Hunting High School

Chapter 394: Two Spells

Su Shijun stood on the edge of the tower at the highest point of the outer fort, looking into the depths of the night.

As a great wizard, even if he is not good at divination, he can easily capture pictures related to himself in the long river of time. However, due to the influence of the battle ahead of the timeline, the secrets of the entire black prison world are in chaos and Karma is entangled. When Su Shijun is doing divination, there is always a fog in front of him, and he can hardly calculate any results.

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Even if she occasionally saw one or two clear pictures, the witch couldn't believe it easily—perhaps only Merlin knew whether those pictures were the divination and confusion spells used by the archlichs of the opposite camp.

That's not the only thing that annoys witches.

Ever since receiving the transfer order, leaving the lounge and coming to the tallest tower of the outer fort, the wizards in the turret of the Third Stage seem to have forgotten a few upper members of the next month's council.

No order was sent.

Like the deans of Zhengbao and the vice-principals of Neibao, the five members of the Parliament under the month played the role of quiet spectators from beginning to end.

Looking outside the outer fort, the nine great wizards fought against the imprisoned monsters such as Behemoth and Sujad. Hundreds of hunting teams criss-crossed the Underworld equation, destroying an Eye of Sauron from time to time.

Watching Leviathan's tentacles tear through the sky, leading in the overwhelming 'parasite' monster, squeezing its ugly head like a fat fish, and listening to its ugly roar.

Looking deeper into the night, the endless darkness.

Even though her divination ability was restricted, her intuition as a great wizard kept reminding the witch that something terrible was brewing in that darkness.

"Still no new orders?"

Su Shijun murmured and turned his head, his eyes flicked over the turret on the eaves of the Third Stage, and looked uneasily at the deepest part of the Hell Castle.

Across the city wall of the main castle, the heavy golden magic shield above the inner castle is like an Amber in the sun, shining with a charming luster. The witch knew that the reason for today's war broke out was hidden under those charming lights.

"Calm down, ma'am."

Hunbuyu, who is also a great wizard, has the color of the starry sky rippling all over his body, covering the original color of the ghost. The whole tower seems to be affected by him, and it becomes much quieter: "...we are just here to help defend, there is no Isn’t the transfer order a good thing? It would be great to end this call-up safely.”

"It's hard to say." Gongsun Bing, the oldest member of the councilors, replied with a straight face.

This caused the other four senators on the tower to look sideways. Because of Gongsun's illness, Gai has always been reticent, and he is not a person who likes to interrupt.

But after waiting for a while, Gongsun Bing didn't have a follow-up text, as if what he said just now was an illusion of everyone.

"It's so boring... Come on, Misty."

Wilhelm·Ta Potter withdrew his gaze from Gongsun Bing, muttered softly, and looked out of the city.

At this moment, he was sitting between the crenellations at the top of the wall, with his two long legs dangling outside the wall, fluttering in the wind: "If you wait any longer, the boiling blood will be boiled dry..."

Milton Karen raised his head, glanced at the dark night, and sighed softly: "It would be great if there was a moon in Hell..."

The voice did not fall.

Gongsun Bing, Silent Soul, and Su Shijun all turned their heads and looked at a corner of the main castle behind them.

There is also a tower there, attached to the Alpha Academy Guard.

At this moment, over the tower, there was a lot of dim red light, and there was a faint singing voice in the red light.



Yili Rose lowered her head and glanced at the two slender hind limbs under her body, feeling a little annoyed in her heart.

The incarnation of this little jade-colored spider was caught and refined by her temporarily, and it was not carefully polished, so it was unavoidable to use it, for example, the spider's eight legs would not be stretched or shortened.

It doesn't matter if it's just like before, just lying on top of the skull and chatting with a few other big monsters.

But now, when she needs to climb high and look into the distance, the stiff hind limbs are a bit irritating. Thinking of the words 'climbing high and looking far away', the little jade-colored spider quickly raised its head, and turned its gaze to the distant night again.

A tall figure holding a torch is slowly walking out of the darkness.

It is as solemn and solemn as a pilgrimage.

Above its head is an orange-red flame, followed by an orange-yellow light and shadow. Leviathan's thick tentacles stand on the left and right, connecting the sky and the earth, like pillars reaching to the sky, forming a solemn avenue .

There should be no wind in Hell.

But the night, as if being burned by the orange flame, twitched slightly, bringing out wisps of night wind, blowing from afar, and Elise vaguely heard whispers from the wind:

"Head up, head up!"

"Open your eyes and hold your head up!"

"Head up, head up!"

"Forget about The Underworld behind you and the road under your feet!"

"Looked up!"

"Crush your fangs!"

"Crush your sharp claws!"

"The heart beats fiercely, and the drums of war resound!"

"We will bathe in the flames of war and welcome a new dawn!"

"Looked up!"

"Last night the stars never set, today the night will be red!"

"Cut through the sky, the night will turn red..."

Accompanied by more and more urgent and detailed whispers, in the darkness, that slender figure gradually grew bigger, one meter, two meters, five meters, ten meters, twenty meters, fifty meters, every step, the Dao's figure grew a little bigger, the torch held in his hand was longer, and the fireball at the top of the torch also grew a circle, and the range of light shrouded by the fireball continued to expand.

Eliros was keenly aware that flames were slowly igniting in the originally dim eyes of the prisoners shrouded in that light. They raised their heads and looked at the fireball in mid-air with fanaticism and fear. Their pale skins were greedy. Sucking the magic power transmitted by the firelight, the narrow and long nose fluttered rapidly, and the heavy breathing came and went, like a blower, blowing up a rough wind in the black prison.

The sounds of the wind superimposed on each other, causing a thousand layers of frenzy!

Looking at the fireball that was getting bigger and bigger and rising higher and higher, although it was just a spider, Elise felt a dry mouth.

She flicked a few slender spider legs, fanning a small wind, trying to relieve the heat, while looking around, wanting to say something to the big monsters beside her.

Before she could open her mouth, Su Jiade and Ulrich suddenly turned their heads and looked in the direction of the Black Prison Castle with deep eyes.

The next moment, Eli Rose also caught the abnormality in the air.


A slender red line rises from the Black Prison Castle and soars into the sky. Accompanied by that clear jitter, an intermittent incantation also centered on that red line and slowly spread in all directions:

"The red sun is just rising, its way is bright... The phoenix leaves the Parasol Tree, its claws fly... The falcon tries its wings, and the wind and dust spread... The general grows up, and there is a light... The sky wears its frost, and the earth wears its yellow...Eternal, horizontal There are eight wastes...the sea and mountains are green, and the world is boundless...the universe is pitched for auspiciousness!"

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