Hunting High School

Chapter 457 Bang! Boom! Boom!


The sound of heavy impact echoed over the battlefield.

The smoke and dust that soared into the sky was like roaring sea waves at high tide, rolling, engulfing broken dead branches and corpses of the dead, and spreading away in all directions.

Zheng Qing and Jiang Yu hid behind the black cat, and the black cat hid behind a pile of dead willow branches, waiting for the wave of air to roll past, then poked out their three heads cautiously, watching for the sound of the impact place.

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The center of the collision was a tall monster standing at two corners.

On the left is a squat, body like a huge lump. On the blob are black tentacles waving wildly like whips; under the blob are thick, stump-like hooves; on the left and right of the blob are big mouths full of fangs, with ticking corners The dark green viscous liquid exhales the smell of decaying plants.

On the right is a tall, slender thing that looks like a tree stump with long legs. It has four long legs with anti-joints and sharp hooves, which are firmly planted into the ground like compasses; on its stump-like body, in addition to the big mouth full of fangs, there are also growths. Big and small eyeballs, black and white are distinct, and Gululu is rolling, the eyes are dull but full of cruelty; on the top of its head, like Medusa's snake hair, there are thick branches squirming.

They are the uninvited guests who descended from the sky and disturbed the battlefield situation in front of the inner castle before, and they are the dependents of Shabu Nicholas at the two ends. Under the great blessing magic of Urban IX, the dean of Atlas Academy, the crater smashed by them was restored, and the two monsters returned to the ground.

But blessing can pacify a destroyed environment, but it cannot pacify resentment and hostility.

The first time they saw each other, the two monsters roared, roared, and waved those tentacle-like branches, rushing towards each other slowly but swiftly—as if two male goats in rut were dueling.

The originally long and narrow battlefield was abruptly cut off by the aftermath of the duel between the two monsters, and the black cat's progress was also disrupted, so it had to temporarily stop its advance to find a new suitable path.

"Are they all black goat cubs?"

Zheng Qing hugged the black cat's neck, looked at the two monsters in the duel vigilantly, and couldn't help asking at the same time: "The difference in appearance is too big!"

The black cat felt a little uncomfortable and shook its ears.

"Stay away from my ears!" It turned back as a warning, and glared at the wizard: "I'm about to lose hearing those sneaking voices... If you are attacked by surprise, remember that I reminded you."

Zheng Qing obediently moved down a little.

The black cat turned around in satisfaction.

"A thousand black goat cubs have a thousand shapes." It explained casually as it searched for a new path: "Just remember their common characteristics - black whip-like tentacles, lump-like body, mouths, and all the black goat cubs look like tree-goat druids out of control with their polymorph."

"Tree sheep druid." Zheng Qing chewed on this interesting word, and found that it was unexpectedly appropriate to describe the appearance of those monsters.

"But they are too powerful." Unlike Zheng Qing, when Jiang Yu looked at the two black goat cubs, he was more concerned about their threat level: "I feel that their aura is far beyond the level described in the book... ...seems to be stronger than Kerma-senpai."

Korma is the newly promoted Grand Wizard.

Ordinary black goat cubs generally fluctuate up and down in the ranks of registered wizards, and many of them do not even meet the standards of registered wizards. , to be able to dominate in some ignorant places.

But the two black goat cubs in front of them are obviously not ordinary.

The magic power fluctuations around them are already comparable to many incarnations of outer gods, and they can be called 'semi-mature black goats'.

"found it!"

The black cat interrupted the witch, leaned down, and roared: "Hurry up...don't worry about how powerful those two black goats are. There are more monsters in the sky watching them."

"We care about ourselves, just don't provoke those monsters!"

While speaking, the black cat had already rushed out of the bunker and returned to the battlefield. Correspondingly, many scarlet eyes re-locked on the two slightly weak auras on its back.


The muffled roar of Beretta's double pipes rang in Zheng Qing's ears. Less than five meters away from him obliquely in front of him, a gorgeous blood flower bloomed on the forehead of an ape-like monster that rushed from the air, and its figure stagnated. In mid-air, he looked up and fell backwards.

"What a waste."

Jiang Yu sighed in a regretful voice.

If it is on the hunting ground, the hunter should take out the silver-handled knife and jar in the next step, and start collecting the magical parts such as the eyes, blood, and heart of the monster.

But here is the battlefield.

Zheng Qing just glanced at the fallen figure, and after confirming that it would not pose a threat to him, he immediately set his sights on the other bull-shaped monster rushing from the left, with scarlet eyes so close. And the sharp horns with two points of cold light can no longer make the young public servant feel more fearful.


The Remington in the wizard's hand rang loudly, blasting the oncoming monster in the air. Compared with Jiang Yu, his talisman bullets are more powerful, and correspondingly, his attack effect is also more outstanding.

"I said, can you keep a low profile a little bit."

The black cat jumped left and right on the chaotic battlefield, avoiding one spell after another falling on its head, and from time to time it needed to trouble its tail, and flew away a few monsters who were sneaking up from behind: "I didn't realize that you attracted more and more people!" Are more and more monsters coming?! Such a high-intensity need to pay more!"

"You're a cat, why do you want money?"

Zheng Qing was quick to catch up, and at the same time, he noticed that a cunning rabbit monster with wings was silently pounced on the top of his head, and Jiang Yu was working with the black cat's tail to deal with the long-horned monster attacking from behind.

Remington's magazine had just been emptied, and there was still time to recover. The wizard had no time to think about it, and with a hook of his finger, the Colt python that was originally hanging on his waist suddenly raised its head, and a stream of light spewed out from the muzzle.


The cunning rabbit exploded into a ball of plasma, dripping down, and landed on the head of the long-horned monster snake, covering its sight. The black cat took the opportunity to jump sideways, getting rid of the snake's entanglement.

"Of course asking for money is... shit!"

The black cat's loud cursing interrupted its answer. At the same time, it thrust its two front paws into the soil in front of it, trying to stop its body. Kick it off, and the whole cat seems to be doing curved support.

With sharp eyes and quick hands, Jiang Yu opened the Dharma book hanging on her waist, and slapped it hard:

"Ge Cu is tired!"

Several slender vines protruded from the void, wrapping around the black cat at one end, and curling up the two young wizards who were vacated because the black cat stopped abruptly at the other end.


The long-horned snake that had been hanging behind them didn't seem to have expected the black cat to stop suddenly, and rushed over without braking in time.

Then Zheng Qing watched it break into seven or eight knots as it advanced.

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