Hunting High School

Chapter 462: Unexpected Counterattack

Tao Zhiyaoyao is an escape curse.

After using this spell, the wizard can not only escape from the dangerous area immediately, but also leave one or several burning substitute peach blossoms in place, hindering the pace of the pursuer.

But the peach blossom summoned by the purple-haired witch only burned for a moment, and then went out, and the unscathed figure of the Migo Emperor Worm came into the sight of the wizards again.

The light spots between the folds of its forehead flickered violently for a moment, and finally combined into a big smiley face, as if laughing at the actions of the wizards who were dying; The noise of a bomber before a dive.

Standing in front of the black cat, Zhang Yu and Hilda raised their Dharma books together.

Dazzling brilliance bloomed between the pages of the book, and even suppressed the sun above the head for an instant. Zheng Qing could clearly see that the assistant leader's hand holding the Dharma book was trembling slightly. He knew that it was not only the tremor when the magic power surged, but also the backlash of the magic power after the magic circle was forcibly broken before.

This is not fighting, this is death.

The young wizard was suddenly aware of the awakening of the teaching assistants.


The purple-haired witch gritted her teeth, and grabbed the fat on the black cat's neck—if normally, a grumpy black cat would raise its paw without hesitation after being attacked like this, and slap the daredevil. face.

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But this time, it obeyed the witch's movement very rarely, and tilted backwards, as if it planned to leave just like that.

"Wait a moment!"

The young public fee student gritted his teeth, and raised the rune gun in his hand—a blood rune bullet filled with the power of the forbidden spell was stuffed in the magazine—he tightened the trigger under his index finger: "Give me time to shoot!" ...Get out of the way!"

He yelled at Hilda and Zhang Yu for the last three words.

The purple-haired witch opened her mouth, as if she wanted to say something, but in the end she didn't speak, but her slightly red eye circles and the loose force of her hands still showed the deepest hope in her heart.

The black cat stopped hesitantly, tilted its head, glanced at Zheng Qing, and said nothing.

Jiang Yu pursed her lips, and instead of raising the talisman gun like Zheng Qing did, she took out a jade pendant from her handbag, and quickly tied it on the wizard's belt.


Remington's deep roar echoed in the ears of several people, and the light yellow windmill talisman on the gun slowly rotated a few times to eliminate the aftermath of the magic power after the talisman gun was fired. Traces of pale cyan.

A few steps away, Hilda was tilting her head slightly, as if she wanted to look back to see what the wizard was up to; Zhang Yu focused on the monster rushing opposite him, as if nothing could distract him.

A little further away, the stick figure smiling face flashing on the folds of the Migo Emperor Bug's forehead has not yet dissipated, and it contrasts with its slightly ferocious face when it charges, creating a picture with a high contrast.

Zheng Qing didn't know how powerful his gun was, and whether it could pose a threat to monsters of the Great Wizard rank. He remembered that when the Blood Rune Bullet was just a Blood Rune Bullet, it could blow up the descendants of Satogua with a single shot, and could seriously injure a registered wizard after continuously breaking through two layers of defenses imposed by the Great Wizard.

But now, the blood rune bomb with a hint of the power of the forbidden spell should theoretically be more powerful.


In the next second, the Migo Emperor Worm turned into a ball of blood in his sight. The pink monster bloomed in the air, and the purple-red plasma rendered a bewitching flower in mid-air, and then quickly turned into fly ash, causing many wizards and demons on the battlefield to look sideways.



"It's really...not surprising at all."

Captain Misty squinted his eyes, looked at the young wizard below who was holding a rune gun, with a hint of determination and astonishment on his face, and his tone was a little appreciative: "I can think of this way of using the power of the forbidden spell. Young man, that's amazing."

Several deans of the First University ignored the sea monster's emotion.

Instead, he stared at them more vigilantly, guarding against these shameless and bottom-line guys from harming his own students. At the same time, they also need to allocate part of their attention to the two dueling black goats.

Relatively speaking, Professor Yao has an advantage in this respect.

After all, he has three heads.

The benevolent face stared at the duel black goat, the angry face stared at Captain Misty, and the remaining indifferent face looked down, frowning slightly, and wandering around the black cat.

In fact, earlier than Zhang Yu, he noticed the aura of the great demon Devilish hidden by Fang Yin, but that aura was too erratic, appearing on the Death-Eyed Tyrant for a while, the Death Knight for a while, and the abomination for a while. body.

And Professor Yao was entangled by the three big monsters opposite, unable to confirm the other party's trace with all his strength.

It wasn't until Zhang Yu's magic circle of "Heavenly Sin" was broken violently that Professor Yao confirmed that the aura of the big monster was lingering on Migo Emperor Worm.

It's just that this confirmation became foggy again after Zheng Qing blasted the Migo Kingworm with a single shot.

As a top great wizard and once a big monster, Professor Yao never thought that the big monster would die so easily. It is true that Zheng Qing's talisman is very powerful, but this does not mean that Zheng Qing has the ability to kill the big monster head-on.



"Wow, that's amazing!"

The purple-haired witch was amazed, and reached out to touch the rune gun in Zheng Qing's hand: "How did you do this? A special rune gun? Or a special bullet?"

Zheng Qing happily looked at the flying ash falling slowly not far away, and touched the back of his head shyly: "It's just that the bullet is a bit special..."

Before he finished speaking, he felt a tight grip in his hand, and the witch's hand on the gun suddenly exerted force, pulling the talisman gun into her bosom. This made the boy feel a little unhappy and a little uneasy.

After all, he was still on the battlefield, and that rune gun was the only thing that made him feel safe.

But as a companion, and she is also a beautiful witch, it doesn't seem to be a big deal to snatch the rune gun. While thinking this way, the boy touched his waist, where his other short gun was still hanging.

The right hand felt empty.

"Are you looking for this?" The purple-haired witch raised her other hand, smiled lightly, and waved it in front of the boy. On her index finger was a silver Colt python.

"Huh? That's right." Zheng Qing lowered his head in surprise, looked at the empty belt, then raised his head again, looked at the three rune guns and several jade pendants that suddenly appeared in the witch's hand, with a hint of bewilderment in his eyes .

Is this a wizard of Kong Konger's lineage? !

And, three rune guns?

Where did the third one come from?

In the next second, Jiang Yu's slightly panicked voice sounded behind Jiang Yu, answering the question in the boy's heart at the moment: "My talisman gun... and the talisman?"

The purple-haired witch looked at the two young wizards and the black cat that suddenly exploded in front of her, and replied with a smile: "Of course it's gone... such a dangerous thing, I'd better keep it for you guys."

Before she finished speaking, her slender fingers tightened slightly, and the three talisman guns and a few gorgeous jade pendants completely disappeared in a blinding light.

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