Hunting High School

Chapter 391: Stars Like Rain

"Yiyao Night Walk!"

Accompanied by the sound of several incantations resounding over the battlefield, more than a dozen red lines of incantation light shot out from every corner of the Hell Castle, straight to the gap between the torn clouds on the top.

"Yiyao Night Walk!" "Yiyao Night Walk!" "Yiyao Night Walk!"

The clear incantation sound echoed repeatedly in the void.

The strong light fell on the folds on the top of Leviathan's head, causing it to squint many eyes subconsciously. But immediately, the behemoth realized that the light wasn't aimed at it.

Dozens of small 'suns' bloomed among the clouds at the same time, bursting out with dazzling light.

This light made the monsters who broke through the boundary stop for a while, made the prisoners who had lived in the black prison shrink back, and also made the wizards guarding the castle see the brilliant dark clouds of the First Stage, and the dark and thick clouds above their heads. The edge of the cloud layer was inlaid with strips of bright gold.

The effect of the spell is fleeting.

Just as the east wind puts flowers and thousands of trees at night, it blows down, and the stars are like rain.

After the blooming 'little sun' was extinguished, it turned into dots of fluorescent light, like a torrential rain, falling from the sky, brushing a bright light curtain between the sky and the earth, not only supplementing the lighting that was lost after the sky lantern array was broken, but also bringing the magic of the wizards to life. The field of vision is further expanded.

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

Standing behind the wall of the castle tower, with the light between the sky and the earth, the guarding wizards can see through the night, and they can clearly see the prisoners who were hiding behind the night and are refitting, and they can see the hanging beard of Leviathan The next group of monster legions assembled saw the high rank monsters with hideous shapes and ferocious aura caught between the demon legion and the monster legion.

Professor Yao spread out his palms and stretched them out of the city wall.

A little fluorescent light fell from the sky and slowly floated into his palm, like a tired firefly after flying for a long time, struggling, stubbornly bulging its belly, finally flashed twice, then went out suddenly, turning into a touch of ashes.

These are the fallen wreckage of those 'little suns'.

It was also the signal from the divination group to inform all the guarding wizards to cheer up and prepare for the enemy's starting gun. Beside Professor Yao, in a ball of flames, the little blue bird still fluttered its wings slightly, chirping and reporting the identities of the incoming enemies:

"...the ape demon with the white head and bare feet is Zhuyan Ape!"

"Five tails and one corner, the sound is like hitting a stone, it is the scarlet demon of the leopard!"

"And the man-eating bird demon, Dororo!"

"Yachi no Orochi, Lu Zhiyuan!"

"Qidao Naqi and Qidao Namei brothers and sisters!"

"They're all famous guys," Professor Yao held the ashes in his palm, squinted his eyes, carefully looked at the hideous figures exposed in the flashing light, and murmured:

"...But, what about the mist? Where are the initiators of the mist, the iceberg, the vortex, and the mirage hiding? Where is Ulrich? That old lich must have come, and where is it hiding? Woolen cloth?"

It seemed to hear Professor Yao talking to himself. In the flames, the blue bird tilted its head, hesitated for a moment, and finally corrected: "The Mirage has been renamed the Poseidon, there is no mirage now, the big monster The code name of the divination group is 'Sea God'."

"Sea God?" The dean of Jiuyou College curled his lips, not paying attention: "It dares to be called 'Sea God'? It really doesn't know how to live or die."



When Dean Yao carefully looked at the lineup of the demon coalition army, looking for the figures of the 'old friends'.

The Grand Lich Sir Ulrich, whom he was talking about, had quietly sneaked up to Sujad, who also belonged to the Lich camp. One is to reassure the already agitated prisoners, and the other is to supervise the battle, to ensure that the few chess pieces in the sight of the coalition forces will not sneak away while the black prison world is broken.

For example, the sky spider Eli Rose.

After Leviathan's first tentacles tore through the sky and broke into the world of Hell, the ancient Ability God had the idea of ​​retreating, thinking about how to stay calm in the sight of several 'allies' leave.

But before she could come up with a plan, the War Supervisor of the Demon Alliance Army appeared.

That old lich covered in a thin layer of black smoke, although he had a smile on his face from beginning to end and spoke kindly, but his eyes were colder and colder than Sujiad's.

Ellirose dared to swear with her own godhead, if she showed any thoughts of fleeing the battlefield in front of this old lich, in the next second, she would be thrown to the front of the black prison castle, and endure the gathering of the nine great wizards. Fire, like the prisoners she controls to fight in The Underworld equation, serves as a bunch of cheap cannon fodder.

"This is impossible." The jade-colored spider waved its eight slender spider legs, and anxiously beat the white and clean head of the skeleton soldier below him, muttering in a low voice: "This is impossible!"

"Huh?" Sir Ulrich tilted his head, glanced at the sky spider, and made a proper question in his nasal cavity.

Who knows how it made a sound with its fleshless nasal cavity, Elise cursed viciously in her heart for the insidiousness of the old lich, but her tone was as gentle and kind as ever:

"The environment in the black prison is too harsh."

Elise raised one of her forelegs, pointed to the sky, and then drew a semicircle, engulfing the black clouds, the giant beast between the clouds, the countless tentacles hanging from the giant beast, and the army of monsters gathering under the tentacles. Inside, said courteously:

"This is a world on the brink of ruin... withered and dead, the natural flow of magic power is almost dry... the whole world has been built into a huge fortress by wizards, all the leylines, all the spiritual eyes, all the thunder and magma , are under the control of the wizards."

"I wouldn't be surprised if, at The next moment, a spell flew from the depths of Hell Castle and usurped control of 'The Underworld Equation' with ease."

"This is the home ground of wizards. It is a very unwise choice for us to set the battlefield here."

"The easiest one, magic power."

Saying that, the jade-colored little spider raised another slender leg, slid it left and right, pointed to the tentacles hanging from the sky in the darkness, and then pointed to the tentacles hanging from the equation of The Underworld, comparing road:

"Did you see that? Although the giant beast that tore through the sky is very powerful, it can't cover everything... Those tentacles in The Underworld equation, nourished by the magic power of Earth Fire, are better than those tentacles in the dark that lack magic power." Almost twice as thick!"

"On the dark side, from the sky, to the earth, to the ubiquitous air, not only can't replenish the magic power for the giant beast's tentacles, but it is constantly sucking the magic power from its body through those tentacles... I bet, the castle Those wizards here hope that there will be a few more giant beasts like this, so that this world can survive for a few more days."

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