Hunting High School

Chapter 456: War Under Unspoken Rules

Zheng Qing looked around numbly.

A moment ago, he was still racking his brains on how to safely bypass the black goat cub and climb out of the crater without disturbing the fighting figures around the cliff.

Now, he only needs to think about finding Zhu Si's trace again.

It's like taking an elevator.

The wizard raised his leg and stepped hard on the solid soil under his feet. The flying dust told him that everything was so real. Then he looked around, and saw that the dark green that had covered the battlefield had turned into a withered yellow, and the active willows were no longer wriggling, like clay statues, broken into pieces under the spells of wizards raining down.

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The young public finance student asked nonchalantly—why did wizards and demons stop fighting suddenly, and why didn't demons stop the large-scale blessing magic of Dean Atlas? Why are you fighting again?

All this seems so ridiculous and contradictory.

There is a strong sense of unreality.

As a former shadow, the black cat easily captured the confusion in the boy's heart.

"Because of unspoken rules." It flicked its tail, motioning for wizards and witches to climb on its back, while patiently explaining: "This is an unspoken rule between wizards and demons. War is fine. It's okay to fight to the death. But Outer God, no way."

"The Outer Gods belong to the starry sky, while the world belongs to wizards and demons."

"To make an inappropriate analogy, if wizards represent lawful justice, and demons represent lawful evil, then the Outer Gods are the masterminds behind the chaos camp. Chaos and order have irreconcilable contradictions. For the world, the starry sky is deep. It exists like a virus Damn it."

"So, when two incarnations of foreign gods appear suddenly on the battlefield, wizards and demons can curb the urge to continue fighting, and first clean up the 'virus' that does not belong to this world."

Zheng Qing sighed heavily, feeling a deep exhaustion in his heart for no reason.

Compared with the complex, bizarre and contradictory reality, he misses the days of practicing calligraphy, feeding cats, and guarding shops in Sanyou Bookstore.

"Waste your holy water of Lourdes."

He tilted his head and glanced at the witch.

Jiang Yu was stunned for a second before realizing that Dean Atlas' Great Blessing had expelled the starry sky pollution in the entire wedge-shaped enclave, so the holy water of Lourdes they drank before was indeed suspected of being wasted.

"Potions are meant to be drunk, sooner or later." The witch smiled, and then asked worriedly: "Do you want to continue? How does your body feel?"

Zheng Qing held the talisman gun, moved his arms a few times, and nodded: "As expected of the magic of great blessing, it feels like a new life... What about you? Do you still have enough talisman bullets?"

Similar to Zheng Qing, on this battlefield, Jiang Yu did not rely on Dharma books, but also used talisman spears to fight. As a first-year student, the high rank spells she has mastered are very limited, and the few high rank spells left in the law books are also auxiliary magic, which are far from enough to deal with those elite monsters.

On the contrary, there are various types of rune bullets used in rune guns, which are easy to use and powerful. Apart from being expensive, there seems to be no disadvantages.

Of course, for the direct descendants of Zhong Shan's Jiang family who are loved by the ancestors, the cost is not a shortcoming for Jiang Yu.

Hearing the wizard's worry, Jiang Yu smiled slightly, took out a box of new rune ammunition from her handbag, hung it on her belt, and patted it on: "The power may not be as powerful as your blood rune ammo...but it is used to deal with registration Wizard-level monsters are enough."

"it is good."

Without hesitation, Zheng Qing lowered her body, leaned on the black cat's neck, squeezed her legs as if riding a horse, and shouted: "Then let's find Zhu Si together, and then bring her back!"

The black cat under the two young wizards rolled its eyes, grunted in its throat and complained silently a few times, flicked its tail, jumped over a few monsters waving weapons and rushed towards the ruins of the prison on the left.

No craters hinder.

There are also none of those annoying wicker sticks obscuring the view.

It easily caught the thin figure of the little witch, staggering, shuttling through the chaos, unswervingly moving towards the ruins.



The three-headed and eight-armed giant ape stretched out two arms, opened its palms, and held them empty.

The blue roc and the cyan vulture that flew in from a distance landed obediently in his palm, and the magical afterbirth of the roc and the vulture dissipated, revealing the figures of two hunting teams.

One was sent out during the battle ahead of the timeline, and belonged to the Kunpeng Hunting Team of the Xianqin Hunting Group. The other team was the teaching assistant hunting team sent by Professor Yao to investigate the illegal intruders who passed through Baihong when the war first started.

After losing the trace of the two black goat cubs, they pursued them all the way, and finally returned to Hell Castle with the traces left by the prey.

The captains of the two hunting teams, Zhang Boren and Zhang Yu, stood at the forefront of the hunting team, and with the retraction of the giant ape's arms, they appeared under the indifferent face.

"Kunpeng hunting team, go back to the left side of the main castle wall and help defend the defense line of the broken wall." Professor Yao was impatient and had no time to listen to the reports of the two captains, so he ordered directly: "Teaching assistants, go down and take the The two troublemakers caught it and threw it back to the inner castle wall."

"Yes!" Zhang Boren immediately accepted the own task, saluted, and rebuilt the second-tier battle formation with the other four hunters under his command, turned into a bird, and flew towards the broken wall defense line.

The acting head of the teaching assistants stood on the edge of the giant ape's palm, looked down, and looked carefully for a moment.

Then he immediately noticed the somewhat familiar black cat jumping around on the battlefield, and the two weak auras on the black cat's back that were incompatible with the entire battlefield.

"Student Zheng Qing?" Zhang Yu was deeply impressed by this atypical student who was good at getting into trouble.

The giant ape nodded slightly.

Hilda was lying on the edge of the giant ape's palm, poking her head, looking at the black cat running around on the battlefield with two young wizards on her back, with a look of displeasure on her face: "Why can I see him everywhere?!"

The purple-haired witch stood behind him, kicked Hilda down, and said, "Maybe it's fate."

Following Zhang Yu, Thomas saluted Professor Yao, followed by the other three teammates, jumped off the giant palm, cast spells each, and slid towards the area where the black cat was.

behind them.

Opposite several deans.

Captain Misty watched Professor Yao's small movements with a smile.

"Very interesting little wizard." Its eyes wandered around the wizard on the black cat's back, and there was a bit of malice in its smile: "Very interesting cat... If you don't mind, I'll ask some of my subordinates to help. "

"The Dark Council certainly doesn't mind spending a lot of money to buy this loot from you." The Grand Lich Gustav added with a chuckle.

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