Hunting High School

Chapter 461 Rampage

"Keep your distance!"

"Victor's defense is extremely, don't be approached by that monster!"

"Thomas, check on Victor's situation."

As the captain of the assistant hunting team, Zhang Yu was the first to react. While gradually terminating the Thunder Curse and the Heaven's Punishment Curse, he raised another book, aimed at the direction where the Migo Emperor Worm was attacking, and roared:

"It's broken or moved, and Fang Zhuo (zhuo) is pious!"

"Min Tian Ji Wei, Heaven's Sin!"

A light green magical halo spread out, and within a radius of hundreds of meters, all the thick willow branches seemed to be held by a pair of invisible big hands, cut off at the root, peeled and peeled off the branches, and processed into swords, guns, swords and halberds; Ten clay figurines crawled out from the ground, grabbing the swords.

A huge optical network descended from the sky, and the nodes of the network landed on the clay figurines, as if putting on shining armor on them, and the wooden swords, guns, swords and halberds also opened their heads one after another, exuding a palpitating coldness.

In just a moment, a magic circle full of murderous intentions was laid in the direction of the Migo Emperor Worm. Unlike the battle formation, the magic circle does not require a wizard main formation, and only needs to have a sufficient supply of magic power to produce enough power.

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On the wrinkled tumor on the forehead of the Migo emperor worm, the light spot was inconstant, flashing rapidly, as if thinking, and also seemed to be mocking the wizards' coping plan.

In the next second, the monster plunged headlong into the battle formation that had just been set up.

Zheng Qing could clearly hear Hilda, who was standing in front of him, let out a heavy sigh of relief, and even the short fur on the neck of the black cat under her was limp again.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the young public servant leaned forward and poked Hilda's shoulder with his rune gun: "Mr. use your real names on the battlefield? Isn't that against the rules?"

When the Forgiveness Hunting Team was trained by the Judgment Hunting Team, several veteran hunters in the Judgment repeatedly emphasized that on the hunting ground, hunters must use code names to call each other, otherwise points will be deducted.

The fundamental reason for this regulation is that when wizards fight demons, they must prevent them from capturing the real names of wizards and cursing them.

But the actions of the teaching assistants just now are obviously not in line with the norm.

After hearing the address of the young wizard, Hilda was obviously a little uncomfortable. He shivered, looked back at Zheng Qing, pushed aside the barrel of his gun, and corrected: "You should call me Hilda..."

"Hilda." Zheng Qing followed suit with remonstrance.

The teaching assistant curled his lips, and finally gave up entanglement with the boys on these details: "Rules are dead, but people are alive. Follow the rules on the hunting ground because you will be deducted points for breaking the rules... On the battlefield, life and death are instant The league will not send you to Dan Hag for trial just because you called your teammate's name."

"Because it's a matter of life and death, shouldn't you be more cautious?" Jiang Yu listened for a while, and finally couldn't help but interjected.

Zheng Qing nodded again and again upon hearing this.

Hilda touched the copper ring on her nose, shrugged, and gave an example to illustrate:

"Illegal spells are not less harmful to wizards than nameless curses, but wizards who experiment with illegal spells continue to follow one after another every year... Why? Because it is profitable. A nickname is a nickname after all. On the battlefield, you call your teammates The name might just drag him out of the illusion, not the nickname."

"In short, this is a very complex, very complex issue. It's not black and white, and it's not a matter of respect or non-compliance with the rules."

Although Hilda couldn't fully explain it clearly, Zheng Qing felt that he had grasped the essence of his answer. Just like driving on the road, in theory, you should limit the speed, turn on the lights reasonably, and refuse to drive fatigued, etc., but in fact, the measurement of control is more in the hands of the driver—finding a balance between theoretical rules and realistic behaviors, This is the basis for the realization of order.

With this understanding, the boy felt that the little sapling deep in his soul became more lively.

"Victor is alive!"

Thomas' shout came from a distance, followed by another spell:

"Swan geese are flying, respect their feathers!"

With the surge of magic power, a gray goose quickly appeared beside Thomas. He helped Victor onto the goose's back, fixed it, and patted the goose's neck.

The wild goose called twice affectionately, flapped its wings, and flew forward for a few meters before disappearing into the air in an instant.

Zheng Qing didn't know if the wild goose was a pet of the teaching assistants, or if it was a special effect of the magic, but he was sure that the injured teaching assistant must have reached a safe place.

Earlier, the magic attack jointly by the teaching assistant and the two young wizards had already torn a huge gap in the encirclement surrounded by swarming monsters; It turned the entire area into scorched earth, except for the weird Migo emperor worm, there were hardly a few standing monsters.

But now, Emperor Migo was imprisoned in the magic circle, the wounded were sent away, the passage was opened, and everything seemed to be back on track.

But as described by Murphy's Law, nothing is as simple as it seems, and bad things will always happen.

At the same moment when the wild goose disappeared, the light green magic circle restraining the Migo emperor worm suddenly shattered, and the huge light net reappeared in everyone's sight. After a moment of intense flickering, it turned into a piece of fine light spots The scorched wooden figurines and their weapon fragments flew in all directions, and one of them, a wooden knife, landed in front of the black cat and plunged obliquely into the ground.

The cracks on the blade and the gaps on the blade told several wizards the tragedy in the magic circle.

Zheng Qing's pupils shrank and he raised his head.

The pink Migo Emperor Worm has already pounced on the next purple-haired witch standing in front of it—compared with before entering the magic circle, it has almost no damage on its body—the vibrating elytra are in a piece of scorched air , which is extraordinarily clear, like the whispering of a sword, complementing the flickering spots of light on its forehead, revealing an astonishingly gorgeous sharpness.

"Recipe, Shining!!"

The witch's sharp incantation pierced the air, and in the distance, a crimson peach blossom slowly bloomed on the ground, enveloping the figures of the witch and the Migo Emperor Worm.

In the next second, the witch coughed up blood and staggered to Hilda's side, sparks were still emitting from the corner of her robe. Zhang Yu also landed in front of the black cat at the same time.

"It's the rank of a great wizard!"

Although the captain of the assistant hunting team still had a calm expression on his face, his tone and the next arrangement seemed extremely desperate: "Ah Zi, you are leading the black cat to break out to the rear, and there is another team of wizards approaching 500 meters away... …Hilda, come with me and stop this monster."

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