Hunting High School

Chapter 333 The Situation Is Still Under Control

As if hearing the scream of the little witch, the black goat slowly turned its head, revealing its scorched face.

To be precise, it was half a scorched face—the black goat seemed to have been split in half by an invisible long knife. Everything on the left side was normal, with fluffy wool, bright eyes, and sharp horns; It is hard to tell that it is a sheep, the wool on the body is burnt, and half of the sheep's face is peeled off, revealing the dark red muscles and entangled blood vessels, and the eyelids are lost. The huge sheep's eyes seem to have become light bulbs. Scary, and the horn, which seemed to be burnt by the hot flame, fell by its ear, and it was covered with bubble holes similar to those on the Black Tortoise rock.

But these are not the scariest.

The scariest thing is something other than burning.

The flame on the scorched side of the black sheep was still not extinguished, the dark red flame was burning obliquely, and a thick shadow was shrouded on top of the fire, jumping together with the burning flame, like a Phantom tentacles.

Just a brief glance, the heavy light blue mask around Mai Dong was hit hard by an invisible sledgehammer, a huge dent appeared, and the rune on the mask made a rustling sound. There was a crackling sound, bursting out a string of golden sparks.

The little witch subconsciously took a step towards the retreat, and she vaguely heard a noisy and chaotic prayer sounding in her ears.


Nicholas! !

The Goddess of Darkness and Fertility!

The black goat of the forest that breeds thousands of offspring! !

Ishikawa Ukyo stretched out his hand to hold Mai Dong's shoulder, helping her to stand still.

"Let the dwarf and the blind come here," the captain of the Kunpeng hunting team standing at the front ordered without looking back: "It seems that the magic circle in the Silent Forest will not be needed for the time being..."

Shi Chuan did not make a sound, but took out a red paper crane from his arms, put it on the back of his left hand, brought it to his mouth and whispered a few words, then stretched out his right hand to wipe it, and the paper crane melted instantly As a flash of fire, it disappeared between the palm and the back of his hand.

It seems to have sensed the malice of the three young wizards.

The black goat no longer pretended to be innocent, but lowered its head, revealing its big sickle-shaped horns. At the same time, it arched its back, and tapped its right front hoof on the stone slab on the ground, making a charge.

Zhang Boren lowered his body, put his fists at his waist, and stared at the black sheep in the fire without fear.


In the fire scene of the warehouse, a wooden pillar finally couldn't stand the flames, and it fell straight down, raising a piece of black ash, splashing a brilliant spark, and making a loud noise at the same time.

It was like beating a drum.

Black Goat and Zhang Boren stopped confrontation at the same time, and rushed towards each other in unison.

Mai Dong clenched his small fists nervously, cheering for the captain from the bottom of his heart, but saw that the black sheep kicked its front hooves on the ground when it was halfway through the charge, and made a big turn of more than ninety degrees with its whole body. , abruptly cut horizontally.


It smashed through the thin wall of the forest goods market, and ran away in a hurry, with a trail of flames behind it, like a ignited firecracker.

Zhang Boren, on the other hand, couldn't hold back his pace, and passed the black sheep, like a heavy tank that lost its brakes, crashing into the stone wall of the warehouse abruptly, with a bang, hitting a hole in the boss.

The little witch let out an 'ooh', and couldn't bear to look directly at her. She opened her clenched fists and covered her own eyes.

"Hoo! Hoo!"

A crane-shaped orange flame appeared beside Ishikawa Ukyo, and two figures stepped out of the flame, one tall and one low.

The flamingo chirped softly in Shi Chuan's ear, fluttered its wings, turned into a cloud of sparks and disappeared.

"What's the matter?" the gunner of the Kunpeng Hunting Team yelled loudly: "Our magic circle is almost finished. What is more important than the magic circle?"

Having said that, after coming out of the flames, Bahrain's machine gun was always held firmly in his hand, looking for the muzzle cautiously, and holding the trigger tightly with his fingers.

Unlike the dwarves, who are thick and detailed, the fortune tellers of the hunting team are as cautious as they appear.

She rubbed the crystal ball in her bosom, and carefully comprehended every subtle magical fluctuation in the market with a sideways face, with a serious look on her brows.

"The timeline is in disarray here." The witch closed her eyes from beginning to end, but it did not affect her to make a clear judgment of the surrounding environment: "Who did you meet? Where is the captain?"

"I'm still alive!" Zhang Boren complained in a gruff voice from Curry in the distance: "Bah bah... a guy with a stinky not wanting face, he ran away and was as cowardly as a mouse!"

"Who is he scolding?" The dwarf picked up the cannon in his hand, carried it on his shoulder, tilted his head and looked at Mai Dong on the other side, as if he had just discovered the blue light shield around her: " Attacked by Flobber caterpillars?"

Flobber caterpillars are stubby herbivorous worms that secrete mucus that is widely used in potions. Apart from being a little ugly, they have almost no attack power against wizards—except for little girls, who seem to be able to be attacked by this The appearance of an ugly bug, there are many cases of little girls fainting in front of caterpillars every year.

Mai Dong was once frightened by a Flobber caterpillar into a séance state, so she was often laughed at by Bahrain.

"There are no Flobber caterpillars here!" The little witch shouted angrily through the blue light mask: "How many times do you have to say that! The captain lost a fight with a sheep, so he scolded people... scolded the sheep! "

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

"A sheep?" The dwarf Balin blinked, unable to follow the rhythm of the little witch's chat.

"Sheep?" The witch Zhu Ling noticed the word keenly, and turned to look at Shi Chuan who remained silent all along: " that the sheep I was thinking of?"

The swordsman nodded silently.

The witch took a deep breath, and the crystal ball in her hand flickered irregularly.

Balin realized it later, looked at the chisel tooth lying in front of the warehouse, and then looked at the stone pit not far away, then took the cannon on his shoulders in his hand again, and opened the safety.

"Where is it?" asked the dwarf gruffly.

"Run away." Ishikawa replied briefly.

"Run away?" Balin raised his eyebrows, and the barrel of the machine gun rang: "Why don't you go after him?"

"It's right not to chase." Zhang Boren's voice, accompanied by his heavy footsteps, came from the fire and smoke, and became more and more clear: "No one knows what the sheep is thinking... On the timeline, we are homeless orphans, and never dispersing is the first element of combat."

"It can't run away." Ishikawa Ukyo tilted his head, and beside his ear, an emerald green paper crane was flapping its wings happily: "I've been staring at it... so far, it just jumped out of the silent River, starting upstream along the bottom of the river."

While speaking, the captain of the Kunpeng hunting team had already walked to the side of several hunters.

He patted the dust off his body, looked at the messy market, and sighed heavily.

"That's how it is here." The wizard scratched his head, gave up the plan to put out the fire, and looked out from the gap made by the black goat in the wall: "As for that sheep...after being interrupted by us, there is a high probability that it will not go out." It will return to the battlefield we preset before."

There is no doubt that any slight changes in the upstream of the timeline will become unrecognizable when they are transmitted to the downstream. Fortunately, the time for Black Goat to meet them this time was only a little earlier, and the expected changes were within the control range.

The dwarf tugged at his beard.

"That's why I hate fighting along the timeline." He grumbled gruffly, "You never know whether a frog you kill casually will attract Satogua's attention."

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