Hunting High School

Chapter 431 Behind The Door


"This is the scroll blessed by the legendary wizard!"

"Every spell above is full of vitality visible to the naked eye. If a wizard with sufficient magic power uses it, he can go back to school with a 'any door'!"

Phuket Island, Beta Town, Sanyou Bookstore, on the tea table.

The yellow raccoon put half of his head on the teacup, looked at the reflection of the tea, and exclaimed, "...are the children so arrogant now? They even carry a scroll of legendary level in a random adventure!"

"It's not a child who is arrogant, nor is it a wizard family, but an elder's love for Junior." Mr. Wu tilted his head back to make himself more comfortable lying on the chair, and at the same time replied slowly:

"As for wanting to use that scroll to go back to school, the possibility is extremely low...on the one hand, classmate Jiang Yu doesn't have enough magic reserves, so if she also has a forbidden curse seed, it might still be possible; The whole world of Hell Prison is covered with a thick layer of shackles, and before the end of the war, it is impossible to escape from Hell Hell with a similar scroll."

"So?" The yellow raccoon raised his head from the tea bowl, glanced at the shopkeeper, his pupils narrowed into a line: "You can still fish Zheng boy out of it."

"Of course it's possible to fish it out, but are you sure you want to do it?" Mr. Wu clasped his hands together, as if he had changed his mind, and asked slowly, "Do you still remember Zheng Qing's forbidden spell seed restraining principle?" ?"

The yellow raccoon was silent for a while.

"Order." It finally replied stiffly.

"Correct." Mr. Wu raised his eyelids slightly, his eyes slantingly fell on the surface of the tea bowl, and he said softly, "Wildfires burnt up the weeds, and floods destroyed the world... Only when spring comes can order be re-established."

"Is there any place that can provide nutrients for 'order' better than the chaotic world of Hell?"

"Nutrition is available at any time," the yellow raccoon raccoon shook his head, denying Mr.'s answer: "This is not the fundamental reason why you rejected your previous plan."

"Indeed, that's only part of the reason."

"What about the other part?"

"They injured two earth dragons... As for the current black prison world, the earth dragons who can sort out the earth's qi and adjust the magic power are the 'protagonists' who are blessed by the will of the world, and they are favored by the will of heaven. To hurt them is to It is tantamount to hurting that world."

"Of course, because the degree of their harm is very low, it is equivalent to stepping on someone else's foot when you walk on the road... There is a high probability that you will be scolded twice by passers-by. The curse of the world is the punishment of God."

Speaking of this, the gentleman sighed heavily: "It's not a good idea to come back with the scourge of the black prison world... If you weren't so curious about the color of the star before, you wouldn't have any trouble later on."

"Why is it my fault again?!" The raccoon's tail stood up angrily.



Hell world.

A region surrounded by a group of earth dragons.

on protruding rocks.

"Can you really go anywhere?"

The witch looked at the door god, then looked down at the black cat, and asked with some uncertainty, "Is First University okay? We want to go back to First University."

The door god rolled his eyes angrily.

"A cat's brain is only the size of a walnut. You are a wizard, so do you have such a big brain?" As a magical being, the door god's level of ridicule is no less than that of the editors of "Beta Town Post": "Please, this is just a random teleportation scroll, not Aladdin's magic lamp... why don't you make a wish to go to heaven!"

Zheng Qing forcibly refrained himself from asking the question of 'does heaven really exist'.

Compared with him, the black cat is much rougher.

"Do you want to die?!"

The black cat stared at its red eyes, whined, stretched out its paws and slapped the door god's face. It's just that its claws seemed to be drawn above the light and shadow of the First Stage, and the small door with a golden frame shook like water waves, but the door god was not harmed in the slightest.

"So it's not an exaggeration to say that your brain is only the size of a walnut." The halberd in Divine General's arms changed direction, but the mocking expression on his face remained unchanged: "I'm just a shadow embedded in the spell. ,you……"

The sound stopped abruptly.

Because the black cat's paw was already on the door god's shoulder, the sharp gap between the claws exuded a horrific chill in the sun, and a smear of blood was slowly dripping down the door god's cheek.

Zheng Qing mourned for a few seconds for this cheap-mouthed door god.

It should first understand the nature of the black cat before opening the big taunt.


The black cat had a nasty smile on its face, and its dark red eyes were shining like a cat teasing a mouse: "I have killed more shadows in my life than you have ever seen... For your master's sake, I will give you a chance to write a suicide note."

The door god's expression changed from shock, to ugly, to flattery, and the whole process took less than three seconds. The degree of distortion made the two young wizards amazed.

"Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack!"

It dropped the halberd in its arms and slapped itself a few times without hesitation. The small golden-framed door flickered violently, then knelt down on the ground, hugged the black cat's paw, and cried bitterly: "My lord, please forgive me!" Ah! Forgive me! I have an eighty-year-old mother and a three-year-old child, all pointing at me to live alone..."

Zheng Qing couldn't help but tilt her head, feeling the urge to plug her ears.

"Isn't it a magical life? Why do you still have the idea of ​​being afraid of death?" Zhu Si's head protruded from Jiang Yu's shoulder, his face full of curiosity: "And, do magical life have mothers and children?"

"If you are serious, you will lose." Zheng Qing thought of the stick figure behind the door of the school classroom, sighed, reached out and grabbed the long hair on the black cat's neck, and tugged: "It's no fun to bully a spell... Don't be verbose, Let's get out of here quickly."

The black cat snorted, and moved its paw from the door god's shoulder.

The door god stepped forward on his knees, rubbed his hands, looked at Jiang Yu, and asked obsequiously: "Then, miss, where do you want to go? As long as it is within the scope of this world, it will be fine."

Upon hearing this, the witch looked at Zheng Qing in dismay.

"Go to Hell Castle!" Zheng Qing decided decisively.

The door god continued to look at the witch.

"Let's go to the Black Prison Castle," Jiang Yugang said, seeming to think of something, and quickly added: "...Go to the safest place in the Black Prison Castle."

Zheng Qing nodded again and again, feeling a little bit of fear-if this guy had a bad heart just now and threw a group of people into the center of the most intense battle in the Black Prison Castle, it would be too terrible.

After hearing the witch's request, the door god picked up the halberd, closed his eyes and remained silent for a few seconds. The golden edge of the door frame suddenly brightened, like the sun at noon, and the piercer couldn't open his eyes.

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When Zheng Qing regained consciousness, the door god and the small door had disappeared, leaving only an open door frame.

Inside the door frame was a quagmire-like darkness that swallowed up even the light.

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