Hunting High School

Chapter 459: The Monster In The Mist

The fog in the field of vision became clearer.

But it seemed as if there was an invisible shackle in the air, restraining the mist, stopping it tens of meters away from the black cat and the two young wizards, constantly rolling, piling up, getting thicker and thicker.

To deal with the fog, the effectiveness of the rune gun is somewhat wasted and ineffective. One shot in the past, although a big hole can be opened in the mist, but that big hole will soon be filled by new mist.

Zheng Qing and Jiang Yu opened the dharma book, discussing it quickly, and copied the magic of expelling fog on the blank page-according to local conditions, adjust the spells in the dharma book at any time, this is the normal way for most wizards to fight . Instead of using talisman guns, talismans, or a binding spell to change tricks like Zheng Qing did before.

It took only a short time for the two young wizards to determine the sequence of spells.

During the whole process, the black cat didn't express any opinions or suggestions, but occasionally spit out a few fireballs and smashed them into the tumbling white mist, calming down the growling sounds that were getting closer.

"Gao Gao rises out of the sun, and enjoys the valley wind!"

Jiang Yu took the lead in raising the dharma book in her hand, and chanted the spell loudly. With the fluctuation of magic power, her dharma book raised many light yellow ripples and spread in all directions. Gentle warm wind was mixed in these ripples, Blowing head-on into those billowing mist.

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The white mist that had been piling up was blown by the soft and warm wind, and suddenly lost a bit of coldness and hardness, and became a bit more fluffy.

Following the witch, Zheng Qing also raised the book in his hand and shouted:

"The wind is blowing, and the wind will be violent!"

Wisps of wind gushed out from the wizard's book, like a herd of wild horses galloping on the grass, roaring, gathering into an unstoppable force, rushing forward.

If the previous incantation made the white mist fluff up, then the second incantation tore the fluffy mist into pieces. The violent gale centered on Zheng Qing's area and swept away in all directions. The great wizards in the midair could clearly see the eye of the wind and the tornado on the ground.

"I remember they are first-year students?" The former dean of the Alpha Academy stood on the shoulders of the three-headed and eight-armed giant ape, brushing his long hair in front of his forehead, with a bit of admiration in his eyes: "This Talent is better than most Alphas." The children will be strong."

"It's not's always a little short of tempering." Professor Yao chuckled, but the three pairs of eyes were always staring at Captain Misty and the two great liches opposite him: "Blood and fire are always the best resources for growth." grain."

"There's no need to stare at me so hard." Captain Misty obviously realized the meaning of Professor Yao's gaze, and raised his hands to signal, "I didn't even get down with a single finger... the fog below has nothing to do with me. No."


The dean of the Star Academy spat on the opposite side: "You can't believe a single letter of what the demon said. If the fog below has nothing to do with you, I can guarantee that I will only kill you once."

"What a disappointing guarantee." The captain curled his lips, lowered his head again, his eyes lingered between the two 'black goats' and the roaring eye of the wind.

As the second incantation tore up the mist, Jiang Yu raised the book again and recited the third incantation:

"Fire in July, strong wind blows!"

In the sky, the two suns seemed to be affected by this spell and flashed. Zheng Qing narrowed his eyes and raised his head. Little sparks fell from the sky, and in an instant, they crossed a long distance and appeared in the mist.

Orange-red fireballs exploded in the mist, and the white mist that had been torn into pieces was scorched to dryness by the stream of fire. Following those firelights was an increasingly violent gale.

The wind assisted the fire, and the prairie fire was set up, and the dry willow branches made beeping, beeping, beeping, beeping, beeping, beeping, beeping, beeping, urging the fog to dissipate quickly.

Fog is water vapor, restrained by wind and fire. The ancients knew how to use fire to burn the fog, and drive the wind to drive away the fog. Under Zheng Qing and Jiang Yu's spells, the white mist surrounding the young wizards quickly dissipated.

The assailants hiding in the mist also showed hideous faces.

The first to gather were monsters with recurved joints, fangs and claws, lean bodies, and a putrid smell. Their heads are like hyenas, and their white eyes and blue-gray skin declare their identities as undead.

But unlike most slow-moving undead, these monsters are quick and extremely cunning. When the fog is shrouded, they roar, hide and hide, and walk in crowds. When the fog dissipated, they immediately dispersed into a net, in twos and threes, forming teams of various sizes, crossing and approaching the black cat.

"It's an Arabian ghoul."

Jiang Yu obviously breathed a sigh of relief: "A little monster at the level of miscellaneous soldiers... I remember someone said that if a wizard didn't hunt a few ghouls when he grew up, his life would be imperfect."

"Isn't it a bit wasteful to hit them with a talisman gun?" Zheng Qing asked hesitantly as his fingertips lingered between the book and the talisman gun.

The witch immediately realized the cunning of those monsters, cursed in a low voice, and sighed: "In fact, the thunder curse is the best way to deal with them... Rune guns belong to the forbidden spell to hit kappa, it is absolutely wasteful; but we can't There is no more suitable spell in the book."

"Ge Zhitan Xi!"

Zheng Qing tried to use the binding spell, several vines jumped out from the void, like hunting snakes, quickly wrapped around several approaching ghouls, binding their reflexed joints and necks together.

"Treating the symptoms, not the root cause." The witch shook her head, and threw out a piece of jade pendant. The jade pendant exploded in mid-air, turning into a huge ring of fire, stopping in front of the group of ghouls.

"Don't pay attention to those miscellaneous fish," the black cat's deep voice sounded next to the ears of the two young wizards: "Look a little farther away... the abominations, death knights, and death-eyed tyrants following those ghouls are the ones Opponents you need to care about."

It seems to be commenting on what the black cat said.

Outside the fire circle, disturbing howls and screams suddenly came from the group of ghouls. Soon, the commotion subsided, and behind the fire, tall and ferocious figures appeared.

One of the figures didn't even fear the threat of the fire circle, and carelessly crossed the flames. It was dragging a heavy wooden stick in one hand, and in the other hand was holding onto the thigh of a certain ghoul. While walking, it was nibbling with relish, and the corner of its mouth was covered with the blood of its companion.

"Overestimating their moral level." Zheng Qing muttered, clenching the rune gun in his hand.

"Moral?" The witch raised her hand, tied up some messy hair, tucked it under her collar, and chuckled at the same time: "How can a demon have any morals!"

howl! !

The loathing roared suddenly, and immediately raised the thick wooden stick in his hand, and rushed towards the young wizards with heavy steps.

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