Hunting High School

Chapter 371: Moonrise

Elise is not a monster, but an ancient god of a certain world. Due to various accidents, she was captured by wizards and thrown into this dark prison, where most of her origins were wiped out.

The cooperation with the monsters this time was originally out of necessity, but now seeing the big event unfolding, there is still a dead silence outside the black prison, and there is no sign of reinforcements coming, some worries about gains and losses, it is inevitable.

Compared with him, Yoshiko Fukatsu, who is a demon, is much more confident.

"It's so close... You can already smell the seductive aura coming from the Hell Castle." The dark lips on the fleshy tentacles slightly curled up, revealing a hint of meaning: "As long as the mysterious yellow fruit is here, the fog will Will definitely come."

The jade-colored spider-man stood up, using a pair of slender hind legs to prop up its huge body. A beautiful face appeared on the spider's back, leaning towards the castle. The cherry lips parted slightly, and there was a long suction in the air. gasp.

After a while, Elise sighed: "It is indeed... such a treasure. I just sniffed its breath from a distance, and I feel that the origin has been strengthened a lot."

"That's an illusion, Kaka." Su Jiade turned his head to look at the jade-colored spider, two red lights flickered at the bottom of his eye sockets, he clicked his mandible, and said in a low voice: "It's like people who have lost their hands and feet occasionally feel that their own hands and feet are still in place. Kaka, the smell of Xuanhuangguo just brings up a possibility... If you want to make up for the source of the loss, you must get a whole fruit."

The jade-colored spider put down its six limbs and lay back on top of the skull.

The face of the beautiful woman on the back also disappeared again.

"Don't worry," a chuckle came from the night, and Eliros seemed to guess what the great lich was thinking: "It's not for the black fruit... just to get out of this dark prison, I will do my best."

The darkness fell silent again.

Until a red glow appeared under the white rainbow.

Fukatsu Yoshiko's voice sounded again in the dead silence: "The white rainbow has been hanging in the sky for a long time, and now there is another red glow... The wizard in the black prison doesn't care about such a big commotion?"

"Maybe that old man was the help the wizards invited." Elise sneered, as if recalling some bad memories.

"It's not power," Su Jiade replied in a dry voice, and at the same time raised his arm, pointing to a certain tower of Hell Castle: "They also care."

That is a tower on the right side of the castle.

At the same time as the great lich stretched out his fingers, a cold light was slowly rising from the tower, seemingly in a hurry, passing through several layers of protective barriers, crossing the star-sea-like sky lanterns, and rising to the dark clouds Down.

Then that point of cold light paused for a moment, turned around suddenly, turned a nearly ninety-degree turn, turned into a stream of light, and threw it straight in the direction of the red glow and the white rainbow.

Several big demons could clearly distinguish that the breath of five wizards was wrapped in that cold light.

At the same moment, several great wizards sitting cross-legged and guarding in front of the outer castle suddenly launched an attack. Divine Sense firmly locked on where the several great monsters were. Earth Fire suddenly heard the sound of a piano, such as a silver bottle being broken and a knife blazing. The gunshots sounded, and the sound waves rolled down, pressing down on the monsters; there was another Flying Sword, with a touch of blue light, shuttling around, but there were figures trying to fly up to block that point of cold light, and they just went down with a sword, gathered and stabbed them There are also scorpions wagging their tails, giant apes jumping up, and green snakes neighing.

"Hey," the cyan jade spider tapped its slender spider legs on top of the skull, and the voice was a little bit amazed: "We actually sent five great wizards to stare at us...The faces of those five little guys are too big!"

With the attention of four great demons and five great wizards at the same time, Face is really big.

"A complete hunting team organization," Fukatsu Ryoko sighed faintly, "Sure enough, this is the home of wizards after all, with sufficient manpower to take care of all aspects."

He didn't bother to capture the cold aura, just like Su Jiade didn't waste energy directing the 'Eye of Sauron' to pay attention to the direction in which the cold aura went away.

In front of Hell Castle.

Hundreds of thick pillars have been erected, and the Eye of Sauron is filled with blackness, tumbling with a breath-taking breath. Hundreds of huge eyeballs are tightly closed, turning slowly, and turning to the seat lying quietly in the world. The old castle in the center.

There were a few suppressed roars in the darkness.

The Eyes of Sauron opened in unison, a little orange flashed in the depths of those eyes, and hundreds of red lights shot out all at once, falling towards the Castle of Hell.

Little ripples spread in the void, blocking those red-glowed figures moving forward.

There is a restless breath of magic in the air.

This restlessness centered on the Black Prison Castle and spread in all directions. It only took a short time to spread throughout the entire Black Prison world.



When the big blue fish passed through the white rainbow and fell from the sky, it just happened to feel this restlessness from a distance.

It's like a plane landing and encountering a strange wind blowing from the side.

This restlessness frightened Mai Dong, the spirit witch who controlled the big blue fish. Under the little witch's tightly closed eyelids, the eyeballs began to squirm, and she didn't know what kind of nightmare she had.

And that big fish was also swaying here and there in her nightmare, and finally fell from the sky and landed in the area between Zheng Qing and the black goat.

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"The moon rises brightly, shining its light!"

A loud incantation came from the darkness, and immediately, a bright full moon fell from the thick clouds in the sky, instantly dispelling the darkness within a radius of dozens of miles.

This is a large-scale lighting spell. Compared with Zheng Qing's previous "Bi Yue Fei Wei" that can only illuminate a radius of more than a hundred meters, it is as inconspicuous as a candle.

And with this incantation, Zheng Qing finally understood his environment clearly for the first time.

It seems that this place once belonged to an open estuary. There are two low mountains on the left and right, which are open in the shape of a horoscope. There are many strange rocks and strange trees on the mountains, and there are still some traces of water erosion at the bottom of the mountains.

On the long-dried estuary plain, there are many large and small gray-white pebbles dotted with rounded shapes under the moonlight. At the end of the plain, there are several small hills, which seem to be silted up by the past.

The small hill where the black goat cub hit was one of them.

But at this moment, between the small hill that was still filled with red light and the open valley between Zheng Qing, there was a large light blue fish, which was inserting obliquely into the dusty gravel, with huge fins. It twitched one after another, and the wide fish tail drooped in mid-air, as if it broke a bone when it landed, shaking from time to time.

If the big fish could make a sound, Zheng Qing can be sure that its screams would be heard far, far away in this dark prison.

Make no mistake, it was a tragic landing.

"That's...a fish?" The tiger demon let out a low voice, and Zheng Qing vaguely heard the sound of saliva dripping down, which made him look sideways—this tiger demon was not scared away by the full moon above his head?

"No," came the deep voice of the old lich from the other side: "That's not a fish."

Then he noticed the surprised look in the wizard's eyes.

"That's the spirit beast's shell summoned by the spirit wizard," the old lich explained quickly, "There must be a whole witch hunting team hidden in the belly of the big fish... Later, we just have to behave nicely, They won't trouble us... After all, we've been locked in the black prison."

"I thought you would run away when the moon rose." Zheng Qing was noncommittal to the old lich's words.

"Escape?" The old lich let out a short and piercing laugh, stretched out his skinny arms, and pointed around: "With such a large-scale lighting spell, where are we going to escape?!"

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