Hunting High School

Chapter 332 The Sheep

It's no surprise that goats have horns.

But a goat suspected of being a nurse has thick sickle-shaped horns, which is a very strange thing.

When Zhang Boren was studying at school, he liked magical creatures very much. Almost all the courses related to magical creatures could get a grade point of 45-although goats do not belong to the traditional sense of magical creatures-but this did not affect him in a short period of time. Identify the traits of a goat in time.

In theory, sickle horns are unique to billy goats.

Billy goats cannot be dairy sheep.

And the goat was black.

Realizing this, the captain of the Kunpeng Hunting Team immediately turned around, wanting to find out again. Some very bad guesses surfaced in his heart.

Because of that little guess, he ignored the explosive symbols that had just filled the warehouse.

Just turned around and just ran a few steps.

Orange fireballs bloomed one after another in his sight, like fireflies trying to woo a mate after eating and drinking. The wizard only had time to curse in a low voice, and the dazzling light mixed with the blazing impact instantly submerged his burly body.

The sound of the talisman group exploding almost deafened him, so naturally he didn't hear Mai Dong's scream behind him.


The wizard's tall figure was like a cannonball, rushing out of the swaying flames, and smashed heavily at the gate of the forest goods market, smashing the bluestone road on the ground into a not-so-shallow crater.

Mai Dong squatted not far from the stone pit, plugged her ears, closed her eyes, screamed after being frightened, and the light blue mask of First Stage opened suddenly with her scream, and the mask squirmed. The complex runes of gold and silver intersected, and the magic fluctuations fluctuated violently, almost covering the entire market.

Air, firelight, and even sound are all distorted and deformed by this wave.

"Speak quietly and think about it!"

A clear voice resounded amidst the little witch's scream and the explosion in the market, the sound was not loud, but it was clearly transmitted into Mai Dong's blocked ears.

This is a meditation mantra.

The magic effect quickly calmed the little witch's panic and made her stop screaming.

Standing beside Mai Dong with a sword on his back and a book in his hand, Shi Chuan reached into the light blue mask with his other hand, pressed it on the little spirit witch's shoulder, and repeated the incantation :

"Speak quietly and think about it!"

After two consecutive meditation spells, the heavy light blue mask finally stopped flickering violently, and the runes swimming on the mask also calmed down.

Mai Dong withdrew his finger that was plugging his ear, and quietly opened one eye.

Then she saw the familiar figure of the swordsman.

"Scared me to death!!" The little witch put down both hands, and yelled in a crying voice: "The captain just lost his mind, suddenly rushed into that warehouse, and was killed by a bunch of explosive symbols..."

"Ahem!!" From the gravel pit at her feet, a series of turbid coughs, followed by the sound of spitting, followed by Zhang Boren's gruff complaint: "I'm not dead yet. Ah!!...Tong Yan Wuji, Tong Yan Wuji, bah bah!"

The little witch's crying stopped abruptly.

She raised the back of her hand and wiped the corners of her eyes, only then did she notice the big pit not far in front of her.

The captain of the Kunpeng Hunting Team climbed up from the bottom of the pit and patted the dust off his body. The cloak on his body had been torn apart by the explosion just now, and even the black robe was a bit tattered.

On the contrary, the two badges hanging on the robe were still shining brightly, as if they had been blown up a little brighter.

The wizard didn't seem to have suffered any injuries, except that his hair was slightly scorched, and his face was a little blackened by the blast—considering that his face was originally reddish-brown, the blackness was not so obvious.

"Bah bah!"

Zhang Boren spat on the ground again, rubbed his hands together, looked up at his two companions, with an embarrassed smile on his face: "A mistake... a small mistake."

"You scared me to death!" Mai Dong didn't care about any mistakes, and kicked a stone that fell on the edge of the pit away. on Zhang Boren's stomach.

"Wow," the wizard clutched his stomach, showing an exaggerated expression: "I'm hurt internally...I feel like my spleen has been smashed."

Mai Dong had a sullen face, without a hint of worry or comfort.

"What's the situation?" Ishikawa put away the book, held the sword behind his back in his hand, and looked cautiously at the warehouse that had just exploded: "You are not the kind of reckless guy... The little mistake just now made Xiaoyu Runaway, this will seriously affect the stability of this timeline."

Zhang Boren crawled out of the pit and patted the dust on his robe.

Then he stretched out his hand, trying to pat Mai Dong's shoulder, but the little witch turned sideways without hesitation, avoiding his dirty palm.

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The captain of the Kunpeng hunting team sighed pitifully, followed the swordsman's gaze towards the warehouse, and restrained his expression.

"I just saw a black goat, and it's in Curry." He started to walk towards the ruins after the explosion, and his tone was very flat: "...I think our previous plan seems to have made a little mistake."

It's just that he stopped after walking a few meters away.

Because there was a sound of kicking and tapping from the opposite side.

The wizard squinted his eyes, snapped his knuckles, and there was a hint of caution in his eyes.

Accompanied by the sound of kicking, a figure slowly walked out from the door of the warehouse surrounded by flames and black smoke.

It was the black goat.

It held its neck high, bit the neck of the pregnant chisel tooth in the previous cage, and dragged it outward. Chisel-tooth's limbs limply drooped on the ground, and he had already lost consciousness. The sauce-colored blood trickled down the corner of the black sheep's mouth, and then it was scorched by the flames to make a sizzling sound.

With the help of the bright firelight, Zhang Boren could clearly see dozens of shadows of different thicknesses pervading the black sheep, piercing the chisel-toothed body.

Chiseltooth's body shriveled at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Noticing the unexpected visitor at the entrance of the market, the black goat was obviously stunned for a few seconds.

Then it let go.


The chisel-toothed head hit the ground with a dull sound.

The black sheep hesitated for a moment, then "bleat" twice, as if it still wanted to pretend to be a sheep, but the gouged blood slowly slid down the corner of its mouth, making its efforts pale.

Zhang Boren twitched the corners of his mouth, clenched his gloves tightly, and a faint layer of Blood Qi flashed across his exposed skin. He turned his back to the two teammates, and his voice was much lower: "Uh... correct what I just said .There was not a little misstep in our plan, but a major misstep."

"Black goat?!!" Mai Dong exclaimed, and the light blue mask on his body that had gradually disappeared became clear again.

"It's the black goat."

Compared with the little witch, Ishikawa's voice was much calmer.

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