Hunting High School

Chapter 458 Really Not Wanting Face

Cold sweat trickled down Zheng Qing's forehead.

Those who fell into silence with him were Jiang Yu and the black cat under the two of them.

Although there are many demons who have been blown up by them since they set foot on the battlefield, Zheng Qing once thought that it didn't seem to be a big deal whether they turned into dust or burst into blood in the air.

But after the horned snake was cut into seven or eight sections in front of him, the dull sound made by those huge pieces of meat hitting the ground heavily still brought a huge shock to the young wizard. Warm blood gushed out from the broken piece of meat like a fountain, bared and gurgled, and quickly soaked a large area of ​​scorched land.

Just a little bit, they were the ones who were cut into pieces.

Just a little bit, the blood used to irrigate this land will be pumped from his heart. Zheng Qing has no doubt that after this battle, this battlefield will become a fertile land suitable for all kinds of magic. The land where medicine grows.

Perhaps the school's Baicao Garden will also apply to build a brand new branch garden in the black prison.

Compared with the cranky young wizard after being shocked, the black cat came to his senses earlier and more quickly.

"Thirteen on the left, nine on the right!"

It snapped: "Aim at those mushrooms and blow them up!"

Zheng Qing immediately cheered up, raised the Remington in his hand, and aimed at a cluster of brightly colored pink mushrooms about thirteen meters away in front of the left. Jiang Yu held her Beretta double barrel and aimed at the front right.



Two shots were fired in no particular order, and sounded on the black cat's back. Accompanied by the gun body, the two mushroom bushes with thick caps and juicy meat turned into a charred black.

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"Those mushrooms chopped up snakes?" Zheng Qing finally realized after shooting, and suddenly felt a little ridiculous: "How did they chop up?"

"It's not a mushroom, it's something hidden in the mushroom bush." ​​Jiang Yu aimed at the mushroom bush on the right because it was closer, so he could see it more clearly: "I just saw that there seemed to be a goblin hidden in the mushroom bush. creatures."

"It's a Migo larva."

The black cat answered concisely, flicked its tail at the same time, and ran forward again. This time, it slowed down a little, its ears were fully erected, and it turned slightly vigilantly from side to side, ready to brake at any time.

Hearing the black cat's answer, Zheng Qing immediately recalled those pink 'Migo Emperor Bugs', after they broke into the battlefield, they flapped their elytra on their backs, and sprinkled pieces of pink flocculents along the lush willow branches spreading everywhere. Things—those pink flocs fluttered and fell on the wicker, quickly gathered and swelled, and clusters of brightly colored mushrooms grew.

When it was on the city wall, the black cat also ate a few slices of mushrooms, and a bunch of fleshy synapses in the shape of mushroom caps grew on its body.

Originally, under the Great Blessing Technique of Dean Atlas, the willows in the entire wedge-shaped enclave turned yellow, the breath from the starry sky was swept away, and the mushrooms born based on the willows and the starry sky were all annihilated. There were a few clumps of mushrooms left, which were also inconspicuous, and Zheng Qing unconsciously ignored their threat.

Unexpectedly, it was this negligence that would bring them such a big risk.

With this vigilance, the wizard scanned the battlefield subconsciously. As far as he could see, scorched black and blood were pervasive, withered and yellow willows were piled together, and pink mushroom bushes were inconspicuous, but they were embellished in an unusually eye-catching manner, silently blooming.

Dean Urban's Great Blessing can cleanse the temporary pollution, but it cannot clear away the continuous seeds. The hybrid Migo Emperor Bug is extremely resistant to the wizard's magic. After the blessing magic effect disappeared, it immediately re-swelled its elytra and spread pink flocs everywhere.

After losing the willow as a source of nutrition, this time, they chose the dead bodies on the battlefield as the substrate for cultivating pink mushrooms. The magical flesh makes those mushrooms grow faster.

"Migo larvae."

Zheng Qing chanted the word, raised his hand to smash an approaching monster, and squinted his eyes trying to find the little things hiding behind the mushroom bushes: "How did they chop up that big snake?"

If you don't understand this issue, you really can't feel at ease.

The black cat stopped in its tracks and tilted its ears, as if it had heard something, but it still had the strength to explain to the young wizard calmly:

"Maybe it's some kind of special magic, maybe it's some special tools, maybe it's their newly born special talent. We don't have the time and energy to study the innovations made by the enemy on the battlefield."

"As I told you before, Migo is a pan-universe creature, and can be regarded as a colonizer of other universes. A powerful race with the ability to colonize different think they are really a group A goblin who only grows mushrooms?"

"They have a very high level of technology - at various levels - including but not limited to traditional magic, classic beliefs, scientific technology, etc., and the various skills have crossed each other before, which is amazing. For example, they have a widely used Technology can dig out the human brain, put it in a bottle, travel around, and after a long time and distance, it can also reinstall the brain into a new body, without affecting health and use at all.”

"The wizarding world also has magic with similar effects, but its applicability and popularity are far inferior to the skills of Migos."

Zheng Qing heard this patiently, and finally couldn't help it, and asked: "What does this have to do with how they chopped up big snakes? Could it be that they can also set up production workshops on the battlefield? With a group of larvae?"

The black cat didn't look back, its ears turned slowly, and replied softly: "Don't use your meager brain to think about the upper limit of a great should think about how to keep your life safely."

"Just like now." The black cat stopped completely, carefully retracted its tail, lowered its body, and said in a much softer voice, "We are in trouble."

"I have an anti-spiritual amulet on me," Jiang Yu's slightly hurried voice sounded in Zheng Qing's ear: "Although it was always on before, the brightness has become significantly stronger now!"

Zheng Qing blinked blankly, he didn't have those expensive amulets on him, but he didn't seem to feel too strong a mental attack either.

Soon, without comprehending mental attacks, the young wizard also realized what the so-called 'trouble' was.

A faint white mist started at some point and slowly surrounded it from all directions. It is like the fence of the great nobles when hunting, leaving a small space for the prey.

In the mist, there were faint ominous gnawing sounds and chaotic footsteps.

"This is not a means that elite monsters can have." The black cat pulled its ears and looked up into the air, with a bit of anger in its voice: "...Using the big to bully the small, really not wanting face!"

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