Hunting High School

Chapter 425: It's All Accidents


A heavy impact sounded not far away, interrupting Captain Mist's conversation with the two archlichs. It frowned, turned its head, and looked at the figure that stood up slowly in the smoke and dust.

"You wrecked my boat."

Captain Misty said calmly: "Actually, we are not enemies... Would you believe me if I said that I accidentally sleepwalked into the wrong place?"

"Believe it, why don't you believe it." Professor Yao bit his pipe, shook off the dust on his robe, walked towards the three big monsters, and replied indifferently: "But it's like a thief who accidentally broke into the office of the Trident Sword... Although it was unintentional, it did not affect the Trident Swords to arrest him. So, Mi Wu, and the other two, you have all been arrested."

A few monsters who just got out of the deck from the cabin saw the red robe that was close at hand, roared, rushed up, and then flew back at a faster speed without accident, adding a few broken spots to the Misty. Wall and mast.

"Can't you be a little more flexible?" Captain Misty glanced at the traces of damage on the ship, and spread his hands very sincerely: "Just like what those reckless children did... This is really an accident."

"You can slowly consider this question while you are confessing in the black prison." The professor replied.

Beside, time-maker Mark Briggett takes a step forward.

"Oh, repentance?!" It leaned on a long staff, the tip of which leaned forward slightly, pointed at the approaching Jiuyou Academy principal, and sneered: "Like you? Yesterday Everyone is still sitting together to savor the taste of 'memory', put on robes today, pretend to be a wizard...what should I call you? Professor Yao from First University...Dean Yao from Jiuyou College...and Or, the big demon... Sanshou?"

Professor Yao stopped, took the pipe away from his mouth, and lowered his head to stuff a cluster of golden shredded tobacco into the pipe.

After a while, he bit his pipe and raised his head again.

"Sankura?" He moved his eyes to Mark Briggett, exhaled a thick smoke, his face changed from indifference to compassion, and slowly replied: "It's really a name full of memories... … except, we are different."

"Repentance also requires real courage." He turned his head to look at Captain Misty and another great lich, his expression changed from benevolent to ferocious: "Also, my surname is Yao now, and my female Zhaoyao...not Sanshou, thank you .”

"Whoa, whoa."

Captain Misty took a step towards Retreat, and raised his hands carefully: "It seems that your condition has not improved much... Are you sure staying in school is useful?"

Professor Yao didn't speak.

But his three faces changed more and more frequently. In just a few words, indifference, compassion, and ferocity appeared more than ten times successively. The smoke from the pipe lingered around him, making his face even more painful become vague.


A huge figure flew obliquely from the left side, and slammed heavily on the ship's side of the Misty. The broken wood splashed everywhere, almost comparable to artillery shells, and made a terrible howling sound in the air.

Captain Misty glanced at the own ship distressedly, and yelled at the figure: "Hey, this is the Misty, not the Vortex...Why did you fight on my ship!"

The tall figure that hit the ship's side stood up slowly, looked at Professor Yao and the three big monsters who were confronting each other, revealing a dark green face covered with fine scales, with soft tentacles like beards, between its jaw and the three big monsters. The cheeks squirmed, and through the translucent eyelids, those scarlet eyes glowed with a strange pink color, showing a sickly mysterious feeling.


A thin and soft tentacles protruded from its lower jaw, like a whip with vitality, rolled up a three-cornered hat that fell on the deck not far away, then retracted it with a whimper, stretched out a wide palm, and lifted the The top hat is firmly in Laozi's hand.

Then she clutched her hat and buttoned it to her chest, and made a slight gesture to her master on deck.

"I'm very sorry," the captain of the Vortex said in a low voice. When he spoke, the soft beard under his jaw was always moving around, and the seaweed and shells hanging from the worn leather armor on his body would clank and fall off from time to time, which made his The apology seems very insincere:

"It was an accident, the old woman was very bad-tempered..."

"Accident, hehe, another accident." A puff of smoke billowed from Professor Yao's left shoulder, and amidst the smoke, one could vaguely see facial features, grim faces, and mocking faces: "The sea-monsters have degenerated to the point where they only make excuses. Is it that far?"


Behind Captain Vortex, in mid-air, a wooden door suddenly appeared, was pushed open, and a tall witch came in from behind the door with her legs crossed, overlooking the wizards and demons on the deck them.

It was Tilda Strange, the former head of the Alpha Academy.

"Old woman?!"

She repeated the word in a low voice, and looked down at Captain Whirlpool, with a dangerous gleam in her eyes: "I thought it was just an accident that Xiangliu just went crazy talking nonsense... It seems that all the sea monsters are crazy."

While speaking, the witch raised an arm, and eye-catching electric lights and sparks danced between her five fingers, and a heart-pounding force was constantly surging in her palm.

"...So, destroy, scum!!"

Five thunder dragons made of electric light screamed all over their bodies, revealing ferocious faces and sharp claws, falling from mid-air, and fiercely pounced on the big monsters on the deck.

Because of the incautious wording before, the captain of the whirlpool received the most "care", and three thunder dragons twisted towards him.

There were two remaining, one threw itself at Captain Mist, and the other threw itself at the two archlichs.

The liches brandished their wands and used magic power to create dense barriers, binding the struggling brontosaurus in mid-air; Captain Misty did not resist this powerful spell, but instead summoned a small piece of dense The white mist submerged it, and the thunder dragon jumped down from mid-air, and got into the white mist, and violent roars and impacts were vaguely heard in the mist.

After a while, Captain Misty walked out briskly, and there was no trace of Thunder Dragon behind him.

When it appeared on the deck this time, Captain Vortex and the former dean of Alpha Academy had disappeared, and where Professor Yao was originally, there appeared a figure with three heads and eight arms, resembling an upgraded orangutan. monster.

The two archlichs were holding up their staffs, confronting the monster nervously.

Seeing the appearance of Captain Misty, the hideous head on the left side of the monster tilted, opened its mouth full of fangs, and roared viciously at it.

"Good, good." The head on the right side of the monster was lowered, his hands folded on his chest, and he muttered in a low voice.

"If you don't come out again, I'm going to dismantle this ship." The head in the center of the monster lifted up, revealing a face with an indifferent expression, and the voice was exactly the same as that of Professor Yao: "...Since you have come out, let's dismantle it together." Bar."

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