Hunting High School

Chapter 419 Wrestling

"What does that zombie want?"

Looking at Gongsun Bing who fell outside the city wall in the distance, Eli Rose yelled, her voice was a bit sharp, and it spread far away in the noisy but empty world of Hell: "Didn't you say it belongs to the Moonlight Council, no Do you like being a thug for a wizard?"

At this moment, the god of darkness and spiders born in another world has recovered his huge and weird body, and he is hanging between hundreds of whiskers hanging from the sky, his body swaying slightly with the swing of those whiskers and spider webs .

"Parliament next month."

The Grand Lich Sujiade clicked his jaw, his eye sockets were glowing red, and his voice was as dull and dull as ever: "It's not the Moonlight Council."

The other Grand Lich, Sir Ulrich, was relatively slick. He raised his head, waved to Elly Rose, who was weaving a web in mid-air, and comforted: "Don't pay attention to these details... that old rice dumpling looks Not with your flimsy body, it prefers to wrestle with Bechymos."

While speaking, Bechymos, who was standing at the front, raised his upper body, slapped his chest, and howled to the sky.

howl! !

Howl! ! !

"Is Behemoth imitating your moves?"

Outside the Hell Castle, the pagoda among the nine great wizards made a buzzing sound, asking the giant ape beside him: "I always think this way of appearing is very cool."

The giant ape's eyes lingered between Gongsun Bing and Bechymos for a moment, and finally fell back on the pagoda, and replied in a muffled voice: "It has nothing to do with pulling the is an act to arouse fighting spirit and momentum. Just like us Casting the spell originally required waving a magic wand..."

"Children don't use magic wands anymore." On the other side, a woman's voice came from the gorgeous dress dancing with the streamers: "They use magic books now."

"It's just an analogy." The giant ape reached out to pick up a handful of insect monsters that had fallen near him, squeezed hard, and crushed the 'cannonballs' that hadn't had time to stretch his body, his mood was still a little depressed.

A blue light flashed and floated in front of the giant ape.

It's the Flying Sword.

Sword Ray trembled slightly, and heard the voice of the green-robed wizard with the meridian bun: "If you mind, we can say hello to the council under the moon... Behemoth is still yours."

The giant ape seemed to be a little moved, but immediately, he felt the increasing pressure in the air, finally shook his head, sighed, and looked at the other fiery red ape-like monster outside the battlefield: "Forget it, that's it ...Gongsun needs a suitable whetstone... Zhuyan Ape is not qualified...There are so many opponents, everyone should give in to each other, and one point is always enough."

As he said that, he had stepped out of the crowd and looked at the fiery red ape-like monster.

"Since you're going to deal with Zhuyan Ape, you don't need me, right!" Pagoda hummed and asked behind the great ape.


The giant ape replied in a muffled voice, and began to land on all fours, slowly accelerating.


The other side.

The broken part of the castle wall, on the left.

"It's surprisingly positive."

Professor Yao turned his head slightly, glanced at the direction where Gongsun's disease fell, and seemed a little surprised: "...I thought the next month's meeting was just for soy sauce."

Beside him, Dean Sun of the Starry Sky Academy stared at the rocky mountain floating in mid-air and the big white bear hanging under the rocky sky, and replied excitedly and impatiently:

"That guy Gongsun is almost at the critical point, and needs some external pressure to stimulate... I and the old man of the Zhang family are too familiar with him, so I can't give him pressure... This battle is his perfect opportunity."

"Bechymos, Bingshan, Zhuyan Ape... Hehehehe, just thinking about these opponents makes people tremble with excitement!"

Lao Yao stuffed the pipe into his mouth, bit it, looked worriedly at Dean Sun who was wearing a blue combat vest, his gaze stayed on his bare head for a moment, and after a long while, smoke puffed out a few times , said in a muffled voice:

"Be careful... Although you can't tell that you are graying, you should know that you are not young, so don't be as reckless as the freshmen of the Star Academy."

The dean of Starry Sky Academy laughed, tore off the fluttering blue cloak behind him, yelled, and rushed towards the big white bear hanging under the rocky mountain.

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Gongsun Bing dragged his heavy steps through The Underworld equation, approaching Bechymos step by step.

Magma flowed under his feet, and the eyes of Sauron flickered on his left and right.

The heavy footsteps stepped on the open ground, making a rumbling sound, as if Thor was beating his own war drum underground, but the sound was not dull, and it seemed majestic and grand.

The long brown hair on the back of Bechymos's neck fluttered without wind, doubling its size for no reason, and then the giant beast raised its head and let out a long howl——

howl! ! !

"Om!" In the sky, a round of sun suddenly burst into light, almost completely submerging the other round of sun. The dog-shaped shadows that followed seemed to be burned by the brilliant light, and let out a low whimper.

"Bessie... Moss!!" In the midair, the giant dark beast that crossed the border let out a thunderous roar at the same time, and together with the sun above their heads, they supported their brothers.

Before the fight, the confrontation between the two sides has already taken your breath away.

Almost all the sounds of fierce fighting were suppressed.

The footsteps stopped.

There was silence on the battlefield, and the distance between Gongsun Bing and Bechymos was less than a kilometer. The dark behemoth raised its chin slightly, its pale fangs gleaming with a frightening coldness in the sunlight.

The corner of Gongsun Bing's mouth curled up:

"Please do not……"

He took a deep breath, raised his arms slowly, over the top of his head, and stretched straight towards the low sky, as if he wanted to support the whole world, and then showed a ferocious smile on his face: "... let me down !"

The stiff fingers slowly curled up, clenched little by little, forming fists, and then slowly fell down, placing them in front of him. The whole process seemed to be going on in the mud, which seemed extremely laborious.

In the distance, at the broken part of the outer castle wall, the big willow that had turned into a torch made a rattling sound, and the slender wicker was wrapped in flames and fluttering, pointing to the clenched fists outside the city wall.

The monsters who were close to Bechymos and Gongsun Biao were horrified to find that Own's body was out of control, as if standing on a steep hillside, rolling towards both sides involuntarily.

"Yoyo, what an incredible power." Lao Yao spit out a few smoke rings on the broken wall of the fortress, and nodded in admiration as he watched the flames in the wedge-shaped enclave under his feet pointing to somewhere outside the city.

"Is this the power of wizards?" Behind Bechymos, hanging in mid-air, Irirose tried her best to control the violently shaking spider web, staring at the two figures in the center of the battlefield with flickering eyes. After getting out of the black prison, my thoughts of revenge are inexplicably reduced a lot:

"...This is just the vanguard of the battlefield."

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