Hunting High School

Three Hundred And Ninetieth Chapters Break Through

The sky of Hellworld has clouds, its color is black, its air is heavy, and its shape is boundless, covering every corner of the whole world and the whole sky.

Then on this day.

First, the black clouds in the southeast corner were pierced by a white rainbow.

After that, there were many white spots in the clouds over the Hell Castle.

Those white spots were tiny at first, like rice grains, and filled the clouds, like a piece of ebony wood eaten away by termites. There are pitch-black round balls squeezed out of those holes, one after another, like pitch-black raindrops, hula-la falling into the black prison world, and then they stretched their bodies, turning into ferocious monster insects, impacting The defense system of the outer fort.

During this process, those white spots are not cured. Under an inexplicable pressure from behind the cloud, the edges of the white spots kept wriggling, deforming, trembling, and expanding, from the size of a grain of rice, to the size of mung beans, then soybeans, then watermelons, and so on, without stopping.

Until the thunder behind the clouds gradually died down, and the singing over The Underworld equation disappeared.

The mottled white spots between the clouds stopped moving, and the color dimmed for a moment.

The whole world held its breath at this moment.

The next moment, the black clouds trembled violently, and the absurd thought of 'the sky is shaking' suddenly appeared in the mind of the young wizard who looked up at the sky. At the same time, those white dots also bloomed in brilliance, as if countless white lights were lit on a black curtain.

Accompanied by the vibration of the sky.

A thick tentacles finally pierced through the membranes of the Hell world, descending on this Realm that the demons regard as a desperate situation.

At the top of the tentacles, there are dozens of protrusions that are as hard as claws. When closed, they look like clenched fists, and when they open, they look like blooming flowers. In the center of the claws, there is a ferocious mouthpart that looks like a bright red letter, which continuously rotates and spits out a grain. A pitch-black ball.

With the first root, there is the second root, the third root, and the fourth root.

It only took a short time for tens of thousands of ocher tentacles to hang down from the black clouds. Some of the tentacles are shorter and softer, like the whiskers of a snail. After a huge hole was eroded in the clouds, they retracted.

The other part of the tentacles are thick and hard, with a jet-black luster flowing around them, like shield machines, eroding the crystal walls, passing through the thick clouds, and falling from the sky. The torn black clouds scattered all over the sky like rags. After many clouds were shattered, they turned into thin black mist, trying to plug those loopholes again.

But the tentacles are too many, too big.

The black mist not only failed to block those loopholes, but instead covered many of the tentacles' tracks, making it appear to the wizards and demons on the ground battlefield that there seemed to be many giant dragons in the sky that shuttled through the clouds and mist. They roam the huge bodies of the sea of ​​clouds.



As the black cloud layer was destroyed, the distant and long hiss became more and more clear. The sky is like a piece of skin full of water, bulging downwards, the water on the skin is constantly increasing, and the carrying capacity of the skin is limited.

Finally, after reaching a certain limit, the holes eroded by the tentacles are connected together, the 'skin' is finally broken, the sky is broken, the clouds are torn apart, revealing the brilliant starry sky behind the clouds, and a huge, Head like a whale.

The skull is covered with sarcoma and folds, the sarcoids are gathered under the jaw, and the top of the sarcoma extends out with thin and long fleshy whiskers, and those fleshy whiskers are the tentacles hanging down from the sky of Hell; the folds are mostly located on the top of the skull On the face, there are dense eyeballs growing between the folds.

In front of the Hell Castle, the hundreds of pillars standing on the Underworld equation and the Eye of Sauron on the top of the pillars, compared with this giant beast, became a joke for a while.

And between the folds and the sarcomas, there is a huge, wide mouth that seems to have no boundaries.

He opened slightly, and the tips of the tusks that rolled like sharp blades shone with white light, and at the end of the white light was a uvula, like a fleshy bell, trembling, and the long low chime resounded through the whole world.



"Beangsi... Moance!!"

"Leviathan... is here!!!"



Hell Castle.

Inside and outside the walls of the Third Stage Fortress.

The voices of young wizards gasping could be heard endlessly. Even though many wizards had the experience of pioneering in the new world, they had never seen such a colossal monster coming from the sky with such majestic momentum.

Magic can always breakthrough people's imagination.


Standing on the city wall, Professor Yao looked at the tens of thousands of huge tentacles hanging from the sky, and the huge, whale-like figure behind the torn clouds. The pipe in his mouth was slightly tilted, but there was no trace of smoke Sheng Sheng, obviously his heart is not as calm as the surface, just like his tone, there is a trace of nostalgia in his sigh:

"Long time no's really getting bigger and bigger."

When the young wizards around heard the news, they all looked at the president of Jiuyou College with awe.

Leviathan is a legendary giant Magical Beasts. Before the birth of many famous great wizards, it was already famous for its brutality and power. Among the stars, after being expelled by the Wizards Union, this huge creature has disappeared from the wizards' sight For a long time, only the hunting teams pioneered at the edge of the new world occasionally got a little bit of news about Leviathan from the communication with the indigenous gods.

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

Mostly it was which world he destroyed and which civilization he swallowed.

This kind of deed has already brought a bit of legend.

The great wizards of the alliance judged that even if the legend of Leviathan has not yet broken through, it is not far away, and there is nothing wrong with calling it a 'giant'.

The giant is extremely big.

Right now, in Professor Yao's view, Leviathan's momentum has surpassed his own. Perhaps relying on today's momentum that breaks through the boundaries, this giant beast can become a true legend in one go.

And he himself, after choosing No. 1 University because of his health, has stayed on the edge of greatness and legend for too long, too long. It has been so long that he has almost forgotten his previous identity and his real appearance.

Inexplicably, the figure of a young wizard appeared in the mind of the dean of Jiuyou Academy. The little guy seemed to have guessed the identity of own, and was scared to death.

The thought flashed away, and the old wizard looked at the sky with a much deeper gaze.


A group of cyan flames suddenly appeared beside Dean Yao, and while the flames were jumping, it was the figure of a cyan bird, which reported in a clear and loud voice:

"The divination team has found out that there is a coalition of demons behind Leviathan..."

Professor Yao glanced at it and knew that it was a blue bird raised by Professor Yi, who was very good at sending messages. His gaze scanned the outside of the tower, and as expected, at this moment, this blue bird appeared next to all the great wizards in the inner castle, the main castle, and the outer castle.

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