Hunting High School

Chapter 347 Murloc Fall

As an ancient magical creature, the murloc has both the wizard's high sensitivity to magic power and the beast's natural instinct for danger, so when the figure of the black sheep fell into the eyes of Professor Garcia, the scales on its arm and The dorsal fin under the robe felt great fear before thinking.

The scales were erect, the dorsal fin was raised, and the old murloc forgot to breathe for a moment.

At this moment.

Click, click, click.

Several totems that had been enshrined by the murloc tribe of Linzhong Lake for a long time made an ominous sound of shattering. This is the sacrificial spirit remaining in the totem object to warn the devout believers.

Professor Garcia turned his neck with difficulty, and looked at the nearest piece of tortoise shell, on which a few murlocs fighting Kraken were outlined with rough strokes, which was the most powerful totem in the tribe.

But at this moment, a faint layer of dark red flames was floating on the tortoise shell, burning slowly in the dark and cold lake water. Above the flames, jumping, slender tentacles could be vaguely seen, waving in all directions.

In the flames, the wailing of sacrifices came vaguely.

The old priest who was carrying the tortoise shell turned his eyes white, his face showed pain, his scales stood up all over his body, and his fins trembled wildly. But this state only lasted for a short time, and the slender tentacles above the flames gathered together, forming the shape of a large shadowy hand, gently stroking the turtle's back and the old priest's body, taming its blown scales calmed down.

Professor Garcia had a frightened expression on his face.

Noisy and chaotic prayers sounded vaguely in its ears. The old professor could confirm that he did not know the language used in those prayers, but what was frightening was that it could fully understand what those prayers wanted to convey. mean:

"l'ebumna syha'h n'ghft" (In eternity and darkness of the abyss)

"ya na kadishtu nilgh'ri" (I know nothing)

"y'ai 'ng'ngah" (I call upon Him)

"stell'bsna shub-niggurath" (request to the Goddess of the Dark Fertility)


The dark red flames on the tortoise shell were jumping and flickering, interweaving lines of handwriting with strange shapes. Professor Garcia realized that this should be the prayer that those voices were singing.

The prayer is majestic and majestic, the voice of the prayer is peaceful and compassionate, but the voice and appearance are twofold, what the ear hears and what the eyes see are two extremes. As far as the eye can see, between the dark red flame and the slender tentacles, endless Horror, grief, despair, madness, and even deathly silence, it is like the scene in the deepest part of The Underworld on the 18th floor, where the bones of countless gods can be faintly seen floating in it.





The old murloc knew this name. He belonged to a very ancient and great being deep in the starry sky, even stronger than the two vice-principals of the First University.

But precisely because of this power, this ancient existence and other wanderers in the depths of the starry sky who are similar to him have become taboos of the wizard union, and are called the gods of the old days. Any wizard who praises their real names has Possibly tied up by Dan Hag's law enforcement team and locked in the deepest part of the black prison.

Because any wizard who praises their real names and looks directly at their image will be unconsciously twisted into a fanatic by them.





The priests carrying the tribal totem, because they often communicate with the gods, were the first to succumb to that great power, crawling in the muddy sand, hoarse, and loudly praised the story of the black goat of the forest that gave birth to thousands of descendants. real name.

Then there are some radical murlocs, they are full of thoughts of breaking the shackles imposed on the murlocs by the wizards, and they don't hesitate to borrow any forbidden power, so after feeling the greatness of the old gods, they succumbed without any resistance. Under those shadows and dark red flames.



"Jingle Bell!!"

The elder Elder of the murloc tribe and Professor Garcia, in no particular order, slammed the magic staff in their hands at the same time, activating the magic spell hidden in the head of the staff.

The silver ring on the head of the big Elder's staff made a crisp sound, awakening the chaotic minds of many Elders.

The octopus on the head of Professor Garcia's staff jumped down from the top of the staff, its tentacles twisted in the icy lake water, and it danced the mysterious dance during the sacrifice, throwing out bubbles one by one. The translucent seals were wrapped in air bubbles, rushing towards the priests carrying the totems—the old murloc was determined not to do anything to the black sheep, but it could try to save the own people.

One tentacle after another protruded from the dark red flame, catching those seals in the shadow without causing a single ripple.


The big Elder of the murloc tribe had a long beard fluttering around his mouth, turned his back to Professor Garcia, and shouted in a hoarse voice: "Take them ashore! Seek shelter from the school!!"


They are all the elders of the tribe, and they have already passed the age of excitement. Professor Garcia and other old murlocs, like the big Elder, know what is more important at the moment.

They all saluted the Great Elder.

Since it is impossible to save those clansmen who have fallen, it is necessary to protect the clansmen who have not yet fallen. Professor Garcia waved his staff, and a stream of water was rolled up, wrapped in Iseni and several other young murlocs who were still a little dazed, but with a hint of clarity in their eyes, and shot towards the depths of the tribe like an arrow from the string.

There were bursts of violent magic fluctuations behind him.

The old murloc couldn't help but glance back.

The big Elder has used his staff to smash all the totems carried by the priests. At the same time, he has used a spell to twist off the heads of all the murlocs drowning in the prayers. His body is full of brilliant blue light, and he is rushing towards the nigga. Drawing family members.

The dead murlocs opened their arms and slowly fell into the water.

The black goat tilted its head, revealing half of its burned face. Even though it was far away, the dark red muscles and entangled blood vessels on the goat's face were still clearly reflected in Professor Garcia's eyes——

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

The huge goat eyes without eyelid cover, like a light bulb emitting endless light, fixedly stared at the blue light rushing towards him, as if with a hint of curiosity.

The old murloc never knew that the gods would also be curious about ants.



The black goat in Professor Garcia's eyes didn't realize how much damage Own's arrival had done to this small and conservative murloc tribe.

In fact, He didn't intend to understand either.

Because right now, He has more important things to do.

At the forest goods market in the northern part of Beta Town, when He first saw those wizards in black robes, and saw the vague lines of fate and the opposite huge power of fate on those wizards, He knew that Those wizards are not something they can resist.

Admittedly, those wizards were weak, and it seemed as though a sneeze could knock them out of the air.

But the power hidden behind those black robes is so vast that it can easily warp time and Karma. If he doesn't want to be completely expelled from this world, then he must find a safe enough shelter before that force falls.

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