Hunting High School

Chapter 426 True And False Legends

"That is the legend of wizards and demons."

Feeling the two flashes of huge magical power in the distance, Ellis showed a nostalgic expression on her face: "It's really been a long, long time since I touched that kind of power."

As an ancient existence that accompanied a world, Elise once possessed the strength equivalent to a legendary wizard in her world. It's just that as he was captured by the wizard and thrown into the black prison, his power continued to decrease under the environment changes and the wear of the black prison, so far he can only be regarded as a relatively outstanding wizard.

This was one of the things that He cared about the most, and almost all the qualified prisoners in the black prison heard Him nagging about it. Whenever she encounters any troubles that are difficult to deal with, Elise will miss her past glory and brag about the greatness of her power to the audience.

After sighing, the spider silk hanging in the abdomen was cut off silently.

Elise turned over and landed lightly on the ground, her eight slender spider legs stepped firmly on the heads of a group of Death knights, letting their skeleton horses pedal and neigh uncomfortably.

While Sujad drove the slow-moving undead to the edge of the battlefield, he looked at Behemoth, Yoshiko Fukatsu, Sir Ulrich and other big monsters who were fighting with the wizards, and did not attack the passive spiders. The queen expresses dissatisfaction.

It wasn't until he heard his emotion that the grand lich who had been in the world of Hell for a long time slowly turned his head and glanced at the big spider: "A true legend will not be bound by this world...that's why, The prisoners locked up by the wizards in the black prison can only reach the rank of Grand Wizard."

This is a positive questioning of Eli Rose's rhetoric.

The beauty on the jade-colored back showed a bit of embarrassment on her face: "A legend is a legend... There is no difference between true and false!"

"No, there is a difference."

The upright Grand Lich tried to impart some common sense of wizards to the native god of Otherworld, and replied very seriously: "The legend achieved by relying on a world is like the moon reflected in the well, which looks the same as the moon in the sky. Equally beautiful, but surrounded by illusion, it shatters as soon as you scoop it up."

"A true legend, no matter which world it is in, has the power of legend. Even if it is defeated by other legendary wizards, it will not be bound by a certain world...Even ancient wizards can only suppress and expel, but it is difficult to kill A legend."

"So I'm still alive."

Ellirose muttered, and glared fiercely at the bare skull head, and finally realized that she couldn't communicate with it normally, so she immediately changed the subject: " you know the origin of that Siren King? "

"That's a great existence." Su Jiade commented briefly - it may be straightforward, but it is by no means stupid, and it will not casually comment on a legendary monster behind his back.

Especially to a certain extent, that legendary monster is still helping it escape from prison.

Compared with Su Jiade, the self-proclaimed once legendary Elise is much slower in terms of 'awe', and said carelessly: "I just think... do you think that the behavior of that Siren King is very strange? …Evidently he could contain the two legends head-on and help break the defensive circle of the Hell Castle…but he provoked an angry lady casually, and was dragged into a small black room for a duel…”

Although it was a skeleton, Su Jiade still felt the corner of own's mouth twitching violently.

The big spider next to him almost pointed at the Sea Demon King's nose and said that there was something wrong with his brain. This damn conversation, for the first time in his life, the big lich lost his composure, clicked his jaw, interrupted the big spider's endless complaints, said:

"This is wizards and demons!"

"Huh?" Ellis was bewildered.

The Grand Lich breathed a sigh of relief—although it didn't need to breathe—then raised his hand and pushed his jaw, which was a little out of joint due to the excitement just now, and after a while, he explained slowly:

"There is no provocation or enmity between wizards and demons, there is only a battle of the great way."

"It's like the prisoners we saw... a demon, imprisoned in a black prison. A dark, hopeless world that is constantly approaching Death."

"What's wrong with it? It just obeyed its own nature, wanted to survive, and hunted too powerful prey... Then it was captured by wizards, cruelly abused, and even couldn't be freed until Death."

"To those robes, our existence is a mistake!"

"Similarly, for us, those wizards are also a kind of mistake... In the face of mistakes, there is no other way but to correct them. What Sir Sea Demon King has done is a role model for all of us monsters!"

Big spiders are just slower.

Not really stupid.

As if aware of the purpose behind the grand lich's speech, he blinked, nodded his head in approval, whispered 'oh' twice, then turned his head, looked at the battle under the city wall in the distance, and said dryly: "Sir Ulrich is also very powerful..."

Su Jiade clicked his jaw without making a sound.

far away.

Sir Ulrich was opening his cloak, like a huge crow, hovering above the army of prisoners and demons, a huge shadow covered several miles around, and the hoarse voice almost resounded throughout the battlefield:

"...Hope, courage, perseverance, and striving to make progress. We have always had these beautiful beliefs, but we don't bother to sing them...Why? Because they make us feel weak and small!"

"The reason why wizards form hunting teams to hunt is because they dare not face violent monsters alone... They gather together because they are weak... Courage, unity, mutual assistance, hehe, how cowardly you are in your name! And the liches completely overcome Such a natural weakness! A lich is an army!"

"What is the difference between a hunting team that kills for protection and a monster that kills for survival!"

The huge shadow suddenly slid from the east to the west, and even the egg thorns of the Flying Sword, the green snake dancing wildly, and the gorgeous dress fluttering could not stop it from declaring loudly in the air.

As if dancing the ancient dance of witchcraft in the air, Sir Ulrich sowed the seeds of fanaticism. Every demon who heard his voice of prayer felt infinite courage in his heart, and felt that his claws were sharper, and his teeth Even sharper, a steady stream of power is pouring out from the bottom of her heart—this power is not illusory. Even though she is a little far away, Eliroth can feel the gradually bulging muscles of the nearby prisoners and the magic power surging around her.

Not far away, Qingyue roared like hitting a stone, and Ilirose recognized it as a powerful demon called "Red Horn":

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"Little ones, don't waste the blessings bestowed on you by a great lich!"

"Come on!!"

"Tear up those sweet foods and make us stronger!"

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