Hunting High School

Chapter 368: Fire In July

I'm not right?

What's wrong? !

Of course Zheng Qing knew something was wrong—because he was a serious wizard, not a lich, and the red eyes were an accidental factor—but these monsters in the dark prison should not know.

After hearing what the tiger-headed monster said, he immediately held his breath, his brain was gurgling like boiling water, and he began to quickly think about what went wrong with him.

There is a slight difference between the dark red eyes and the scarlet red of the monsters, and it is usually invisible if you don’t look carefully. In addition to the dark environment in the black prison, these monsters have a layer of darkness in their eyes and poor vision. In theory, this is the most reliable evidence that he is a monster.

He just smeared the wolf demon's plasma on his robe, shoe uppers, wrists, etc. Although he couldn't completely cover up the wizard's aura on his body, he had already thought of a good excuse - if these demons asked, he would He said that he had just eaten a few little wizards before he came in, and he must talk about such things in a wicked and wild tone.

He has even found a suitable identity for himself.

Just swap out Nikita's role for yourself. The monsters whose bodies have changed greatly must have stayed in the black prison for a long time. Nikita as a monster rookie should be unknown. The process of her depravity, her experience of crossing liches and sea monsters, the reason why she was on the wanted list of the Wizarding Union, and even her hobbies and what she was doing before she was captured, Zheng Qing is very clear.

During the period of climbing back to Linzhong Lake from the dreamland along the vines, because of some boredom, the wizard poked the banshee with the muzzle of a gun, telling all the big and small things on the Misty, as well as the withered and yellow land of the liches. He asked many interesting details of his life, enough to meet the inquiries of these monsters.

Even compared with most monsters, Nikita's experience can be called weird.

But it is also this "weirdness" that gives Zheng Qing enough confidence to deceive people - because what he said is the truth. In many cases, the more bizarre the facts, the more people believe them. For example, many people believe that capital has a conscience. Another example is that people actually expect the Ang people who slaughtered the country to put down their butcher knives and believe in Buddha.

"What's wrong?"

The wizard laughed dryly, his mind spinning rapidly, and at the same time, he was thinking about what he should do if all these monsters rushed over him because of a certain detail.


Or after holding up the magic shield, hold back a big bomb?

Zheng Qing is naturally unwilling to waste his precious life on these bug-like monsters, but if there is a possibility of being eaten by the bugs, he would rather turn into a ball of light in the dark prison.

In the night.

Dozens of scarlet splatters fell on Zheng Qing's body, even the old Lich shut his mouth, and looked at the wizard with a little more bewildered eyes.

Zheng Qing's heart was already in his throat, he swallowed quietly, his finger on the trigger slowly tightened.

The tiger demon walked around the wizard twice with unrecognizable steps. Its slender tail beat left and right, smashing several rocks. Goo, mutter something no one can understand.

After a while, it put on a tiger's face and asked, "Tell me, are you hiding something?"

"Huh?" Zheng Qing didn't keep up with the silly cat's rhythm for a while.

"You must be hiding something!" The tiger demon stared at the wizard, with a deliberate affirmation on his face: "The magic content in those two servings of food is obviously not enough... You are a lich, so you must have used some weird Magic, sucking the magic power out of the food... That's why you don't care about those foods!"

The so-called "magic content" refers to the total amount of magic power contained in the flesh and blood of the two corpses. This is also the basic indicator for judging the value among prisoners in the black prison world, comparable to the "time" of the outside world.

The more the tiger demon talked, the more he felt that own's speculation was reasonable, his tone became more certain, and his expression became more unfriendly. The other monsters who were watching gradually became louder, and apart from scarlet eyes looking at the wizard, there seemed to be traces of saliva dripping from their eyes.

Zheng Qing breathed a sigh of relief after hearing that it did not doubt the identity of own, and then began to worry about how to justify that he did not 'hidden'.

After staying in the cat fruit tree for a long time, Zheng Qing understands one thing, that is, you can’t talk logic or reason with silly cats, they will use their extraordinary stupid thinking to turn you into a fool too—for example, in In terms of the attitude towards the tail - although the tiger monster in front of him is not a serious cat, after all, it used to belong to the cat family.

The truth is always the same.

"I have no shortage of magic."

The wizard first denied the basis of the tiger demon's suspicion, and then explained very sincerely: "Before entering the black prison, I just ate a few little liches... There are Kunlun species with fine skin and tender meat, and there are Europas that have been over-marinated with spices." Kind of... now my stomach is still full and I have no appetite at all."

[The book chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who has known me for ten years, Yeguo Reading! It’s really easy to use. I rely on reading and listening to books to pass the time while driving and before going to bed. You can download yeguoyuedu here]

In the night, there were faint sounds of sucking saliva.

The wizard smiled inwardly, then recalled what Nikita had commented, and then relayed after simple packaging: " may not know, the way of eating 'chicken' is very popular outside, which is to take the little wizard just captured Cut into thin and thin translucent meat slices, the flesh and bones cannot be separated, and a layer of blood streaks is brushed on it, so that it tastes crisp and tough, and tastes fresh and sweet... Then dip it in the popular 'Duojiehua', just need Just one sip can make you feel full of magic all over the whole month!"

"Before I came in, I ate more than one bite... I ate two, no, three complete little wizards! So now I feel like my magic power is about to explode... How could I touch your food?"

The explanation was very sincere, especially the last sentence, because Zheng Qing had personal experience, and the words came from the heart, which made all the monsters present feel a subtle emotion. It seemed that the little lich in front of him would explode in the next second.

In order to enhance his own persuasion, Zheng Qing didn't hesitate to waste the magic power on his body, flipped through the spell recorded in the dharma book, raised his hand and released a 'July Flowing Fire' that required huge magic power support.

Raging magic power surged out of his body, disappeared into the depths of the void along the exquisite incantations in the dharma book, and then pried the huge and pure magic power among the clouds above the black prison, turning it into pieces of fiery flames, engulfing everyone The heavy night above the monster's head was dyed in different shades of red.

Even the white rainbow that spanned hundreds of miles seemed a little dim amidst the burning clouds.

The tiger monster screamed.

The demons, large and small, who had originally gathered around the wizard dispersed, and disappeared into the dark night in the blink of an eye, without leaving a trace of breath, as if those scarlet eyeballs surrounding Zheng Qing before were all his. illusion.

Of course it was not an illusion, because apart from the fleeing monster, the old lich and the tiger demon all appeared quietly beside Zheng Qing, like two stones, if you didn't see it with your own eyes, only by Divine Sense judged that Zheng Qing was completely unable to distinguish the difference between the two monsters and the large and small gravels in the wilderness.

Moving like a strong wind, still like a rock, switching between moving and still freely. Perhaps this is one of the main skills for these weak monsters to survive in this dark world.

With this emotion in his heart, the wizard looked up together with the two demons.

Fire in July.

Hundreds of fireballs broke through the thick clouds in the night sky of the Hell, and fell from the sky with long flame tails.

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