Hunting High School

Chapter 407: Dirty Color

After realizing that his thinking might be disturbed, Zheng Qing suddenly had a strong impulse to raise the rune gun in his hand and shoot in all directions until the rune bullets in the magazine were emptied.

Immediately, his fingertips felt a tingling pain.

The wizard lowered his head, and vaguely saw the yellow windmill-shaped symbols on the rune gun slowly turning. The strange color he saw on the moss before was slowly disintegrating under the rotating windmill, and a few dark electric sparks were floating in the air. His fingertips shattered.

It's just that when he looked closely, he found that those symbols were motionless, as if it was just his illusion.

The wizard took a breath, blinked his eyes, his eyes were slightly red, and the two strange colors that had just extended from the back of his head to the corners of his eyes disappeared silently.

Accompanied by the tingling of his fingertips, a refreshing coolness spread from the inside to the outside—as if a wind was born from the sky above the heart lake and brushed over his soul and body—Zheng Qing felt the restlessness and restlessness that just emerged a moment ago His anger and anger seemed to be cleared away at this moment, like a groundhog in a hole was knocked back into the hole with a sledgehammer just as its ears popped out.

Meanwhile, the witch did not sit idly by.

"Speak quietly and think about it!"

Jiang Yu quickly flipped through the book, stroking the delicate incantations with her fingers, and recited an embedded incantation in a low voice: "... bless life!"

Blue and green light rolled between the witch's fingers, exuding a calming aura.

On the other side, the two-headed Minotaur stood up suddenly, with two heads on the left and one on the right, and gave a low shout at the same time. The totem stick in his hand flipped out a beautiful stick flower under the night, and then poked heavily on the ground.

The dark blue halo of calm overlapped with the witch's spell, turning into a ring-shaped tide of magic power visible to the naked eye, centered on the three of them, and spreading outward.

But this wave of magic power only rushed for less than a hundred meters before hitting the invisible barrier of the First Stage and stopping its further spread. It's just that the heavy barrier couldn't completely suppress the potential energy of the magic wave. After being prevented from spreading, the outward rolling wave of magic power rose into the sky, like a sea tide hitting a dam, splashing blue and green waves.

beyond the tide.

Under the impact of the wave of magic power, the invisible barrier shone with ghostly brilliance, exuding patches of bright but dark, colorful but indeterminate colors that are hard to describe in words.

Like a clear opal stone, you can see the flame of ruby, the stain of amethyst, the emerald of emerald, the color is gorgeous and changing, like the paradise in the dream, colorful and integrated.

But unlike opal, Zheng Qing sees no trace of purity, hope and beauty in those colours. He thinks those colors are more like a drop of oil falling into the water, the colorful illusion produced by the interference of light, beautiful but dirty.


Several hundred meters away from the two young wizards.

The edge of the dry forest.

A black cat was licking its paws on a jagged rock protruding from a small hill, looking with interest at the young wizards who were lost in the colorful colors not far away.

"Let you feed me dog food!" it cursed angrily, its tail dangling triumphantly: "I am obviously a cat... I should teach you a lesson... Knowing that the world is dangerous, people's hearts... cats' hearts No ancient truth."

As he spoke, the black cat had already licked off the last trace of blood on its paws.

It lowered its eyelids, glanced down, and added: "...the heart of a lich is not old."

Under the jagged rock, lay a crooked corpse. A little farther away, Old Thor—that is, the old Lich who served as the guide for the adventure team—was poking his head straight on the dry tree branch. Viscous green blood slowly dripped from the corners of its eyes, mouth and ears, and spread down along the branches.

The dry branches of the dead tree are like a twisted sponge. The green blood didn't flow very far before disappearing between the cracked trees, leaving only slippery trails, which quickly disappeared into the night.

The black cat withdrew its gaze and grunted: "...Isn't it good to lead the way honestly...Although I don't mind you taking them into the ditch, it's not good if you leave the employer and sneak away from the ditch."

In the distance, the witch happened to be casting a spell, and the invisible magic impact was transmitted to the edge of the withered forest, causing the long-dead withered tree to tremble slightly.

The head of the old lich hanging on the dead wood branch drooped under the trembling of the dead branch, as if agreeing to the grunt of the black cat, the last drop of sticky green blood in the corner of its eye also drooped its head violently He fell down with a trace of unwillingness.

The black cat didn't notice the old lich's final confession.

It put down its licked paws, stood up, raised its head, and looked seriously into the depths of the dry forest. The dark red eyes were uncertain in the night, and its tail lost the leisurely interest it had before. pointing to the earth.

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"It's a bit loud, Miss." The black cat murmured, its paws alternately stepped on the stone under its feet, and its ears trembled a few times uneasily.

The magical tide created by the witch and the Minotaur collided with the warning mechanism reserved by the owner of this dry forest, awakening the ancient life sleeping underground.

Like a bug caught in a spider's web, if his hands and feet are slippery and he slips away without a sound, he won't be in too much trouble. But if you struggle too much in the spider web and alarm the predators deep in the web, you will inevitably face subsequent strangulation.

At this moment, the brilliant colors that spread on the barrier are rapidly spreading in all directions—as if an invisible paintbrush is dipping in those colors and smearing them in all directions.

From dead tree branches to gravel on the ground; from jagged rocks to petrified dry bones; then the surrounding air, starlight, and even the deep night.

Everything is covered by those weird and active colors.

Swish, Swish.

There was a rustling sound from the ground, as if someone was scratching the tip of his heart with his claws, which made people feel uncomfortable. Accompanied by the sound of rustling, slender white grass slowly emerged from the ground, swaying without wind, and shining slightly under the faint starlight.

The black cat felt the short hair on the back of its neck explode at the same moment.

"It scares the cat," it murmured, looking at the hazy withered forest again, a hint of puzzlement flashed in its dark red pupils: "Isn't this a tree demon that has turned into a spider? Why does it smell like a starry sky?" The stench in the depths..."

Before the words were finished, the black cat swiftly jumped back.


A black shadow passed by, and the strange rock where the black cat landed just now was easily crushed. It looked intently, and that black shadow was just the branch that hung the head of the old lich.

At this moment, including that branch, the entire forest that had long been dead, after being painted with that brilliant color, seemed to be baptized by the top legendary wizard's "Sweet Rain Curse", and came back to life.

And the 'live' is a little too much.

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