Hunting High School

Chapter 393 Phoenix Project

When Professor Yao held Ampere by the shoulders and led him to look into the corner of the night.

Hell Castle.

inner fort.

Standing on the city wall, Vice Principal Shi Hui frowned slightly, a Killing intent flashed in his eyes, and the wide cloak behind him rose up without wind, hunting and rattling, bringing dozens of simple celestial fires on the wall and shaking them in unison, bursting into flames. There are a few orange sparks.

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Vice-principal Ruoyu caressed the wolf head statue on the cane, and glanced at the witch beside him.

"Don't scare those children." He seemed to be afraid of the cold wind, with most of his head buried in his collar, so his voice sounded a bit muffled: "You are already the vice principal, and you are still so angry."

Vice-principal Shi Hui gritted her teeth.

"It's just that you have such a good temper, that's why anyone dares to tease you." She stared at the pinhead-sized, inconspicuous flame on the torch in the depths of the night, and snorted coldly: "If you follow my plan, clean up early Get rid of those guys at both ends of the first mouse, and there will be no troubles below."

Ruoyu's head seemed to shrink into his collar.

But immediately stretched out again.

"We are just a school, not the master of the alliance." His voice was a little hoarse, but he still shook his head seriously, denying the witch's opinion: "If we want to maintain our transcendent status, we have to mess with our friends." A lot, the enemy does a little... It's not that those who follow it will prosper, and those who go against it will perish."

"I have this attitude towards the Parliament under the Moon, and I have this attitude towards the New World Opening Act, so I also have the same attitude when it comes to dealing with the old gods."

"And then?" Vice Principal Shi Hui cast a sideways glance at the old wizard beside him, with a hint of sarcasm on the corner of his mouth: "Then they made an inch of their head and looked at Shu, and stabbed us in the back?"

Vice President Ruoyu quietly looked at the light of the fire in the depths of the night.

After a while, he said softly: "Always give them a chance to choose... There must always be a chance to choose. If divination can determine everything, then what's the point of the world, truth, reason, etc.? Those young Wizards should not be life's worms on a spider's web, they deserve a better, freer future."

This time, Vice Principal Shi Hui didn't open his mouth to argue, but looked at the old wizard beside him, and sighed deeply.

"You are responsible for solving the problems caused by your indulgence." As she spoke, she seemed to feel that the wind around her was a little bit strong, and pulled the cloak on her body.

The wind in the city gradually died down.

The Gu Pu Lai Xianhuo no longer jumped in panic, and burned peacefully again.

Vice-principal Ruoyu smiled softly, and tapped the cane lightly on the ground twice.

The shadow on the wall shook slightly, and a wizard with a hood and black robe quietly appeared beside the old man.

"The results of the divination group should come out," the old man Ruoyu whispered, "Tell them that there is no need to release the sky lanterns, and there is no need to form a special illuminating spell wizard group...Let Dean Emma of the Alpha Academy handle this matter." thing."

"Yes!" The black-robed wizard nodded slightly and disappeared in place.

Ruoyu old man turned his head and glanced at Ms. Shi Hui: "This was originally in our plan...Since they plan to overturn the table and break the rules, we don't have to restrain our hands...It depends on who is more courageous."

The witch curled her lips: "It didn't have to be so troublesome."



The divination group is located in the turret of the Third Stage eaves between the main castle and the inner castle of the Black Prison Castle. The left front of the turret is the tower in charge of the Jiuyou Academy, and the right front is the tower in charge of the Alpha Academy.

The corner platform is surrounded by a pale golden light curtain, which is covered with dense runes and formations, and alternately displays every slight change of the opponents outside the castle.

From time to time, wizards in white robes hurried out of the turret, held up the tortoise shell or crystal ball that had just been calculated, and chanted a spell, and various runes spewed out like waterfalls, pouring into the pale golden light curtain, adding variable.

When the wizard in the hood and black robe walked into the turret.

More than a dozen senior fortune tellers in white robes were gathered around a huge crystal ball, arguing quietly and fiercely about something. The wizard moved his ears slightly under the hood, and vaguely heard a few words:

“…perfect timing is impossible.”

"Do you want to launch an attack?"

"Wait a minute, the mist hasn't appeared yet, so it's not the right time."

"They must be around... don't know what they're up to."

"Now the night has a much more serious impact on us than the other side!"

"The number of reserve sky lanterns is limited, and I can't bear the big fish above my head to take a few more breaths..."

"...Perhaps we can follow the plan derived from Plan No. 3 and transfer members of each rest hunting team to form a wizard group dedicated to lighting?"

The black-robed wizard moved slightly, and was about to move forward when an old white-robed wizard with a long beard appeared in front of him.

"What's the arrangement inside?" The old wizard's eyes were bloodshot, with big bags under his eyes, and he seemed to have not rested for a long time. His voice was hoarse and dry, and he seemed a little impatient.

His expression was very determined, and he was not at all curious about the identity of the black-robed wizard.

The eyes of the black-robed wizard stopped for a moment on the badges hanging on the old wizard's robe, including badges of many different identities such as the deputy head of the divination group, the great fortune-teller, and the Xianqin hunting group.

He vaguely guessed the identity of the old man, and his attitude was somewhat respectful.

"Vice-principal Ruoyu said, 'Tell them that there is no need to release the sky lanterns, and there is no need to form a special illumination spell wizard group...Let Dean Emma of Alpha Academy handle this matter.'" At this point, the black-robed wizard paused After a while, he added: "...Vice Principal Shi Hui has no objections."

The old wizard nodded slightly, stretched out his hand to catch it in the void, and caught a jumping flame.

A blue bird chirped in the flames, quite lively.

"Tell Professor Emma that she needs to stay on it for a while longer to carry out the 'Phoenix Project'," the old wizard held the bird in his hands, and said quickly, "The task of guarding the Alpha Tower is handed over to former Dean Till. Lady Da Strange."

After finishing speaking, the old man loosened his skinny fingers, and the blue bird chirped, and with a sudden sound, it turned into a ball of green fire and dissipated in the air.

Then the old man turned his head and looked at the senior fortune tellers around the crystal ball: "Did you hear that? Don't move the sky lantern reserves, and don't need to form a lighting wizard team. With the 'Phoenix Project' as the core, start to measure the next variable." ..."

The white robes responded in unison, and all kinds of dazzling divination tools, such as counting chips, tortoise shells, grass, crystal balls, tarot cards, etc., popped out of nowhere. Like a wind-up clock, work started in an orderly manner.

The black-robed wizard retreated quietly.

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