Hunting High School

Chapter 348 Amber Broken

After realizing the threat from the timeline, the Black Goat left Beta Town. Instead of going to the depths of the Silent Forest to hibernate according to the original plan, the Black Goat followed the old instinct and went all the way up the Silent River to find a first place. A loophole in the guardian circle of a university sneaked into Linzhong Lake of the university.

Fortunately or unfortunately, not long after Black Goat entered the lake, he saw the green vine sprouting from the lake water, taking root between illusion and reality, linking the two worlds.

Fortunately, the moment he saw the ivy, the Black Goat knew what he should do—follow the passage opened by the ivy, and enter the dreamland in reverse to avoid the pursuit from the timeline.

Unfortunately, a little banshee crawled out of that vine, which attracted the attention of the school's guardian circle.

The black goat, who originally belonged to the "stowaway", was almost exposed under the huge pressure of the guardian circle. Fortunately, the focus of the guardian circle was on the banshee, and the bottom of Linzhong Lake belonged to the murloc tribe, which had limited 'autonomous rights'. The guardian circle did not search the entire lake excessively without permission.

This also means that if the black goat wants to enter the dreamland, it can only find a way from the ivy in the lake.

It's not easy.

The green vines in the water are hidden in the light and shadow. The black goat lowered its head and tried to nibble the leaves on the green vines, so as to capture a ray of breath and enter the dreamland, but its lips and teeth fell on the vine leaves, only biting until the mouth was full. Cold lake water. And the dark red flames around him burned fiercely, and the giant palms formed by the shadows on the flames scratched around, but couldn't grab the ivy.

Rather, it was because many murlocs gathered together and gained some family members by accident—although those family members are dispensable to the mother of the Black Goat of the Forest who has given birth to thousands of offspring, their prayers can more or less serve the needs of the people at this moment. He added a bit of power.

At this moment, an old murloc at the bottom of the lake went crazy and rushed up to fight him desperately.

That murloc was already very old, his body was snow-white, and he was in the water, with the bonus of the environment. Just looking at the momentum of rushing up, he had already touched the edge of the rank of a great wizard.

Black Goat didn't intend to make too much noise.

So he tilted his head, tilted his horns sideways, pointed the intact and sharp horn at the cyan light ball rushing towards him, and lightly picked it, a flash of light flashed by.


As if a bubble had been punctured, the cluster of light instantly shattered into a dense dot of light. The water waves at the bottom of the lake surged, rolled and retracted, and those light dots disappeared into the endless darkness in the blink of an eye.

The whole process is extremely short.

From the beginning to the end, Black Goat didn't pay attention to why the old murloc rushed over madly, didn't pay attention to the many dependents who were hanged by the murloc, and didn't pay attention to the backs of the murloc tribe who fled in a hurry in the distance.

The old murloc disappeared quietly into the undercurrent at the bottom of the lake.

Its slender staff swirled in the water, fell slowly, and finally sank into the mud at the bottom of the lake.

Black Goat withdrew his eyes, looked again at the green vine between illusion and reality, and thought about the path to enter the green vine. But before he tried a new method, a torrent suddenly came from under him, piercing his confidant. The black goat retreated suddenly, avoiding the rapids, but saw a withered and yellow vine breaking through the heavy water curtain like a spear, and piercing towards it.

One shot after another, the icy lake water was pierced with strings of fine blisters.

The black goat evaded several times in succession before realizing that the withered spear was the staff that fell into the mud at the bottom of the lake just after the old murloc died.

He lowered his head and looked towards the area where the staff fell.

Blossoming dark red flames ignited, illuminating the entire bottom of the lake in an instant, like a large bloom of flowers from the other shore. The staff lay in the middle of the flowers.

Then he took another look at the staff, confirming that it was completely reduced to ashes in the 'flower bush'.

Just when the last bit of withered yellow disappeared into the flames, the black goat suddenly came to his senses, raised his head suddenly, and followed the winding figure of the ivy to look at the water.

The strings of blisters from the withered yellow spear thrust just now floated to the surface of the water at this moment.


clap clap.

One, two, three, a string of fine air bubbles shattered on the water surface, and the breath of the old murloc and the black goat wrapped in the water bubbles dissipated and were exposed to the golden 'little sun' in midair.

hum! !

The school's guardian circle detected a new, higher personality and more dangerous aura of foreign gods, and suddenly trembled, raising the risk level again, and translucent golden talismans were suspended in mid-air, ready to go, just waiting for the guardian The magic circle confirms the new target.

At the same time, the brilliant golden light permeating the lake became more and more intense, like a thick barrier, firmly locking Ivy's ability to communicate with the two worlds.

The dark eyes of the black goat lingered in a piece of gold.

He realized that if he wanted to follow the ivy to reach this school, he had to break those cages made of golden light. The dark red flames spread at the bottom of the lake, beating violently, and the thick shadows swayed wildly above the flames, as if countless souls were dancing and praying on the flames.

The starry sky and reality interact in prayer.

A huge amount of information flowed through the eyes of the black goat, and a hint of understanding emerged in his heart.

Then he raised his head again, and through the swaying water, he saw the dense golden light in midair and the three 'Ambers' that were firmly bound under the golden light.

He realized that the golden 'little sun' in mid-air was the source of all restraints, and the three Ambers were the key to breaking the restraint.

Borrowing the power from Amber is the only way before he can access the power in the depths of the starry sky.

Thinking of this, he lowered his head and kicked the rippling water waves under his hooves, revealing the horns that had been melted by the hot flames and fell to his ears. The dark red muscles and entangled blood vessels on the sheep's face slowly bulged.

The dense blackness slowly flows out from the air bubble holes on the horns similar to the Black Tortoise rock, and condenses at the tip of the horns.

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】


The Black Goat groaned, and for the first time sang that ancient, powerful name himself.


Three slender, needle-like, thick jet-black rays of light broke through the thick lake water and the rich golden light, piercing the three Ambers hanging in midair.


A small and crisp cracking sound slowly sounded in mid-air.

The voice was very low, but it clearly spread throughout the entire Linzhong Lake, echoing in the ears of every wizard by the lake.


Every wizard seems to hear this strange and surprised child's voice, but at this moment no one cares who made the voice, because at the same moment when the three black lights pierced Amber, the school's guardian magic circle Like a miser who got into a vault, he suddenly withdrew all the golden light on the lake.

At this moment, the three figures bound by the guardian circle were exposed to the sight of all the wizards around the lake.

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