Hunting High School

Chapter 406: Missing

The most scarce thing in the world of Hell is light.

The most dangerous thing is also light.

In the bottomless abyss, there is always a cold wind swirling at the entrance and exit; the magma that can burn everything, the ground will crack and emit heat before it spews out; and the prisoners who plunder each other's flesh and blood meet unexpectedly in the dark. Danger, but also opportunity.

Only light, when it blooms in darkness, brings the deepest death.

Of course, with the outbreak of the war between wizards and demons, the thunder in the night, the white rainbow gliding across the sky, and the black prison castle becoming a bright pearl, it seems that light is no longer the most important thing in the current black prison. The danger exists.

But the threat from light has not been reduced because of more light.

On the contrary, because there are more light sources, many dangerous light sources are confused, which makes this threat more and more elusive.

Perhaps because Zheng Qing and others were under light most of the time after entering the black prison, Zheng Qing and others did not fully understand the original danger of the black prison, so when a group of people passed by a dead forest, they saw a few pieces of moss in the 'After the charming fluorescent lights flashed, the first reaction of several young wizards was surprise, not vigilance.

"There are plants in the black prison." Zheng Qing poked a piece of moss at the foot of the tree with a dead branch used to find the way, and said with emotion: "There are snow Lotus flowers on the top of the mountains, and there are flowers on the other side at the bottom of the abyss. The most stubborn brilliance of life can always be forced out in desperate situations, and the world of Hell is no exception."

The black cat looked at the young public fee student with a look of eating shit.

It never felt that it had the talent of a poet.

Jiang Yu bent down, put on silkworm leather gloves, and skillfully took out a silver knife, tweezers, glass slides, and a box with fine runes on the seal from the bag, and collected some moss specimens.

"I'm sure that Curry has never published a paper on the native plants of the Hell from the school's information," the witch straightened up and shook her fist vigorously: "This will definitely give me full marks for the practical part of the next semester!"

The black cat knocked the box out of the witch's hand with one paw, and at the same time spat a few times on her hand: "The premise is that you can survive until the next semester... Has no one ever emphasized to you the danger of the black prison? In the black prison Plants, especially those that emit light, represent not vitality, but plague and Death."

The witch was just happy to see Lie for a while, and she was not dazzled by the practice scores for the next semester. After the black cat knocked down the tool in her hand, she reacted immediately.

He took off the silkworm leather gloves, wiped his hands with the black cat's saliva, and quickly took out a bottle of Lourdes holy water to purify the negative effects on his body, and a moderator containing moonstone powder and hellebore pulp to reduce the erosion of the Black Devil method , and then smeared some snake oil on his hands. This ancient potion has the effect of a panacea in detoxifying and eliminating evil. It is safe to use snake oil when the wizard cannot accurately identify the poison.

Zheng Qing was also in a hurry. From the gray cloth bag, he dug out a few talismans to dispel evil spirits and ward off poison, burned the talisman water, and let the witch take it internally.

During the whole process, the black cat watched coldly and taunted the two of them from time to time; Earring and Nose Ring squatted obediently aside, holding the totem stick in their hands as guards; Zhu Si lay on the left side of the double-headed Minotaur's head On the table, holding a quill pen, writing and drawing on the corner of the large plate, looking extremely serious.

It wasn't until everything was settled properly that the wizard realized that he should be held accountable.

"Where's Old Thor?" He looked around annoyedly, looking for the figure of the old Lich who was leading the way: "It should remind us... where are the other people?"

As far as the eye can see, there is silence all around, except for those twisted and dry dead trees, there are only lumps of strange rocks, standing quietly under the faint starlight, silently looking at these uninvited guests.

The old lich was gone.

The black cat snorted softly.

"Obviously, our guide has other plans." It squatted at the bifurcation of the Minotaur's two heads, overlooking the two young wizards who were facing each other, and the tone was full of sarcasm:

"If you regard this journey in Hell as an outing or an outing, you don't need a guide at all; if you regard this journey as an adventure, then you should be vigilant enough to temporarily join the guide... the school's practical class Didn’t the internet teach you this common sense?”

Zheng Qing felt the long-lost heat on his face.

Fortunately, the light in the dark prison was dim, and others might not be able to notice his blushing.

"Let's get out of here first." He muttered, motioning for earrings and nose rings to get up, and at the same time holding the rune gun, he walked out of the dry forest first.

Jiang Yu opened the Dharma book and followed closely behind.

The two-headed Minotaur was at the end, its heavy breathing and heavy steps relieved the tension of the two young wizards.

Half an hour later, Zheng Qing stopped, and the safety of the rune gun in his hand had been opened. Jiang Yu stood by his side, a faint gleam appeared on the scriptures, reflecting her paler face.

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

Minotaur still followed the two silently, but the black cat lying between its two heads had disappeared.

"Make sure you're not lost." Zheng Qing asked in a low voice, paying attention to the movement around him vigilantly.

Jiang Yu nodded slightly, flicking her fingertips between the pages of the book: "'Singing in the Square' shows that we have been moving in a fixed direction...and we all wore leaves of arboria, so we did not fall into illusion."

Zheng Qing glanced at the magic leaf tied with a red string on his wrist, feeling more and more anxious in his heart. He didn't lose his way or fall into illusion, but the group of people walked in this small dead wood for more than half an hour, but they still didn't go out, and the several places they passed gave him a strong sense of sight, as if Been here before.

"Where did that black cat die!" The wizard stopped and looked around, with a bit of anxiety in his voice.

More than ten minutes ago, the black cat jumped off the head of the Minotaur, saying that it seemed to see the shadow of the old lich, and went to catch it, and let the two young wizards go first, and it would return in a while.

Unexpectedly, he never returned.

"It's only been ten minutes, don't worry." Jiang Yu grabbed the arm of the wizard, squeezed it hard, and persuaded in a low voice.

Zheng Qing took a deep breath, suppressing the uneasiness that was constantly pouring out of his heart.

"Have you noticed that it's a little too quiet around here?" He turned his head to Jiang Yu's side, and his lips moved slightly. Although his voice was very low, it was very clear in this dead woods: "It seems that even the wind is subconsciously avoiding it." drive here."

The witch nodded silently, but suddenly remembered something, and grabbed the wizard's arm: "Wind? Unless the magic power passes by, there should be no wind in the black prison...Why do you think of wind?"

Zheng Qing suddenly came back to his senses: "Can this area amplify the negative emotions in our hearts and disturb our thoughts?"

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