Hunting High School

Chapter 418 Five Elements Upside Down

The willow branches are like a cable bridge, connecting the head of the ancient castle with the green ocean under the city wall.

A group of monsters roared, laughed wildly, and screamed, and along the path opened by the wicker cable bridge, wolves rushed forward, impacting the defensive circle of the black prison castle.

One after another spells bloom like fireworks, embellished with beautiful colors between the greenery and the white mist.

The wedge-shaped enclave has been covered by the spreading aerial roots and branches of the big willow tree. Looking around, it is green. The wizards on the city wall seem to have returned to Phuket Island, looking at the Silent Forest from the tower of the school.

Over the enclave, the white mist gradually dissipated, and the Bingshan stood in a piece of Lin Hai, like a small island in the sea; the remaining three big ships faced three directions, floating above the countless swaying wicker, like moored in a green in the ocean.

Hell Castle, inner castle.

city ​​head.

Vice Principal Shi Hui narrowed his eyes, looked up at the bright sky, and said softly:

"They raised a sun and changed the sky."

"Then planted a willow tree and changed the world."

"Should we wait until they are truly demagogic before considering changing the way we respond?"

While speaking, the witch took a step forward, facing the green sea and mist under the city wall, her voice was still very soft, but her tone became extremely firm: "It doesn't matter if they take away all of them... ...But it is absolutely impossible for your heart energy to be taken away by them!"

Vice Principal Ruoyu stood behind her, sighed slightly, but did not stop the witch's movements.

"I always think that if you have the advantage, you can control everything!"

"That's not's arrogance!"

The witch raised her arms, and those slender vines sprang out from her fingers again. The vines were covered with flaming bones, leaves with metallic luster, and white mist lingering between the bones and leaves.

Then she spread her five fingers and aimed at the wicker that was spreading wildly towards the city wall in all directions, at the big tree at the end of the willow, and at the iceberg standing between them.

"Five Elements...upside down!"

"The universe... reversed!"

The witch shouted in a low voice, her five fingers tightened suddenly, and the slender vines, flaming bones, metallic leaves, and white mist between her fingers suddenly dissipated.

The time and space to which the entire wedge-shaped enclave belongs fell into a momentary stagnation.

In the next second, when time flows again, the emerald green big willow tree has turned into a big tree full of flames; the lush Lin Hai has also turned into a prairie fire; It became a rocky mountain, and a huge white bear was hanging upside down at the bottom of the rocky mountain, looking around blankly.

The stone mountain floated in mid-air, while the other three big demon ships fell into the sea of ​​flames below. Many demons who were climbing along the willows to the surrounding walls couldn't avoid it, and were screamed by the flames.

The vice president of First University pushed his glasses on the bridge of his nose, and seemed to mutter something in a low voice.

Behind her, the thoughtful voice of the old man Ruoyu came: "...Is this a new spell you have studied? It looks very interesting..."

The witch tilted her head and glanced at the old man: "It's a rare opportunity to experiment with spells casually without listening to those bad old men in the alliance, or writing a foot-thick EIA report... Naturally, it's interesting to use this kind of thing."

Old Man Ruoyu nodded: "The transformation of Five Elements is incomplete... It seems that there is still room for improvement in this spell."

The witch curled her lips and replied lazily: "Is it interesting to use a spell that doesn't need to be improved?"

Compared with the casual legendary wizards, the feeling of the four big sea monsters and the digital grand lich who broke into the black prison castle is not so wonderful.

"Hey, hey, it's too foul."

Captain Misty took a slight step towards the retreated, level with the two archlichs behind him, then stopped, glanced at the burning flames outside the ship, couldn't help taking another small step, and hid behind the two archlicches, It seemed that this gave it a little sense of security.

The two archlichs—Gustav Darren the Watcher and Marc Brigate the Usurper—both kept their faces stern, seemingly oblivious to their allies' distress.

Captain Misty spread his hands, completely lacking the majesty and composure he usually had in front of the crew, his expression and movements were a little exaggerated: "We only have a giant dark beast and a Kotos titan on our can the school directly let How about you do it? The upper one is against the lower one, this is too bullying."

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Vice-principal Shi Hui looked at Captain Misty coldly, took another step forward, stepped out of the city wall, and appeared in front of the figurehead of the Misty ship in an instant, only one step away from Captain Misty and his allies.

The prow seemed to forget to breathe in surprise—she seemed to see a new achievement beckoning to her again. Her snake hair was less than one meter away from the vice-principal of the First University. She only needed to raise a snake hair and bite it. You can become a legend among the Misty, even the entire sea monster, and even all the monsters!

It's just that this idea is fleeting in its mind. Although the master is desperately directing, those snakes have long brains. They know how to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. Even if their master desperately directs, the snake The hair is always like a soft rope whose bones have been pulled out, and it refuses to even shake it.

It's the same as Congxin's snake hair.

The three top wizards also stood stiffly in place, fearing that some small action would be unpleasant and be slapped to death by the vice-principal.


Ms. Shi Hui sneered, and with a slight movement of her fingers, several slender but glowing fluorescent vines shot out from the void and tied them to several great wizards:

"First of all, you need to be human to have the term 'bullying'... Unfortunately, you are not."



When the battle in front of the inner castle started.

Outside the inner fort.

In other corners of the battlefield, the battle between wizards and demons broke out almost at the same time.

It's just that it wasn't the deans of the four colleges that surrounded the big demon ship at the same time as vice principal Shi Hui, nor the nine great wizards who stood at the forefront of the confrontation and were closest to the monsters.

It is located on the tallest tower of the Outer Fort, several members of the parliament under the moon.


A tall figure jumped out of the tower, fell from the sky, and smashed heavily in front of The Underworld equation, like a cannonball, shattering the prisoners, insect monsters, and undead who were gathering to attack the defensive circle.

Broken limbs, residual bones, and flying sand and stones rushed in all directions like a tide, like a huge boulder smashed into a lake, and the turbulent magic wave spread outward in a ring shape, instantly attracting dozens of powerful people on the battlefield. Sight.

The tall figure stood up slowly, tore off the fluttering cloak behind him, and threw it under his feet, revealing his bronze-colored skin and strong knotted muscles.

Then he opened his mouth, revealing pale, sharp fangs.

Members of the parliament next month, zombie clan, Gongsun disease.

See above.

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