Hunting High School

Chapter 367 Something Is Wrong With You

"You feel it too, don't you?"

The old Lich laughed in a hoarse voice, his voice drifting like a ghost: "The magic power in your body is being swallowed up by this world every moment, every minute and every second...they are slipping from under your feet Go, with your breath escaping, along every hair of your skin, slowly evaporate."

"I don't know if this is the effect of the magic circle set up by those bastards from the First University, or if this world has been upgraded in a weird way, but I know that in this world, the more we use our magic power, the less it will be. .”

"The world of Hell is like a very hungry oil press, squeezing out every trace of magic power in our bodies."

"Except for eating similar corpses to make up for a little loss, we can only squeeze the limits of our bodies and search for the subtle magic power in every cell and nerve crevice... So you have also seen the consequences of lack of magic power, let us They all turned into ghosts like this."

"You have to learn to walk on all fours, and reduce the pressure on the ground from your lower limbs... because the more pressure you put on the ground, the stronger the suction force of the ground's devouring magic."

"You have to shed every hair on your body, reduce your breathing rate, and reduce the speed at which magic power evaporates."

"You also have to learn how to extract that limited amount of magical power from every cell."

"Of course, huge and pure magic power flows from the magma in the ground and the thick clouds above your head. If you can drink magma and eat thunder like those big monsters, you won't be short of magic power... just But then, it will be other shackles set by the wizards that will limit you."

"Why are you reminding me?"

Zheng Qing restrained some of the power of the Illuminating Curse, and only maintained a small piece of dim light. At the same time, while the old lich was chattering, he quietly took out a few rain talismans and patted them on his body to heal the injuries caused by the landing just now.

In the darkness, those monsters might have seen the small movements of the wizard, but they didn't intend to stop them at all. Only a few scarlet eyes approached him again, staring greedily at the dead body under the wizard.

There were also many malicious eyes sizing up the wizard holding the rune gun.

"Why? Naturally, to survive."

The voice of the old lich sounded not far in front of Zheng Qing: "Because you are a lich...I am also a lich. In this cold world, you and I have the same position, and it is best to be together choose."

"If you want to survive, don't waste magic power like this... We are not them, we don't have sharp fangs and claws, and we don't have stomachs rough enough to transform magma... Magic power and spells are our only weapons. "

In the night, there were faint whispers from other monsters, and the scarlet eyes flickered, lingering between Zheng Qing and the old Lich, there was no lack of malice in the eyes.

Zheng Qing could easily hear what the old lich was saying. It was easier for two liches to survive in the black prison than one lich. But he doubted whether the old lich really said so much to himself for the sake of 'kind' or 'finding allies'. It must be thinking of something else.

"The wolf is yours now."

The wizard got up slowly, took more than a dozen little mushrooms, and slowly backed away, leaving the dead wolf demon under him and the bloody corpse under the wolf demon whose face could not be seen clearly. in place.

The blood flowed down the corner of his robe, dripping on the gravel, and in a blink of an eye, it seeped into the depths of the dry land, leaving no shadow behind.

The slightly cold moonlight was like the shadow of a wizard, and they all retreated as he left.

When the last trace of whiteness disappeared from the wolf demon's body, there seemed to be a silent order in the darkness, and dozens of scarlet spots rushed towards the two corpses. Immediately, there was a rustling sound in the silence.

Although there is no trace of bloody smell coming out.

But Zheng Qing seemed to see through the thick night that the prisoners in the black prison were jumping on the dead bodies, devouring every bit of flesh and blood they could snatch, licking every drop of blood they could smell, and even stained with blood. The sand and soil of the blood were also eaten into the stomach by them, without any waste.

Zheng Qing's eyes flickered slightly, and he landed on the glowing mushrooms at his feet. With a move of his mind, he removed the magic links attached to several of the mushrooms.

The state of these tan plants confirmed the old lich's statement to some extent.

After losing the support of Zheng Qing's magic power, a lot of mushroom little people withered in a blink of an eye, leaving only a few, lingering under the shroud of the remaining moonlight.

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Zheng Qing reached out and picked up a dead mushroom.

Sure enough, there is no trace of magic power in the shriveled mushroom, just like what the old lich said, this damn world is absorbing the magic power from life all the time, although the strength of the absorption is very small, and the amount absorbed is very small , but if it continues, the consequences will be very dire.

Because of this characteristic, the continuity of "Bi Yue Fei Wei" is greatly reduced.

Zheng Qing clearly remembered that after Jiang Yu used this spell, the sunlight spit out by those mushrooms would feed back to the little mushrooms, promote their growth, make them stronger, and spit out more sunlight—it was a virtuous circle .

And now.

Mushrooms can't absorb much magic from the ground, and the moonlight they spit out can't effectively feed back the little mushrooms, which breaks the cycle. Once they lose the support of the wizard's magic power, these light mushrooms will soon wither.

"See it!"

The old lich's voice suddenly appeared near Zheng Qing again, perhaps because of the full meal, the scarlet eyes became much calmer: "This world is greedily devouring the magic power in us all the time... Why haven't you removed the magic from those illuminating spells?"

"I have a lot of magic power," the wizard replied vaguely, "It doesn't matter if you waste it."

"You don't believe me?" The old lich sneered, shaking his head again and again, his two scarlet eyes were floating around in the night, like two light bugs chasing and playing: "Save your magic power, it's good for me!" What good?"

Let you eat flesh and blood rich in magic power, the wizard replied in his heart.

But on the surface, he still maintains enough respect for the old lich: "I'm just a little curious... the black prison is so big, it can't be that you are the only senior, right? Where have all the other liches gone..."

"Many," the old lich seemed to have known that Zheng Qing would ask this question, and gave a strange giggle: "All the powerful liches have joined Lord Sujiade's command, and the liches with abundant magic power are also popular around the great monsters." ...Only an old lich like me, whose magic power is almost exhausted, can..."

"There's something wrong with you!"

The monster with the tiger's head suddenly interrupted the conversation between the liches, stretched its neck, sniffed its nose, sniffed around, and looked at Zheng Qing suspiciously: "Don't move!"

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