Hunting High School

Chapter 429 Earth Dragon Turns Over

Accident and tomorrow, you never know which will come first.

Zheng Qing can't remember who said this sentence, but when he lay on the back of the black cat, watched the scenery around him speeding backwards rapidly, and watched the two rounds of sun above his head blooming with boundless brilliance, unconsciously, the words appeared in his mind. said this sentence.

It seems that since he received the admission notice from the first university, accidents appeared beside him one after another—the special plane for admission broke into a monster; the "puppy" at home was the number one beauty "student" in the wizarding world Yes; the hamster that has been raised for a long time can not only talk but also fight very well; not to mention that he has also learned the 'craft' of exploding.

until now.

The wizard lowered his head and glanced at the V-shaped shadow below him. This was caused by two suns in the sky. In a sense, in the black prison, "tomorrow" seems to come earlier than accidents. The world was still pitch black a few minutes ago, but suddenly, two rounds of the sun rose and the sky brightened.

Of course, it's just a little early.

In a short time when the wizard was in ecstasy, the black cat under him staggered suddenly, as if one paw was pressed on a prickly pear, and the other paw was pressed into a hole in the ground. The galloping body of the black cat shook violently, almost shaking the passenger on its back.

"Steady!" Zheng Qing's eyes were quick, and he grabbed the long hair on the black cat's neck with all his strength, and his voice was a little annoyed: "Now is not the time to play around!"

He thought the black cat was joking with the two of them. As the half cat and the owner of the cat fruit tree, the wizard knew how out of his mind a natural neurotic like a cat is, even though the big guy underneath him looked very reliable, It is also possible that in the next second, you will suddenly roll on the ground full of stones, just to hear the screams of the 'little bugs' on your body.

But contrary to Zheng Qing's expectations, the black cat didn't turn its head to show a nasty smile, but stopped abruptly.

"What happened?"

Jiang Yu's head protruded from Zheng Qing's shoulder, and when he spoke, a warm air touched the wizard's earlobe, making him feel a little hot all over.

The restlessness came and went even faster.

Because of The next moment, he realized why the black cat stopped, and also realized that he had just made a mistake to blame the old man under him.

A few miles away from a cat and three people, a tens of miles long 'mountain' is winding forward under the bright sun, lying in front of the group of people. As the 'mountain' moved forward, the ground trembled, and the hard rocky ground seemed to have turned into sand and cream, which was easily rolled up into huge waves of soil and scattered around.

Some of the splashed soil even shot out several miles or tens of miles away, and fell on the ground with a bang, and a few pieces fell not far from the black cat. The heavy impact was very visually impactful.

The greatness of nature is eclipsed by this mountain-like majestic life force.

"this is……"

Zheng Qing looked at the winding 'mountain', at the mouthparts rotating and filtering like a grate in the front of the mountain, at the thick crust surrounding the mountain, and the hard crust under the sun. With the dark magic patterns circulating on his face, his throat felt a little tight, and he couldn't speak for a while.

The black cat didn't look back, but seemed to have guessed what the wizard was thinking at the moment, and replied in a harsh voice, "That's right, it's the earth dragon."

Behind him, the witch exclaimed softly.

If Zheng Qing was a woman, he would also want to scream twice, to vent the sense of uneasiness in his heart for no reason. Only in front of such a behemoth can one truly appreciate the insignificance and greatness of life.

Zheng Qing knew the earth dragon. In the first potion practice class, Professor Li Qihuang took everyone into the Herb Garden. Zheng Qing had seen this kind of guy who loves to roll in the soil.

But as far as he knows, the earth dragon is just a low-magic creature that feeds on magic power and small invisible creatures in the soil. The larvae are about the size of an adult's arm, and the adult earth dragon can grow to several feet thick and hundreds of meters long. length.

But this guy in front of him has already far surpassed the limit of an adult earth dragon, and the magical energy surging around him is even comparable to that of a great wizard.

For some reason, looking at the huge surging mountain range, Zheng Qing inexplicably wanted to laugh: "Is this still a magical creature with 'low magic attribute'?"

"Magic power upgraded," Jiang Yu said softly behind the wizard: "Under certain special circumstances, magic power will stimulate biological mutations to maintain the continuation of the race... This earth dragon should belong to this situation."

Zheng Qing guessed the answer, but still couldn't believe it. The magic power in his impression was upgraded, like creatures in the dark underground growing infrared detection eyes, or white dragons with low intelligence suddenly becoming fond of magic that can only be played by high-intelligence creatures, and black dragons who like cleanliness, green dragons that feed flies Dragons, etc., are just individual individuals upgraded on a small scale.

A huge upgraded like the earth dragon in front of you is unheard of.

"If I remember correctly, earth dragons like lands that are rich in magic power." Zheng Qing looked at the giant beast that rolled up thousands of mud waves in the distance, and couldn't understand why the barren black prison could support the birth and growth of such a behemoth.

"Like the strangely colored creature we encountered before," the black cat turned to look at the boy, then looked up at the sky:

"In the original world of Hell, lacking magic power and energy, they could only choose to hibernate in the underground near the magma, which is rich in magic power... But when the sun rose in the sky for two rounds and the magic power of the whole world suddenly became active, these dormant people The behemoth will wake up immediately, eat, and make up for the debts of the past."

"Especially like earth dragons, creatures that are beneficial to combing the earth veins and revitalizing the earth's energy will receive the priority attention and special protection of the will of the world. According to the words in the book, they will be "favoured by God". Any unprovoked attack on them will be punished." The suppression of the will of the world."

Hearing what the black cat said, Zheng Qing had already raised the loaded rune gun, and quietly turned the muzzle of the gun, so as not to accidentally fire the rune gun, and the group of people would fall into the tiankeng or encounter a landslide in the next second.

"Then what should we do?" The witch stood up from the black cat's back, supported the boy's shoulders, and looked into the distance - the huge earth dragon rolled calmly in everyone's sight, rolling up pieces of soil The waves are a mess for hundreds of miles, and it may take a lot of time to bypass this area.

Zheng Qing did a simple calculation, and it seemed that the time needed to make a detour was about the same as the time it took to wait for the dragon to leave.

Just when he was about to make a suggestion that everyone wait in place.

The long hair on the black cat's neck suddenly exploded.

In the next second, the hard rock under the black cat's feet rolled and melted like mud, revealing a silky section, and a huge mouthpart like a winch full of interlaced fangs suddenly opened, swallowing a large piece of surrounding soil .

[The book chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who has known me for ten years, Yeguo Reading! It’s really easy to use. I rely on reading and listening to books to pass the time while driving and before going to bed. You can download yeguoyuedu here]

Another giant earth dragon that came out of nowhere.

The black cat and the three figures on the cat's back were caught off guard, and all fell towards the big mouth.

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