Hunting High School

Chapter 424: The End Of The Thin Line

Crazy, rampant, insane, these words are often used by wizards to describe monsters.

Even so, it is difficult for the wizards surrounding the wedge-shaped enclave to understand why the Siren King is so arrogant—even though he is a legendary wizard—theoretically, the higher the rank of the monster, the better the status of the wizards. The more convergent, that is, as the saying goes, 'become more rational'.

As a legendary monster, the Sea Demon King should be the same as Ms. Shi Hui or Mr. Ruoyu under normal conditions, calm (indifferent), wise (cunning), and cautious (greedy for life and afraid of death).

But right now, he is acting like an ordinary demon, acting like an ordinary demon, madly rebelling against his superiors, acting recklessly, without knowing what politeness and reason are.

Of course, this state is more in line with the wizard's consistent understanding of monsters.

I heard the provocation from the Siren King.

Vice-principal Shi Hui smiled back in anger, looked coldly at the snake head in his hand, then glanced at the surrounding battlefield, and said indifferently: "This is for you... Our battlefield is not here."

The former sentence, she said to the old man Ruoyu on the wall of the inner castle and the deans on the broken wall of the main castle; the second sentence, she said to the snake head in her hand.

Before the words fell, a ring on the witch's hand holding the snake's head suddenly shattered, turning into specks of fluorescent light, falling from mid-air, washing the space like a waterfall, and finally a little black glow appeared between the witch and the snake's head .

At the same time, a huge suction suddenly surged out between the heaven and the earth.

That point of black light grew in size in a flash, from the size of a needle tip to the size of a basketball in an instant, and turned into a pitch-black sphere, floating in mid-air.

It was a kind of black that seemed to swallow all light.

"Hiss... this is..."

The snake's head neighed and screamed strangely, struggling between the witch's palms, as if trying to get rid of its restraints, but the huge gravitational force gushing out from the black sphere was like countless tentacles covered with suckers, firmly trapping it.

From the perspective of onlookers, Vice Principal Shi Hui's arm holding the snake's head is being elongated strangely under that gravitational force, and his whole figure is slowly twisting, together with the snake's head, being twisted into a long and thin spiral shape, and finally Both of them turned into colorful information streams and threw them into the black sphere.

Like a vine with well-developed roots being uprooted.

As the snake's head disappeared into the black sphere, in the cabins and below decks of the Mirage, in the sails and bow gun ports of the Mirage, in the conch and barnacles of the Vortex, and the icebergs - what should now be called 'rock mountains' '——Under the cracks in the mountain and the rock cover at the bottom of the mountain, streamers of colorful light were also pulled out and bound by those 'black ropes', and all sank into the black sphere.

Of course, the black sphere doesn't swallow everything.

Except for the Siren King and Ms. Shi Hui, the prow of the Misty is like a banshee, because it is full of snake hair, which is somewhat related to the breath of the Siren King, and a few of them were forcibly pulled out by the black sphere, which was painful. She grinned, but tried to look nonchalant.

The rest, such as the cabin, deck, mast, including a green wind lamp hanging on the bow like a witch's ear, were not affected in any way.

The flame in the lamp didn't even flicker a few times.

The head of the broken wall on the left side of the main fort.

Professor Yao's indifferent face disappeared, and a compassionate face reappeared, and he sighed softly: "Why bother..."

"It deserves it!" The ferocious face struggled, squeezed out the compassion, and smiled viciously at the pitch-black sphere hanging in mid-air: "That long worm always has a bad mouth, it's time for him to know the consequences of not brushing his teeth when he goes out today. "

"Noisy." The indifferent face suppressed the other two thoughts again, looked coldly at the deck of the Misty, and took a step forward: "One hit's a bit difficult."


The pressure on my body quietly dissipated.

Captain Misty didn't raise his head immediately, but slowly stretched his body and slowly got up from the deck. It took off its hood, and its usually well-groomed sideburns were a little messy, stained with some dust, only the dark red under its eyes, as calm as ever, even deeper than before.

The alliance of the Krakens, the two archlichs from the Yellow Land, Gustav Darren the Watcher and Mark Brigate the Usurper also followed the captain and quietly climbed up.

"Is this why you broke into the black prison?" Gustav Darren was called the 'lookout', and he naturally had a wider field of vision than ordinary grand liches, and he could see farther: "Using a legendary Dragging away another legend...was inefficient, but it worked. Just do you have a second legend?"

As it said that, it glanced at the old man Ruoyu who was still standing on the wall of the inner castle, bowed his head slightly to show respect, and then said softly: "The First University has more than just one legend."

"Things are not in harmony, it is not difficult for us to get out of the battlefield." The time-compiler Mark Brigate is especially good at exploiting the loopholes of time and Karma. He is known as the most difficult monster to catch in the wizarding world. Tao Zhiyaoyao in the trap, commenting at this moment, naturally full of confidence:

"...But you, as well as those prisoners, those dark behemoths, it is difficult to escape the pursuit of the school. This is not a cost-effective business."

Captain Mist did not look back at his two allies.

It looked over the walls of the inner castle, over the shoulders of Ruoyu old man, and over the charming barrier like a starry sky behind the old man. It seemed to see a tall ancient tree trembling with joy under the spell of magic, and saw a few fruits. Swaying slightly on the branches.

After a while, it came back to its senses.

"Business? So far, do you still think it's a business?" Captain Misty let out a short and piercing laugh: "If it's a loss-making business, why did you come here?"

The Time Compiler and Watcher had sullen faces, their expressions a bit ugly.

The captain didn't continue to ridicule his own allies. Instead, he changed the topic, and suddenly mourned the demons who were captured by the wizards in the pre-timeline battle in order to anchor the world of Hell, and then sacrificed.

"Misty Doro, Misty Carter, and Misty North are all good boys." It sighed deeply: "There are also Iceberg Flanus, Whirlpool Guisuo... Do you know? Guisuo served as the third officer... and the Prophet of Death, your Prophet of Death, Sister Shipton, if I remember correctly, she has been called the future star of the withered and yellow land more than once."

The faces of the two archlichs became increasingly ugly.

Captain Misty seemed to feel the bad mood of his allies, and his tone suddenly became cheerful: "So, do you think our sea monsters are capable and willing to sacrifice their own children...even the future stars of the withered land?"

"Just like what is said in many divination books."

"We just picked up a thread in our sight, but we didn't know that the end of that thin thread was the sword of Damocles hanging above our heads."

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