Hunting High School

Chapter 372: An Unexpected Visitor

Many wizards can fly.

Or use flying magic, or use a broomstick, magic carpet, or control a Flying Sword, exotic animals, and more.

But just as walking leads to falling and swimming leads to drowning, flying is also risky.

And the stakes are greater.

In an annual accident investigation report issued by the Wizarding Union, it was mentioned that about every one hundred wizards who try to fly will have various accidents when they land. Mild ones, such as sprained ankles and knocked knees; moderate ones, such as the magic carpet caught fire, or the neck of the beast was broken; severe ones, the wizard may hit the ground with his head on the ground and his brain will collapse.

In every one hundred landing accidents, there will be about one or two "special landing persons", including but not limited to being hung on a treetop by a belt, such as accidentally killing a passing groundhog during landing, or falling into someone In the chimney of the wizard's house.

For every one hundred 'special landers', there will be one or two 'miracle survivors'.

For example, when Harold Dillahunt, the hunter of the Scarlet Hunting Team, was hunting a crow monster, his broom failed, he fell into the barbecue meeting of the liches, and then miraculously managed to escape.

When the famous adventurer Fred Crusoe used the flying spell to cross a canyon, his magic lost control and he accidentally fell into a space gap. Fortunately, there was a new world developed by wizards on the opposite side of the gap, so he was lucky. Find your way home.

For another example, a big blue fish with its head on the ground fell headfirst into a group of hungry monsters. Dare to speak louder.

Zheng Qing felt that he was witnessing this one-in-a-million probability miracle.

He stood at the end of the estuary plain, looking at the big blue fish with its head stuck in the gravel and flapping its fins in the distance; looking at the hundreds of monsters with coveted eyes but shrinking attitudes; Farther away, on the edge of the big pit smashed by the 'July Fire', the black goat cub stood with its head held high.

"This is probably the 'miracle survivor' mentioned in the book." The young public finance student sighed sincerely.

"A miracle? A miracle is not enough." A slightly familiar hoarse voice suddenly sounded in Zheng Qing's ear, startling the young wizard:

"There are specific words in the wizarding dictionary for this situation, such as 'Ben's Bazaar's concern' or 'Blind Fortuna'... Of course, I prefer a more straightforward description, such as 'Unlucky ' Such a statement."

"It's not bad luck at all," Zheng Qing denied, while following the voice: "On the contrary, I think it's a very lucky thing... At the wrong time, wrong place, wrong thing, But it was accidentally not punished, isn't this something to be thankful for?"

While speaking, he had already looked in all directions.

But as far as the eye can see, apart from the two statue-like old lich and tiger demon behind him, there is only a dead tree with a crooked neck and a few round big rocks under the dead tree in the distance.

Zheng Qing did not find the source of the familiar voice.

Just as he was wondering, the slightly hoarse voice sounded again, but this time the voice came from the direction of his feet:

"Miracle and luck are originally twins. It is not against the harmony to replace 'miracle survivor' with 'lucky survivor'...but it does not mean that it is not unlucky...You know, only very unlucky guys will be with each other at the same time. Miracles deal with luck... A wizard who is truly lucky does not need a single word 'lucky'."

This time, Zheng Qing finally caught the source of that voice.

He lowered his head, and a fist-sized black cat with shiny fur was squatting at his feet, yawning lazily, its ears flickering left and right, as if driving away a group of transparent harassers.

The wizard studied the cat carefully.

The cat has ruby-like eyes.

After a while, when the cat finished speaking and raised its paw to lick its fur, the young wizard took a step towards retreat in amazement: "You...why are you here?!"

As he said that, he turned his head and looked around, thinking that he could see a sorcerer in a green robe and a bun in a certain corner.

Although the cat has become smaller, Zheng Qing's memories were quickly brought back by the sound of the cat when it spoke, the movements of licking its fur, especially the pair of red eyes.

It was his shadow that was cut off by Su Shijun and thrown into the laboratory, and finally broke the shackles of the two-dimensional world and returned to reality.

Because the shadow reflects the wizard's inner image, the shadow eventually turned into a cat.

In the school hunting competition in October last year, this cat once helped Zheng Qing a lot, killing more than half of the monsters on the field, and because it was too dangerous, the black cat was "related" by the school as soon as the hunting competition was over. The department' took away the restraint - at that time, the one who took it away was a wizard code-named 'Forty-one' with a green robe and a bun.

[The book chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who has known me for ten years, Yeguo Reading! It’s really easy to use. I rely on reading and listening to books to pass the time while driving and before going to bed. You can download yeguoyuedu here]

Of course, now, Zheng Qing already knows that the reason why this cat was taken away by the "relevant department" is probably not only because it is a "super-dimensional creature" that broke through the two-dimensional world, but also because it carries a trace of forbidden blood on its body. The breath of the curse.

The relevant departments are most sensitive to the smell of the forbidden curse.

"Fu... don't look around,"

The black cat took a deep breath of displeasure, held back its size a few times, and its voice became a little thicker: "...Only I came in by myself... Phew."

Zheng Qing stared blankly at the black cat growing up in circles, and finally changed from the size of a fist to the familiar appearance of a little black leopard.

After a while, he hesitated, and asked, "Some time ago, I seemed to see you in front of the office building."

"It's not surprising," the black cat lay down carelessly again, and flicked its tail: "I'm also an official employee of the 'relevant department' now, and it's not surprising that I occasionally come out for business."

"At the beginning, Forty-One only said that he would take you to do safety training, but he didn't say that he would let you go to work."

The wizard vaguely felt that he had suffered a loss—theoretically, the money earned by his shadow should also belong to him; or, would the contract signed by his shadow affect him? The shadow is a staff member of the relevant department, so do I count myself as a member of the relevant department?

It feels like a very delicate philosophical topic.

The cold wind in the black prison blew out the last glowing mushroom in front of Zheng Qing, and also blew away Zheng Qing's erratic eyes. He realized that now is not the right time to discuss philosophical issues.

"They allowed you to come to the black prison?" Another layer of confusion emerged in the wizard's heart. He raised his eyebrows, glanced at the two 'sculptures' behind him, and asked very cautiously: "You yourself!... when?"

Before the black cat could answer, the wizard immediately thought of another more important question: "Do they know I'm in the black prison?!"

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