Hunting High School

Chapter 373 Don't Mess With Cats

"Stupid as always."

The black cat first made a conclusion with a very short sentence, and then, ignoring the flushed face of the wizard, flicked its tail, and simply replied: "I am already an official employee of the relevant department, why can't I come to the black prison? I am free enough and capable enough to protect own."

It bites the word "freedom" very clearly.

"...As for whether they know you are here or not," the black cat gave the wizard a sideways glance, the beard on the corner of its mouth trembled, and its face was full of contempt: "How are so big... In the sky above Linzhong Lake, under the eyes of everyone, you were sucked into the black moon, and you still expect others not to see it?"

"Could it be that everyone else is blind?"

"Not to mention that you destroyed the school's guardian circle, and now you are also registered with the relevant departments. Maybe you will go back this time, and you will follow Dan Hag's people!"

Behind Zheng Qing, the two 'sculptures' finally couldn't maintain their stiff expressions, turned their stiff necks slightly, and looked at Zheng Qing with shocked eyes—the guardian magic circle that can destroy the First University is also considered among monsters Legendary achievement.

These prisoners in the black prison may have thought that Qing had just arrived and had some bad intentions, but after the "July Fire" fell, they immediately forgot their previous dangerous thoughts; After the black goat covered in fire appeared, they even forgot the existence of own.

After all, they are just two sculptures.

"That was an accident!"

Zheng Qing emphatically emphasized it, and seemed to want to justify something, but found that there was no way to explain it. Finally, she had an idea and remembered what the black cat had said before: "...As you said, blind Fortuna, I just Just bad luck."

"No, it's not that Fortuna is blind this time, but it's a miracle."

The black cat once again denied the young wizard's point of view, and waved its paw triumphantly:

"...the so-called miracle is nothing more than a reasonable performance of sufficient strength under the right opportunity... Many people think that it is a miracle that a monk who begs for food becomes the emperor of the dynasty, and that it is a miracle that a copper coin wins tens of thousands of jade coins in a casino. It is also a miracle that Harold Dilahunt escaped from the Lich's barbecue meeting. But I don't know that behind those miracles is enough strength to match the miracle."

Well, let the cat talk about the truth and irony.

Can't afford it, can't afford it.

Zheng Qing gave up arguing with the black cat, looked up at the white rainbow in the sky, and asked awkwardly, "You also came down from above? Why didn't I see you just now?"

"You haven't seen much." The black cat continued to sarcastically.

The wizard turned a deaf ear to the black cat's rudeness, skipped the topic, and asked instead: "Who is Fortuna, this name sounds familiar."

"You don't know why you dare to use that slang term indiscriminately for this name?"

The black cat opened its eyes wide and finally saw the shy expression on the wizard's face, and immediately flicked its tail contentedly: "Fortuna is the real name of a goddess of fortune, and Benbaza is the goddess of have already been in a relationship." It's been 20 years of college, what did you study in school? Why don't you even understand such common sense questions. "

Zheng Qing would like to say that he did not take the history of ancient Greek theology as an elective.

But considering that the other party is just a cat, even a shadow in essence, he can't afford to be angry with a cat—especially that cat was once his shadow, and being angry with it is equivalent to a schizophrenic to some extent The mentally ill person is arguing with himself.

The old lich who had been carefully standing behind Zheng Qing obliquely finally turned its nearly dry brain and figured out Zheng Qing's identity: The red-eyed boy was not a lich, but a student of the First University? Is First University recruiting so fast now? Demons want it too? Or, does that kid have some special blood, such as a white rabbit who became a sperm, or a vampire with albinism?

The old lich had these absurd thoughts in his head, but on the surface he became more cautious, even closed his nose and held his breath.

The black cat turned its ears and glanced at it.

"Why are they standing here all the time?" It wrinkled its nose, smelled a faint smell of monsters, and was immediately displeased: "Did you cast a holding spell on them?"

The two sculptures remained motionless, as if they were flesh and blood made of stone and clay sculptures since ancient times.

"Fixing spell?"

Zheng Qing glanced back at the two gray and white 'sculptures', and suppressed the idea of ​​laughing: "I don't know that kind of advanced spells yet, as for why they stay here... Maybe they think I need two guards."

"Guard? No, you don't need it." The black cat shook its ears, raised its head, and said confidently, "With me here, you don't need other guards."

So, is this cat worried about something happening to him, so he came here to be a guard?

This thought crossed Zheng Qing's mind, with a thoughtful expression on his face, and then he looked at the black goat cub in the distance: "What about it? Why did it come to the black prison?"

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The black cat froze for a second.

It is not a follower of Nicholas, how does it know why his family members come to the black prison where demons are everywhere and wars are about to break out?

But in front of Zheng Qing, the black cat will never show timidity.

"Sheep are a bunch of fools,"

The black cat stretched its two front paws and stretched its waist. After straightening up, it continued to say seriously:

"But these idiots like to climb up and down the cliffs. Many times, they step on the ground, fall from the ridge to the valley, break their legs, and just struggle to stand up, stupidly looking around, 'Hey, What just happened'...and stumbling up the hill again...until some bad luck broke his neck."

"Only Death can stop foolish belief, not even time."

A few words seemed to have said something very profound, but after careful consideration, it seemed that he hadn’t said anything at all; it seemed to explain the reason why the sheep came to the black prison, but it was also like a sharp Zen master’s sharp edge, how to explain it? All make sense.

Zheng Qing was still thinking hard about the meaning of the black cat's words with his head down.

A 'sculpture' next to it couldn't help but unseal it.

"It's okay to be hungry."

The old lich finally found the right opportunity, and interjected respectfully: "It's like us poor worms... For a little food, I have long forgotten what a demon, a wizard, and a god are. All I can remember is Where is there something to fill the stomach."

The tiger demon stopped pretending to be a sculpture, stuck out its tongue, and nodded its head frantically, as if the old lich had spoken its heart.

The black cat glanced at them both in surprise.

"Why are you still here?!"

It was surprised, and pointed to the distance with the tip of its tail: "The little monster near that sheep has already run away completely... Aren't you in the same group?"

The distance is too close, the moon shines too far away, even if you want to run, you can't run away!

The old lich cursed silently in his heart, and the expression on his face became more and more sincere: "Being able to listen to the teachings of adults at close range is a blessing that has been cultivated for several lifetimes... Those little monsters are not blessed."

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