Hunting High School

Chapter 432 Shooting

When the feeling of stepping into the air came again, Zheng Qing finally stopped panicking, and instead had a sense of "really so".

Falling off the plane when I was in school, being swept into the sky by Su Shijun in the sandbox Minor World, and entering the dreamland through the mirror, all these experiences have already dulled the nerves of the young wizard. Facing such sudden shocks, he no longer loses his mind , helpless.

He immediately clutched the rune gun in his hand and put his finger on the trigger.

Zhu Si's screams could be heard faintly in his ears, and his eyes were pitch black, with no light or wind in sight. Just as he stabilized his posture and was about to take out a lighting talisman, a bright light suddenly appeared in his sight, and then it magnified rapidly.


The wizard rushed out of the darkness and plunged into the sunlight.

The two intersecting shadows under him told him that this place still belonged to the black prison, but the clean and tidy blue stone corridor in front of him made it clear that he had left the chaotic and barren wilderness and came to a place full of order.

Hell Castle.

The first term that popped into the mind of a young public fee student.

Then he saw not far away, an old wizard wearing a heavy cloak, the high collar covered most of his face, although the distance was very close, Zheng Qing could only see a pair of dark beetle-like eyes , and the deep wrinkles on the old man's forehead.

The old wizard looked familiar, that was the second thought that came to the young wizard's mind.

The two witches moaned softly and the black cat whined and complained from behind. Zheng Qing quickly turned his head and glanced at them. After confirming that they were all right, he immediately looked away and turned his gaze out of the city.

At this time, he was convinced that he was in the Castle of Hell, and this place should be a certain wall of the castle. The door god didn't play any tricks, but honestly sent them to a safe place in the Hell Castle.

The wizard grabbed the rune spear, struggled, stood up, quickly walked to the front of the battlement, and looked out.

Outside the city wall, there is a three-headed, eight-armed, blue-faced, fangs, 100-meter-tall giant ape that looks like a titan. It roars and throws thick spells around, causing violent explosions one after another.

its opposite.

There are huge eyeballs with a diameter of tens of meters, floating in mid-air, thunder rolls between opening and closing, black cursed light First Stage followed by First Stage; there are large strands of white mist, like living things, lingering around the huge eyeballs , transformed into swords, guns, swords and halberds and a steady stream of warriors, charging towards the giant ape; there was also a huge wall clock with exquisite shape, hanging above the eyeballs, the three needles on the dial were in different speeds, and the ticking sound resounded throughout the world. between.

Near the giant ape and the giant eye, there was a white bear wrestling with a muscular man, a tall witch wrestling with an octopus-like monster, and there was a hazy illusion in which a cultivator full of golden light could be vaguely seen walking in it.

An inconspicuous black sphere hangs among the many monsters, but it is surprisingly eye-catching.

The sky above the head was cloudless, with two rounds of the sun shining brightly on each other, and the huge dog-shaped shadow was inseparable, as if it would open its huge mouth to swallow the fireball in the sky in the next second.

Below the city, there is a piece of emerald green, like a green ocean.

Several huge warships are parked on this green sea, some are covered in pitch black and surrounded by white mist; The stone mountain that fell from the sky is full of cracks.

Those warships were scarred and scarred, but they were like beehives, with a steady stream of 'worker bees' pouring out of their cabins and rushing down the city.

Wickers of different lengths and thicknesses spread around, crawling towards the city wall like vines. Countless monsters, carrying various weapons, howling, staring at their scarlet eyes, walked with the vines, the city head The spells that fell were like fireworks, with severed limbs and residual blood flying all over the place, but they did not affect their charge in the slightest.

A little farther away, at the end of the emerald sea, there is a huge willow tree. Standing beside the willow tree is a titan with many heads and many arms, like a hill, which is daunting. The momentum of people looking up is still overwhelming.

Farther away, besides the willow tree and the titan, red light, black smoke, golden awn and many other colors are intertwined, just like the background of an oil painting with thick ink and heavy colors. Large areas of color blocks overlap. Standing on the top of the city, Zheng Qing can vaguely see Seeing many tall figures fighting in those color blocks, the violent fluctuation of magic power was like a hurricane, tearing those color blocks to pieces, but immediately, new color blocks filled in.

Looking around, the whole world is like a hot pot boiling on the flames.

There was a shuddering atmosphere.

"Students from Jiuyou Academy?"

An old and indifferent voice sounded in the wizard's ear.

At this moment, Zheng Qing remembered another old wizard standing on the city wall, and hurriedly turned his head, just as he was about to explain something, but saw a black glow appearing obliquely behind the old man.

The moment he saw the black awn, the black awn had grown from a point to the size of a pot lid, and then continued to expand, becoming a pitch-black disc with a diameter of several meters in an instant.

A big hand with six fingers protruded from the black disc, fingers formed into claws, and firmly grasped the back of the old wizard's head. There were six halos of different colors shining between the pads of the six fingers. Look is very powerful magic.

Zheng Qing's pupils shrank a little in an instant.

He was very impressed with the big hand with six fingers.

Last winter, after the forgiveness team fell into a sandbox Minor World, Six Fingers had appeared, almost killing Su Shijun and arresting himself, and finally Mr. Wang stepped forward to drive him away.

The boy didn't have time to warn, he subconsciously raised the talisman gun in his hand, and pulled the talisman bullet that had already been squeezed.


A light blue streamer flew past the old man's shoulder.


The blood talisman bullet collided heavily with the six fingers, and the magical powers of different natures were intertwined and annihilated together. The flesh and blood of the six fingers were instantly wiped off and turned into six dead bones.

Behind the black disc, there was a faint cry of pain.


Cobweb-like fine cracks appeared on the black disc, and there was a clear cracking sound in the air. Seeing that nothing could be done, the six fingers that had turned into bone palms quickly retracted.


The black disc was like shattered glass, turning into bits of debris, falling from mid-air, but disappearing before it hit the ground.

Zheng Qing breathed a sigh of relief.

From the beginning to the end, the expression of the old wizard did not change. Even from the time when the black light appeared until the black disc shattered and disappeared, the old man did not look back.

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It wasn't until this moment that Zheng Qing suddenly realized what he had just done.

"Mr. Ruoyu!" Jiang Yu's slightly nervous voice came from beside him: "Listen to our explanation!"

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