Hunting High School

Chapter 392 Magic Is Innocent


The Grand Lich Sujad nodded slightly, expressing his serious support for Elise's words: "The lack of magic power will make our soldiers more prone to fatigue, and our brains will be in chaos. Before I started, I fell into a natural disadvantage. The right time and place are not my fault."

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"Very sharp, very sharp."

Sir Ulrich also nodded with a smile, and did not deny Elise Rose's point of view, but repeatedly praised: "As expected of an ancient god who was born with a world, he has unparalleled sensitivity to grasp the general situation."

Having said that, its tone was a little perfunctory, and there was no expression on its face that was about to think carefully, as if what it just heard was not the huge disadvantage of the demon alliance, but that the brain flower that it ate this morning was a little salty little things like this.

Elise retracted her forelegs and scratched the setae under her eyes.

She wondered if there was something missing in her expression just now, so that the old Lich didn't realize the seriousness of the problem.

While she was still reflecting on herself, Sir Ulrich suddenly said, and asked with a smile: "Well, I almost forgot... Did I introduce Leviathan's sister, Xiz?"

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand and pointed backwards.

The dark red in Sujiade's eyes twitched slightly.

The jade-colored spider stood upright with two slender hind limbs, opened its small black eyes, and looked in the direction Sir Ulrich pointed.

That is where the light of the sky and the Earth Fire have not yet shrouded, and is still covered by the heavy night of the world of Hell. But some phosphorescence brought by the thick tentacles hanging from the sky prevented the night from completely closing.

Through the phosphorescent light, Eliroth vaguely saw a tall and vague figure, walking slowly, step by step, towards the Castle of Hell. Its hands were raised high, as if holding a torch. But the flame on the torch was too feeble, not much brighter than a candle, almost the same as the tiny phosphorescence around it, as if a small wind could blow it out.

But Eli Rose knew that that feeling of weakness was just an illusion of owning.

She could clearly feel the huge magic power that the torch released when it was burning, even from a long distance away.



When Leviathan broke through the boundary, although he tore through a large piece of cloud and let the brilliant starlight behind the cloud fall into this barren world, the coverage of that starlight was limited after all.

The entire black prison, most of the area, is still shrouded in darkness.

Only near the Hell Castle, there are magma Earth Fires summoned by monsters using The Underworld equation on the ground, and a bright circle formed by wizards using sky lanterns in the sky.

Of course, with the advent of Leviathan, many sky lanterns were scattered and extinguished, which put the wizards at a slight disadvantage in lighting for a while.

The wizards guarding the Black Prison Castle seemed to want to change this situation, and released several 'Yao Yao Xing Xing'.

Although the endless fireflies that fell after the lights were extinguished made up for the light that was lost after the sky lantern circle was broken, it also angered Leviathan, who had already penetrated half of his body into the world of Hell.



The giant beast's long neigh resounded through the sky again, the thousands of giant eyes on the top of Leviathan's skull narrowed together, and the tens of thousands of tentacles under his jaw also tensed.

The black-armored monsters who followed those tentacles into the black prison seemed to know what was about to happen, and they regrouped into balls one by one, their claws firmly grasping the ground.

As for the prisoners and wizard hunters in the duel—including the great wizards and great monsters who were leading the battle—they only had a little bit of energy and looked at the sky warily to prevent the giant beast from going crazy suddenly.

Then, under the watchful eyes of everyone, Leviathan opened his huge, fanged mouth and took a deep breath.

Hoo hoo! !

Violent hurricanes emerged out of thin air, rushing towards the giant mouth from all directions. The sky lanterns that had already been scattered due to the split of the formation, seemed to be swallowed by the giant mouth of the scattered shrimps when they met the blue whales that were eating. And the fluorescence sprinkled by the "Yi Yao Night Walk" was more like duckweed, wrapped and pinched by the hurricane, or disappeared into Leviathan's giant mouth like a sky lantern.

Even Earth Fire, the magma summoned by The Underworld equation, became much dimmer under the huge suction.

For a moment, around the entire ancient castle, the already clear world was once again overwhelmed by the inherent atmosphere of the black prison, and became pitch black.



"Don't yell, it's so useless!"

Professor Yao turned his head and looked at the young wizards who were rushing to convey the message on the city wall. The pipes in their mouths were slightly raised, and the burning red tobacco in the pipes looked like the eyes of demons, showing a bit of horror. Human breath: "...It's just a big fish yawning, don't panic like the sky is falling!"

"Yes... I'm sorry!" A young wizard was obviously ashamed of his panic just now, and immediately stopped, put his legs together, and bowed vigorously to the dean of Jiuyou Academy.

Several other young wizards who were also flustered stopped in embarrassment.

Professor Yao glanced at the bowing young wizard, looked at his vaguely familiar face, and frowned slightly: "Are you from Ambexi?"

The young wizard didn't seem to expect to get a reply from Professor Yao.

After straightening up, he was stunned for a few seconds before hurriedly bowing again: "Report, sir, I am Apeyou...Ambey is my cousin."

Professor Yao's face showed a bit of bewilderment.

"Let me just say it," he shook his head, and a puff of smoke rose from the pipe he was biting: "I remember that the Abesi people won the title of gold medal hunter last year, how could it be so useless."

The young wizard's face suddenly turned red, and he couldn't stand up straight even after bending over. He just lowered his head and yelled again: "I'm sorry! I won't do this again!"

A very old witch next to him gave Professor Yao a reproachful look. Old Yao raised his hand apologetically, walked to the young wizard, and pulled his shoulders to make him stand up straight.

"Do you know what the biggest fallacy in the wizarding world is?" The professor took a puff of smoke outside the city wall, and the shredded tobacco in the smoke pot glowed hot red in the darkness.

Ampere stared blankly at the red spot, hesitated, and shook his head.

"The biggest fallacy in the wizarding world is that 'magic is innocent'," Professor Yao took a deep breath, and his voice became a little vague:

"Dark wizards use magic to collect souls, but magic is innocent; liches use magic to kill people, but magic is innocent; the old gods used magic to imprison a round of the sun, and then pretended to lose it, and after being picked up by demons Drag to Hell...but Magic is still innocent!"


Professor Yao held Ampere by the shoulders, and pointed outside the city at a tiny spot of light in the depths of the night: "So, don't use an apology to solve the problem...that would be as bad as 'magic is innocent'."

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