Hunting High School

Chapter 428: Auditorium

Go back in time.

When two suns rose in the black prison and the magic power of the whole world changed drastically, in a small shop facing the street at the end of the pedestrian street in Beta Town, Phuket Island, the owner and his cat were sitting in front of the tea table, staring at the table The clear tea in the tea bowl was in a daze.

The owner originally didn't want to be in a daze.

He prefers to snooze on the recliner and squint.

But the noisy sounds outside the house kept coming and going, the shops on the street were washed away one by one by the black tide, and the sun was covered by the soaring flames. These things seriously disturbed Mr. Wu's rest.

To make matters worse, the yellow raccoon got up every now and then and yelled in his ear, asking him to bring back Zheng Qing who had fallen into the black prison, so as not to cause more trouble for that kid.

Repeatedly several times, sir is very annoying.

Helplessly, he could barely open his eyes in the end.

Then one person and one cat leaned in front of a teacup and began to be in a daze.

If you want to bring back Zheng Qing who fell into the black prison, you must first find his trace. For a gentleman who is proficient in divination, this is not very difficult. The figure of an adventure team walking in the dark.

The gentleman raised his arm, stretched out two skinny fingers, and planned to reach into the tea bowl.


A pink and tender cat's paw stood in front of those two fingers, and the yellow raccoon looked at Mr. seriously, with a serious face on his face: "Heideng is blind, what if you admit the wrong person? Wait..."

It let Mr. find people, and he was thinking of making trouble for him, so naturally he would not let Mr. complete this matter so easily. It's just that after hearing Huamao's question, Mr. Wu pondered for a moment, and then nodded in agreement.

The yellow raccoon was astonished, and couldn't help but look at the image in the water a few more times, thinking that he had really lost his eyes. But even though its pupils shrink into a line, there is nothing unusual about that line of figures.

This astonishment quickly turned into curiosity.

Because Zheng Qing and others have come to a dry forest, the strange colors above the forest land, even if separated by a world, the familiarity contacted by consciousness chokes the cat's nose.

"Sneeze!" It sneezed heavily, shaking its ears with tears for a long time before the hair on its neck softened again: "Damn, the stench from the starry sky..."

Mr. Wu adjusted his glasses with great interest, and took a few glances at the teacup: "A star that has evolved to the extreme, probably has the strength of a top wizard... quite a rare creature."

The yellow raccoon subconsciously stretched out its paws, dipped into the water and scratched it—it has always been very interested in rare things—it’s a pity that it’s not Mr. Wu. As it wishes, pick up a head of star color.

"The color of the stars?" Huamao held his breath, which made its voice a bit sharper: "There is such a thing in the black prison? Didn't it mean that there was only a defected black goat in it?"

Mr. stretched out his hand to smooth the tea that was rippled by the cat's paw.

"The black goat cub, not the black goat." The old man first corrected the cat's wording, and then explained seriously: "And the alliance's protective imprisonment for that cub, not detention... After all, a person who can resist instinct and refuse The dependents ordered by Nicholas are still very valuable."

While speaking, several clips flashed one after another in the teacup.

Including the white rainbow across the night when Zheng Qing fell into the black prison, the black goat cub chasing the boy, the big blue fish chasing the cub, and another black goat cub crawling out of the extreme eastern abyss of the black prison world, There is also the hunting team composed of teaching assistants projected by the Hell Castle.

After Zheng Qing and his group left, the scuffle in front of the river valley plain turned into a battle between two black goat cubs, and the two wizard hunting teams became spectators instead.

The screen turned and returned to the sky above the dry forest.

"As for the color of this star," the gentleman tapped the table with his skinny fingers, squinting his eyes, as if he was trying to recall those ancient memories in his mind: "...well, I can't remember clearly... probably my first time The dirty things on my body when I 'went out', the school hadn't been built yet, and I couldn't find a place, so I buried it in the black prison first... At that time, this world was not called a black prison."

"It's been a while, I didn't expect to grow so big... Tsk, time, time, it's really the best flame to melt everything."

The yellow raccoon has no time to respond to Mr.'s emotion.

It stared at the strange color on the surface of the tea bowl, and the interest in its eyes became more and more intense.

The 'going out' mentioned by Mr. is naturally not outside the ordinary world, but 'outside the universe' which is farther away. It goes without saying that life that exists in that kind of place is rare. If it can sneak in, it will surely Get some nice bubbles from Yog Sotos.

Just as the cat was thinking hard, how could he calmly fish out the star color from the black prison.

In the picture of the reflection in the tea bowl, Zheng Qing had already picked up his talisman gun and shot indiscriminately, sending sawdust flying in the dry forest, and even the stars were blasted into many fragments.

"This prodigal son," Huamao has already regarded the star's color as a trophy of its own. Seeing Zheng's chaos, the angry man stood up, waving his paws and scratching at Mr.: "It's sure, it's sure, you hurry up!" Get that kid out... Isn't it illegal for him to use the power of the forbidden spell so casually?! You must teach him a lesson when you come back."

Mr. Wu tilted his head and looked at Huamao strangely.

"Illegal?" He seemed to have heard a cold joke, and he didn't know how to react for a while: "Which law in the "Wizard Code" has regulations on the use of forbidden spells by individual wizards... a little bit, it is for the use of powerful magic. restrictions, but that restriction has absolutely no effect on the current black prison."

After analyzing the "Code of Law", Mr. Wu turned his eyes to the young wizard who was holding a rune gun and shooting around, his eyes were a little subtle:

"Speaking of which... it was originally impossible for the code to regulate forbidden spells... the reason why forbidden spells are forbidden spells is because they have the effect of breaking all rules... The paradox is that the forbidden spell on Zheng Qing's body is precisely It is a reflection of 'order'... This is completely a paradox... What's more interesting is that contradiction is the basic principle for the convergence of another forbidden spell... Do you think this belongs to a cycle within a larger framework? Or is it another forbidden spell? The convergence principle of the mantra...such as dialectics?"

After saying these words, mosquito coils popped into the cat's eyes.

Seeing that the topic is getting more and more extended to some more profound philosophical content, Huamao hastily raised its paw to stop the husband from further diverging his thinking.

"Stop!" It raised its voice slightly, and shouted, "Those questions, wait until you fall asleep... Now you should find a way to get Zheng boy back! They are about to run away and get lost!"

The gentleman pondered for a moment, finally shook his head, gave up pursuing that fleeting inspiration, and turned his eyes back to the water mirror technique.

In the teacup, in the reflection of the water, young wizards and wizards are leaning on a huge black cat, with the sun on their backs, galloping through a desolate world.

[The book chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who has known me for ten years, Yeguo Reading! It’s really easy to use. I rely on reading and listening to books to pass the time while driving and before going to bed. You can download yeguoyuedu here]

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