of complicated audience rules like that.

The wizard who broke into the hall realized that own had made a mistake, and his face turned as pale as the color of his hair.

Kerma woke up from Meditation, just in time to see the Dharma book opened in the waiter's hand.

"Wait," she stopped the punishment that hadn't happened, and her eyes fell on the spiky white-haired wizard: "What happened?"

After Danhag's return, Korma readjusted the missions of the wizarding group in the North District, breaking up the original medium-sized patrol team of about ten people into more patrol teams composed of 3-5 people, and then divided these patrol teams The team scattered into the edge of the silent forest in a large area to prevent possible dangers.

In addition, she also arranged several old people who are proficient in accounting to be responsible for sorting out the recent consumption of the wizard group in the North District, and planned to apply for a generous subsidy from Su Shijun.

He had been busy from last night to morning, and he even took a short trip to a long distance in the middle. In addition, he hadn't had a good rest recently. Even as a great wizard, Korma felt a little bit tired.

So she took advantage of the gap before the sun had fully risen to sit on the black high-back chair that belonged to her at the end of the hall, and entered Meditation for a short time to recover from mental fatigue.

The wizard landed on one knee and lowered his head, his voice trembling because of nervousness: "Sorry, great sage... But I just received an alert that a large number of Magical Beasts appeared near the Old Port Street in the North District, which may belong to the prelude to the Kuroshio ..."

Kerma raised his head, looked over the obstacles, and looked in the direction of the North Wharf.

In her line of sight, there was a calm place, without the muddy magic power fluctuations before the black tide came. On the contrary, in the streets and alleys of Lingang, there are many familiar auras running around, like sheep frightened by howling wolves.

"Who sent the alarm?" The witch withdrew her gaze and spoke calmly.

"Robert Lee," the wizard replied immediately, "One of the captains of the patrol team in Beta Town has very old qualifications, so he was retained by the management committee and the school to train our newly formed patrol team."

"What about others?"

"Going to the school work committee to ask for assistance."

Kerma pondered for a moment, counting quickly with his fingers in his sleeves, and at the same time looked at his valet: "Has our patrol team reported any abnormalities?"

"Everything is fine." The waiter replied softly.

Kerma frowned more and more tightly.

Although her divination results have not been considered excellent, she still has the basic skills, and she has the rank bonus of a great wizard. In theory, all the big and small things that happen in the North District cannot escape her palm.

However, the result of the calculation, the reports of her subordinates, and the situation she saw were full of contradictions-the divination did show that the danger was imminent, and the warning of fate even made her fingertips pierce the palm of her hand during the calculation; but at the same time, the risk point revealed by the divination But it is erratic, coming from the water for a while, the forest for a while, and the campus for a while.

As the saying goes, it is better to have no books than to believe in books, and it is impossible to believe in divination.

After realizing that fortune-telling could not provide him with more help, Korma gave up continuing to calculate and decided to trust his own intuition.

"Collect the patrol team that has been scattered," the sage stood up from her throne, and his tall figure enveloped the entire hall, spreading to the outside of Gu Diao Street: "According to the plan, immediately go to the port of the northern district and establish a forward defensive position. "

"Until Dan Hag's reinforcements arrive, we are the only ones in the North."

"Yes!" In the hall, all the wizards in the North District lowered their heads and responded neatly and loudly.



"This is not a drill!!"

"Everyone, leave the port area immediately and go to the shelter!!"

"Quick! Fast! The three heads of Cerberus are drooling at you!"

"Repeat, this is not a drill!"

The two badges on Zhang Boren's chest shone brightly in the morning light, swaying the eyeballs of every little boss in the forest goods market. Under the roaring and driving of this tall wizard, they only had time to simply clean up the stalls under their feet, and fled out with the crowd in a daze.

Businessman is synonymous with shrewdness.

But at the same time, they are also the biggest risk averse.

The eye-catching alarm in mid-air, the chaotic voices outside the market, the terrifying sound from the river not far away, and the rumors that have spread in every corner of the town recently, coupled with the "official" wizard in front of him, It was easy for them to accept the idea that 'the Kuroshio has arrived, and they should run for their lives as soon as possible'.

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Of course, the badge on Zhang Boren's chest played a big role in this.

One of the two badges belonged to the three-pronged sword, and it was a gold badge representing a top registered wizard; the other badge belonged to First University, a silver badge belonging to the middle-level deacon of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the School Working Committee.

These two identities are naturally fake, but these two badges can no longer be true. Hunting teams that fight online will be issued with relevant identification marks to reduce the rejection of hunters in the current time and space.

After a while, the market was empty.

"I'll deal with those 'variables'. You stand here and don't move around." The captain of the Kunpeng hunting team told the little spirit Wu Maidong, and at the same time pointed to the entrance of the market: "If there is a strange smell approaching, remember to remind me."

The little witch hugged her puppet and nodded vigorously.

Zhang Boren took a deep breath, and rushed into the warehouse near the Silent River like a whirlwind, which was filled with cages of all sizes, in which all kinds of magical creatures were held by the Kuroshio a few months ago - get the alliance quarantine report , and it was confirmed that the harmless Magical Beasts have been sold out, and the rest that are still in the warehouse Curry have various problems.

For example, the head of Xing Yin, who has not yet got rid of the influence of the wild hunting, will go crazy once every half an hour on average; another example is the head of? Kick, one of the two heads is normal, and the other has a pair of scarlet eyes. Qi invaded; there was also a lactating chisel tooth, which was not sold out of simple moral considerations—as if to show concern for the captives, there was a black goat imprisoned in the chisel tooth cage. Is it feeding the little chisel teeth?

The wizard quickly pasted explosive charms on the cages, occasionally glanced at the signs hanging on the cages, and wondered why they were left behind. It only took a short time to complete the preset task.

He clapped his hands, walked out of the warehouse in satisfaction, and ignited those explosive charms, wisps of green smoke floated in the cage.

Then his mind flashed to the gouged cage.

And the black goat in the cage.

The wizard stopped slowly.

Something doesn't seem right.

Zhang Boren is not an intelligent wizard, but he is indeed a very sensitive hunter. He quickly captured the pictures that came to mind, and soon realized where the 'violation point' was.

The black goat has horns.

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